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DIY Chapter


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Hey guys, here's the beginnings of my DIY chapter. So far all I've got done with this is a 10-man tac squad.


1.) First, I primed the models with Chaos Black spray. Then after they had dried, I picked out the various aquilas and skulls with Khemri Brown.



2.) Next, I did a pretty heavy drybrushing of Charadon Granite over the black areas, and washed the chest details with Scorched Brown.



3.) The next step I did was to layer on some thinned Bleached Bone highlights (I did 2-3 coats).



4.) After the initial chest highlights, I did a somewhate moderate drybrushing of Fortress Grey over the black areas.



5.) My next step was to do a light drybrushing of Astronomicon Grey on the black, and highlights of thinned Skull White on the chest details.



6.) Finally, I washed the black areas with Badab Black, using a decent load on my wash brush so that it would pool in the joints and recesses.




So that's where I stand now. I'm going to work on getting some of the various other details painted up (belts, purity seals, etc.) a little later. Comments and critiques are welcome.


Edit: Spelling and such.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got my Commander Dante model for Christmas, so when I get some free time I'll be getting him primed and ready to paint.

Also, here are some pics of a couple of the models from my command squad who I will be redoing.

Company Champion:





Apothecary (he's been reduced to bitz):


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Ok, so here's pics of my Commander Dante model and my new Sanguinary Guard sprues from Christmas. All together I have Commander Dante, one Sanguinary Guard, one Tactical squad, and an Honor Guard squad (of which the champion and apothecary are a part of, and I'll post pics of the rest of them at a later date).



Edit: spelling

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Green and Silver. Nice contrast. You plan on making a fully legal army or just making marines that suit your taste? Either way, I'll be watching ;)

Yea, I plan on making a fully legal army. However, it won't be using that color scheme. ;)


The poor green-silver guy: fail.

The wip greyish guy: win.

And the aquila colour goes really well with that armour. Please keep up. :D

Yea, those were my first attempts to paint 40K minis, way back when I first got into the hobby. Highlights and lowlights (read: shadows) were unheard of to me in terms of painting. And I even had the fail idea to gloss varnish them. Being my honor guard, I wanted their armor to look 'cleaner.' They came out as you see, unfortunately. I will be going back and repainting them when I have finished with my Tac squad and Cdr Dante, and possibly after my Sang. Guard. And thanks for the compliments. That is going to be the color scheme (for the most part) for my DIY Blood Angels successor chapter. The Sanguinary Guard will be silvery instead of golden, with black/red wings, and my Death Company models (when I get them) will be red.


As for the Apothecary being in pieces, I was able to take him apart quite easily (I think I actually used super glue instead of plastic glue for my first few models, luckily), and I did the same for my champion. This will make them easier to redo.

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Ok, so here's a quick update on my army. I know, its been slow going, but as the adage goes, slow and steady wins the Golden Demon. ;) Hehe, just kidding. I'm nowhere near that good. But I am progressing bit by bit on my army. I just bought the JP Chaplain, solely for the purpose of stealing his JP for this guy. :sweat: I'll just turn the chappy into a normal one. But anyways, this guy is going to be one of my honor guard (who will all have Infernus Pistols and JP's).


The helms for my honor guard will be using the ornate helmets from the SG boxed set (since I'll be using Death Masks for my SG anyways), and those will be silverish. I'm also deciding whether to keep the PF on this guy black, or make it red. Thoughts, suggestions and ideas are always appreciated.

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  • 7 months later...

Ok, so I've got some new pictures of my DC and an RAS combat squad so far, So I'll post a few here. The rest can be found in my gallery over at the Dakka forums.


RAS Hand-Flamer and Chainsword



RAS Sergeant (will have Bolt Pistol/Combat Shield and Power Sword)



RAS Bolt Pistol and Chainsword



Death Company 1



Death Company 2



Death Company 3


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Nice helmets :devil:

Thanks. :P


Anyways, here's my next update.


You might recognize this guy from one of my earlier posts. He's the Company Champion model, though he's been disassembled, stripped, partially reassembled, and is now awaiting a good priming. I apologize beforehand for the blurry photos. My camera hates me at the moment. However, since this is an un-primed shot, I'm not too worried I'll try to have better shots next time.




And here's the rest of the stuff I'm thinking about giving him. From your top left; the sling or combat blade converted to a bayonet, a prayer/litany cloth to be hung from his backpack, a bolter I'm thinking of 'mag-locking' to his left leg, and a chapter trapping/relic box and some purity seals. The backpack has the Grey Knights Terminator servo-skull attached, and above the pack is the top to the Warding Stave, which I've converted to an Iron Halo. Also, the arms are only blu-tac'd to the model, and the bolter is only glued to the left (trigger) hand at the moment.



This guy is going to be my first of [at least] two Legio Bolter and Chainsword mini-persona entries.

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Ok, so I'm taking a slight break from my army to bring you this update. I have started painting a submission for the Pre-Heresy Conclave charity event over on the Dakka forums. Basically, you choose one or more of the Pre-Heresy Legions, paint a Space Marine (or three) in your chosen Legion's colors, and then send it (them) off to be auctioned off for charity. The winning bidder gets to choose the charity the proceeds from the auction go to (as well as getting a nice little showcase from across the community). I have chosen to do the Emperor's Champion for my entry in my version of the Death Guard's chapter colors (hey, this gives me some practice for my DG army! :thumbsup: ). So here's where I'm at now. Its only basecoats and an initial wash so far.






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I could have sworn I commented on this.


If you haven't already learned since your first photos, thin your paints a little, and it will be beautiful ;)

Hehe, I do, I just had to touch up a few spots on the gray basecoat because my lining sucks. Between not giving those areas a wash before taking those photos and the flash on the camera, those areas stick out like a sore thumb. Rest assured they have been taken care of, and I'm actually almost done. Just need to do some minor fixes, do the paint and attach the backpack, base and seal it, and I'm done.

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Alrighty, here's some pictures after getting about 90% complete (again, just the backpack, basing and sealing left to do).







The flash did slightly wash out some of the vibrancy of the green. The actual color doesn't look so yellowish. Also, IIRC, the Death Gard were known for not wearing many honors or embellishments on their armor or gear, so I opted to leave the various gemstones as just stones or clasps. The only embellishments are the gold 'leaf' on the sword and the Rosarius.


As always, questions, comments and criticism are always appreciated. :)

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You've learned since your first post -_-

Heh, indeed I have. Though I also took more time (which may have been part of the learning all along XD). I believe I did all the models from my first post in about the same time I did this guy. Thanks goes to those who've responded here and over on the Dakka forums (where I keep a similar thread :D ), as well as the store manager at my local GW. If it weren't for him taking the time to help me whenever I have questions or want to learn a new technique such as wet blending (which I'm still learning), that tabard would not have come out nearly as good as it did, hehe. I do need to touch it up slightly, but I'm still very proud of this piece.

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Ok, so now that I've mostly finished my Conclave entry for the Dakka forums, I've begun working on my Legio Marine. So far I've only done a bit of Mechrite Red and some roughly 1:2 Adeptus Battlegray and Fortress Gray. The helmet is definitely going to be red, and I'm liking the red chest detailing, but I'm not hot about the red on the backpack. I'm thinking of doing the tabard white, but I'm not sure if doing so would be too much if I decided to do the checker pattern on his right greave.





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Thanks for the kind words Raz. In all reality, it wasn't so much my skills that produced those results, but a combination of my [still growing] skills and taking my time to make sure things came out like I wanted. The pauldron with the wings for example. If you look at some of my previous shots, here's a mini wit a PF with wings on it, and its a little less neat than on my Emperor's Champion. That's because I took the time to clean up any stray paint that I might have accidentally applied. The same thing was especially important when I did the eyes...because I honestly suck terribly at them. But I forced myself to relax after a couple disastrous first attempts. They're actually not as detailed as you might find on some other peoples' minis because I don't like doing eyes, but I actually like the way they turned out on this guy hehe. Anyways, thanks again for the compliments. It always helps me keep my motivation up when I see that. Cheers. :)
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