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hello my fellow blood angels :D


my local store is running a 3 month campaign. i was back in the store after a several month absence from the hobby and it inmediatly sucked me back in!


since my blood angel chapter still lies unfinished in some major areas ( i have a great deal of unfinished models lying around :() i decided that this was a nice impulse to start building and painting again! i already started the last 2 weeks by painting a few scouts (mind you this was before i even learned of the campaign) by spending about an hour to an hour and a half a day painting. i was very happy with the progress and will therefor carry on in the same pace :)


tonight im finishing a terrain piece for my table at home but im starting tommorow by building a stormraven in my local GW.


nice point might be to include some additional details for my suddent desire to complete my army (aside from the obvious). the campaign has a certain currency that players can earn by various means. beeing present in the store and just hobbying for example is worth 10 credits. playing a game and winning for example also 10.


background info aside im planning to add the following things to my army:

whirlwind (maybe 2)


half a bike squad

terminators (not sure on the number yet, but most likely close combat terminators ^_^)


and i will finish what i already have in arms reach:

half a bike squad (take a guess why i wanted half a bike squad added? ;))

about 20 scouts.

2 10 man tactical squads.

honour guard

veterans of some kind (not sure on which ones yet, maybe both :) )


im fiendishly close to a full company strength army.


watch this space as i intend to update frequently (almost daily if i can)

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cheers for the support guys :) (btw black orange, how long did you have that new avatar? :huh: )


went to the local GW, bought the storm raven and alongside the local stormraven kitbash guru started constructing it. the body is nearly finished, needs a little detailing work. the hind quarters of the raven is also almost done, still need to put the engine in place.


i forget to take pictures but il go back to the store (if the weather allows it, we got 20 cm's of snow falling out of the air in a few hours ^_^ ) and finish it. il take a picturue showing how i left it yesterday and how it looks finished (are how ever far i get to that point...)


i earned 30 credits for the campaign just making that thing :) they also stated i would get extra points for the paintjob (if i do it...which i intend to do :P ) because the model is so freakishly huge!


ive been contacting some of my friends for a game next week and was able to get in contact with 2. a few others havent responded yet, but i know theyre busy with....stuff. hopefully il hear from them as well, the more the marrier no? ^_^


the update is somewhat short as ive got no other comment to post.

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Oh, good. I thought "Aah! The Stormraven leak is real! Nooo!".

why do you think im making this kitbash? ^_^


@shatter....wth is that man? :P i just figured it was a snazzy title...never figured something like it would already have excisted...(then again most ideas i have, have already been done to death on some other spot of the earth *sighes*)

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@shatter....wth is that man? :huh: i just figured it was a snazzy title...never figured something like it would already have excisted...(then again most ideas i have, have already been done to death on some other spot of the earth *sighes*)


Bit of a trailblazing empire building game. Wikipedia has an entry for it.


The guy on the cover art is pretty naff. Very 50s style buck rogers. Whee.


Sorry about the off-topic-ness though.


Please carry on. =)

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no worries shatter, we all go off-topic every once in a while :nuke:


i forget to take a picture when i started toda but i NEARLY finished it today. pinning the wings gave me some trouble and caused me to not finish it today :yes:


the engine parts are attached, hurricane bolters were added, twin linked heavy bolter and twin linked assault cannons were made (not yet attached), cockpit was made and a great deal of gaps were filled (as its a DIY project and ALOT of cutting, filling, etc was involved lots of filling needs to be done :( )


enough of that, pictures:


left flank notice one of the wings isent attached, or the tail. i kept havign trouble with that, the GW employees helped me fix it for the rest of the shots. (forget to redo this angle)

right flank

front vieuw

the "yet still to be attached" weapons.


thats it so far, as you guys can see its nearly finished. what do you guys think? :)

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Looking good there Dem! Nothing like a good, old campaign to get motivated, eh? Painting stuff for a campaign in Jan/Feb myself at the moment.


Keep us updated! I'm especially keen on seeing what you'll do with your veterans and the honour guard.

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thanks ancient god :) yea campaigns are awesome for the motivation :P also met a few friends that i havent seen in a good while. should be able to get a few games off on wednesday and thursday, maybe even friday as well if im lucky :D


ive had the models for the honour guard for a while but i think il "bling" them up. when i made them a few years back i dident have any blood angel specefic bits after all :D for the VV i have some khornate chainaxes, chaos chainswords and other good stuff lying around to give them a suitably grim and dangerous appearance :)


just have to figure out how im going to paint these chaps ;)

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I am building an HG myself at the moment, I can post some WIP shots in my blog later this week. I'm also in the progress of painting five VV, so I'll throw those up too. Maybe you can draw some inspiration from them, I know I always do from you guys' blogs around here. :D
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Looking forward to eyeballing your models ancient god ^_^


got a xmas gift box from my boss (or whatever its called in english) and it contained a big bottle of beer, drank it up with my dad and am abit tipsy so excuses in advance if i make any big spelling errors :sweat:


since ii have to wait till next wednesday till i can work on my stormraven again i worked on some other models today. since i have piles and piles of bits from old models lying around i decided to recycle a few of those in my VV's and HG. maybe not the best idea but youd be suprised what one can do with a little patience, inmagination and eventually a good paintjob.


my start was the following:


5 tactical marines, 3 just a pair of legs, 2 still with torso and head attached (wow long title :wink: )


i started with this fellow. as you can see he still has paint attached to him in some places. but i filed off mold lines and areas where new pieces would attach.


and turned him into this. doesent look so harmless now does he? :D


next was this one, an old dark angel model. used to belong to my brother till he decided he wanted pure ravenwing, and then dropped the hobby all together.


tadda! looks alot more like a veteran now! ;)


and lastly i build one of the pair of bare legs into my blood champion. the arms are vanilla arms, but nothing a little greenstuffing cant fix (when im sober)


speaking of green stuffing, il be using green stuff to make their armour look more ornate. very small additions like small blood drops or grails are pretty simple to do and look pretty nice. i made a few before the BA box sets came out so i have some experience with it :)


sadly thats all i could manage today guys, beer and 40K dont mix all that well tbh, and my pace was slow to prevent big catastrophic mistakes :P


till next time.

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Good luck with your campaign. I'm sure the stormraven will come together nicely. I was looking at your blog and I was wondering if you painted those SP's you had on there. Those guys look really good and I would like to see how they are coming along. Keep up the good work!


Obey the Emperor.

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Seva you mean my blog blog or this blog? :) i have painted one of the sanguinary priests so far (the jumppack one) but im not quite happy with the paintjob. its fine in some places but the face for example looks iffy :(


il keep taking pictures guys, dont you worry about that ^_^


cant wait till tommorow, battles and finishing my stormraven...woot! :woot:

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update update!


worked abit on my VV and HG tonight.


first up the honour guard, im kinda still looking for the old school sanguinary priest, i had one lying around but for some reason i can only find his arm and backpack ;) hes the third member of the party, aside from these i need 2 "meatshield" honour guardees.


they still arent finished yet, just a small update :D


honour guards


next up is a "meatshield" marine for my VV.


meatshield mind you, hes one awesome looking meatshield ^.^


different anglehis chainsword is a vanilla chainsword with grenstuff blood drop attached :) the bolt pistol, chest, legs and head came from the Death company box.


the power weapon dude. theres a small story behind this guy. i used a dark angel power maul( or mace, whatever you wanna call it) since i thought everyone having swords was so cheesy. i removed the dark angle trinket and added a grail. then my desklamp fell ontop of him, knocked the grail off and the lamp landed on the floor, breaking its joint. i could still use the lamp but needed to find another grail on the sprues. i found one added him, and when i was taking the picture the lamp fell on him AGAIN, and on the floor AGAIN :D this time the lamp really expired and im out of grails.... *sighes* ive added a blood drop gem instead.

front vieuw also note that the lightning is different since im using a flashlight now to make sure that the pictures are lit properly (to the best of my abilities anyway...)

and teardrop detail


this chap was fun to put together :)

PF VV i simply love the pose :wub: i can almost see the other guys teeth flying out of his mouth! hes made from a SG leg set, vanilla chestpiece, vanilla boltpistol, and DC head and powerfist.


belted helmet love little details like this! hes not going anywheree without his helmet, just takes it off every once in a while and hangs it from his belt! ^.^


this one was also a blast to model.


chop chop it was becoming a challenge to make the static legs work. i wanted the marines to have a "veteran" feel to them, but still i dident have enough running legs for both units. lo and behold the saving grace, a DC chainsword! the arm basicly required the model to lean towards the right heavily. as i was dry fitting it, i noticed it looked alot like he was about to decapitate his foe which (to me at least) seems pretty awesome! ^_^


i used a normal vanilla arm without boltpistol (think they come with the devastator box) and added a bolt pistol that i saved in my bit box (the rest of the arm was used in a conversion some place else) i grabbed my bits box and dry fitted some helmets but the ones from the commander box, devastator etc just simply dident seem to fit. then i held up a normal helmet, and voila! it looked better then the fancy heads :D


well thats the update so far guys. tommorow stormraven! WOOOOO!

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Good work on the guys Dem. The blog I was talking about earlier was the one that you have to click on in your sig. On the "chop chop" guy, where did you get that arm again? Mind you I have yet to purchase any of the new Blood Angel stuff, if that arm comes with the newer boxes that will be great! I remember I had a hard time trying to get that pose off on one of my VAS (remember when they were still VAS?) If GW made some new arms that will be cool. The meat-shield guy is probably one of my favorites of the newer guys on this post. I'll be checking here for the pics of the Storm Raven tomorrow.


Obey the Emperor.

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hey guys, currently at work. pictures are at home so youll have to wait :P


continued to work on the stormraven yesterday, and played a game (so it isent finished yet B))


added front wings, the assault cannon and repaired the wing (it was loose) the flying standard is added and i began construction on the holding clamps that will hold the dreadnought :)


i also looked for some missles that will serve as the bloodstrike missles. i only had enough IG krak missles (from the heavy weapon squad - sprue) i asked a friend (who plays a guard mech list) if he can bring some hunter killers from IG vehicles. if he has enough il be using those instead.


the game i played was a draw, and believe it or not i got kicked in the teeth in hand to hand by vanilla marines (damn terminators :) )


il be going to the store today to (hopefully) finish it (for good this time :P)


watch this space.


edit: thanks for the nice comment Seva :) the arm from the chop chop guy wass from the death company box. and yea i renember the good ol VAS time. when blood angels were the ONLY chapter to have "proper" close combat veterans. we were so special back then ;)


the "meatshield" is also one of my favorites. note that meatshield is his function, hardly how i feel about him!

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RE: meatshield, Most of my favorite guys are my meatshields, I think that comes from my ignorance of the game though. Why are all the cool things so useless or expensive? It is good to hear that the arm is standard production now. I really need to get some of the new Blood Angel stuff. I'm so out of the loop on it. When can we expect pictures of the storm raven? Keep up the good work!


Obey them Emperor.

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cheers for the support guys :) (btw black orange, how long did you have that new avatar? :huh: )


went to the local GW, bought the storm raven and alongside the local stormraven kitbash guru started constructing it. the body is nearly finished, needs a little detailing work. the hind quarters of the raven is also almost done, still need to put the engine in place.


i forget to take pictures but il go back to the store (if the weather allows it, we got 20 cm's of snow falling out of the air in a few hours :) ) and finish it. il take a picturue showing how i left it yesterday and how it looks finished (are how ever far i get to that point...)


i earned 30 credits for the campaign just making that thing :) they also stated i would get extra points for the paintjob (if i do it...which i intend to do :wub: ) because the model is so freakishly huge!


ive been contacting some of my friends for a game next week and was able to get in contact with 2. a few others havent responded yet, but i know theyre busy with....stuff. hopefully il hear from them as well, the more the marrier no? ^_^


the update is somewhat short as ive got no other comment to post.

Just out of curiosity, what was the components for the kitbash on the stormraven?

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right about....now this is a WIP picture from yesterday :)


top of the model (as you can see plenty of filling that i still need to do :) )


grabbing arms on of the mechanical arms that will keep the dreadnought in place (fluffwise)


stuck on the flying base this is how i left it yesterday, still the arms needed to be attached, the bloodstrike missles and detail work needed to be done :(


and then i picked up work on it today :huh:


bloodstrike missle fitting


both grabbing arms attached.


second blood strike missle fitting


finished model


different angle


front vieuw


dreadnought and ork for size comparison :)


and how i took the model home luckily enough only the grabbing arms bended a little, aside from that no damage :wub:


il make a (somewhat)detailed report on how i made this thing in my blog.


il be giving the model a test drive in a battle tommorow ^_^


what do you guys think?

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