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my trial iron warrior

Brother Nathan

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decided to convert most of my chaos marines to iron wariors. have i missed anything other than the chapter symbol? (hoping to get one of the metal ones and make a mould) squad markings etc? thoughts etc? And front shots didnt come out as well as others, sorry...




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He looks good! Most folks will mention that a few washes(Badab Black & Devlan Mud) will do an Iron Warrior justice and to dirty them up a bit as they are always in a trench.


I think you made a good choice with Iron Warriors!

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i did do washes(a develan mud and then babdab black) but just had to bring it back up again.after all they know their gear and are some what proud of it (to me anyway) so i thought theyd keep it spit shined. im not 100% on this yet, may get a watered down wash of develan mud...
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after all they know their gear and are some what proud of it (to me anyway) so i thought theyd keep it spit shined.

Depends if they are at the start of a campaign or mid-way through it. Not much time for spit-shining when you're firing guns at the enemy non-stop.


But, I digress, Nice Model!

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Very nice, very clean, not liking the slanneshi shoulderpad for an IW, but it's not outside the realm of possibility given what we've seen in the novels(psychotic khornites in the IW and NL though from the glance, but it gives precedence to individual worshipful marines in otherwise godless legions). Nice use of colors on the shoulderpad though, the lighter borders of the icon really make it stand out. I also like the strap holding the powersword to the armor. I would touch up the rivets on the strapping to be a bronze color personally but I think it's a really nice touch, a modification so that the marine can't drop his sword. I'd touch the sword up with a light drybrush of a shockingly bright green or even yellow hue myself to reinforce the lethal powerfield but it looks fine as is without anything else.


My suggestion is also towards dirtification of the armor. While your shiny polished look works well and is attractive, a little grime in the form of devlan mud in strategic places could go a long way towards reinforcing the siege masters outlook of the IW. Using a brown(speia or khaki maybe?) wash on the skulls and other white bits could also help this a bit. If you were going for a veery clean cut fresh on the field look then by all means disregard this paragraph.

My formula for IW armor is as follows(for reference): Boltgun, badab black wash(50% dilute), light drybrush of boltgun, devlan mud wash, light drybrush of boltgun, very light drybrush of mithril only on highlight areas. I also drybrush a very small amount of various browns on areas of armor that would have been in recent contact with the ground lately, so boot bottoms, sometimes knees etc.


The one thing that really bothers me about the model is the bolt pistol you used. Don't get me wrong, I like the bit, but the belt-fed bolters always look awkward to me when not held out level.

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The one thing that really bothers me about the model is the bolt pistol you used. Don't get me wrong, I like the bit, but the belt-fed bolters always look awkward to me when not held out level.

From the side it looks like he's bringing it up to fire... To me at least :rolleyes:

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Thanks! bolt pistol, wil have a look at it. as for the shoulder pad, yea didnt see it much of a problem for iron warriors, less likely maby to be come head honcho, but who cares when you get more power? lol. this was also my noise marine sarge and could be still played as such but dosent need to be. flexibility for the win!

yep strap aint finished yet as i wanted to see if i was on the right lines. the sword will be changing to a more reddy yellow too. rivits will be done. the armour may get a bit dirtyied, problem being they eill be based on a pale cououred stone so ill have to have a look at if its gonna be possible to make it look muddied...

while im here, the apron, add blood, script, or both?

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  • 2 weeks later...

They look good.


On the termies right shoulder guard the yellow could use thicker lines unless that is just an outline of where you want them to go. And are you going to do black on yellow for hazards on the termies power fist, left hip guard, and right shin?

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