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cheers guys :D


adly i cant start painting it till ive filled gaps and the like. currently i have no plasticard to speak of and im free from work this tuesday, il be going to a local hobby shop that i know has the stuff. and quite cheaply (or so ive heard) so after ive done that il start painting it and such, but not before then B)


so at best, il start painting it on wednesday, at the worst, it will be sometime next year (first week hopefully :P)


in the meantime im working on some scouts, my VV's, HG and maybe a tactical squad. the scouts im painting, the rest im still assembling though :lol:

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like i said earlier, today im working on some tactical marines. i present to you, the grailbearers:


first 3

next 4

and the sarg, MM and a random bolter marines are still in the brake fluid to strip paint.


this was my first ever tactical squad. a squad i used in almost every game i played. they most likely earned me more wins then my DC back in the day, and have about the same kind of influence as my assault squads.


they are armed with a PG, MM and a PF. this combination of arms means theyve blown up tanks, rapid fired marine squads to death, survived entire swarms of orks, beat veterans in close combat etc. etc.


they were one of my most prized units and the paintjob that i gave them dident give them credit. they were ugly to be fair, some still had moldlines and down right thick layers of paint.


with the release of the new plastic sets i thought this was a fantastic time to give them an overhaul :) since the squad was always attached to an SP (or the other way around) ive dubbed them the grailbearers. they are an...personal guard of sorts for the present SP ^_^ il be sculpting grails on their kneepads to signify this. probably add some kill markers and such as well because tbh, if any units deserves it; its this squad.


the tactical squad aside, ive also assembled a dual LC VV.


stabbity stab


il be cleaning the other 3 tommorow and start by adding shoulder pads and backpacks. sadly il have to get another box of DC marines to get them to look like i want them to :)


ah well, not doing anything big with my money anyway at the moment. *shrugs* might as well pool it into 40k :HQ:

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Ow, pick that Scout up Dem! Can't let that nice a paint job go to waste by chipping it. :P


Edit. Just saw the Grail Bearers, very cool theme for the squad. I also love beakies, so that makes them even cooler. How offensively do you use your tacs in-game? Do they end up in CC all the time or not so often?

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cheers ancient, yea the beakie marines were always my favorite as well. back then both me and my brother had astartas armies (me blood angels he had dark angels) and he dident like the beakies, whilst i was madly in love with them! for the small trade of the bare heads i got to have all the beakie heads :) (back then the only bare head was the screaming sargeant anyway :P all my mariines would look alike!)


how i use them depends from game to game. sometimes i hold them on my homeobjective (if any) and send the rest of my army towards the foe. my opponent then tends to send some unit or another their way and depending on how many i send to help or not.


other games (ive run a mech list for a while, among others) they mainly stayed put alongside my vehicles spitting out death towards my foes (youd be suprised how well S7 and S8 can pop tanks at 24 inches range ^_^) OR would zoom ahead in a rhino alongside another rhino. both disembarking at the same time and rapid firing the same target (killed a deamon prince and at other times entire units of chaos marines in 1 turn that way :eek ) the bad thing about this was however that the heavy weapon never got to shoot :eek


so ive also used them as an assault unit of sorts, but tbh theyre best used defensivly. either to go out and grab an objective and hold onto to it or just to hold onto one in the deployment zone.


11 marines (due to the added priest) a 4+ cover save and FNP are suprisingly hard to get rid off :eek and apparently hazardous to approach as well as most units who have, never reached them in 1 piece ;) (or survived the assault, whatever they launched it or i did :D)


what i love about them is that this unit does this so suprisingly well. i guess its the synergy of the special and heavy weapons or something. but they always worked for me!

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Eh..sure m8, still not following you though :P what does buck rogers have to do with my thread? (who is he to begin with :huh: )


anyawy...i continued working on the grail bearers the last couple of days. sargeant and other marines have been stripped of paint (somewhat) and the entire squad as a whole has got shoulder pads and backpacks attached now! all thats left is some green stuffing here and there :)



first 3 marinesmost left one is the plasmagunner.

marines 4 to 6 all bolter marines.

marines 7 to 9 middle one is the multi-melta marine. sadly the least converted model in the squad :( (or cant you call part swaps conversions?) as the only part not from the same kit is his left shoulderpad.


and finally, the sarg:



left side

right side


the only that i changed about the previous model is change the bolt pistol arm for a bolter arm. the arm happens to be swinging in front of this chest and it improved the overall motion of the model, which is offcourse awesome :) gamingwise he gets no benefit from the pistol and getting a few more bolter shots off is most likely better.


what do you guy think of them? ;)


and lastly an update on this guy


ive added the shoulder pad to the other arm (finaly found it! turns out it was in my bitsbox <_<)


this shoulderpad


vieuw from range


tommorow im bringing my car to the shop and then going to my local GW for a game or two. im going to give my VV's and stormraven a go and see what happens ^_^


will let you guys know how it went

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sory for the lack of updates lately guys. with the low temperatures lately and high moistuyre in the air i cant spraypaint my models :( (not at the times that im at home anyway...)


i have however worked on my battlefleet gothic fleet (its blood angels dont worry :D) i HAVE spray painted these, but did them as a test before spraying anything plastic and it was so moist outside that the paint wouldnt dry, even after lying in my shed for about 2 hours :down:


some pictures:


Gladius class Frigates


squadron of 4


Hunter class Destroyers

still WIP

i have 2 more of these waiting in motor oil till i can strip them off paint. the paint was to...wett on the brush and i wettbrushed them instead of dry brushing them...so theyre kinda FAR to red :sweat: luckily the models are metal so theyre easy to strip eh?


mods: im sorry in advance if im not allowed to post these here. i figured at this was a plog it was ok to show some advance on other things aside from 40k right? :sweat:

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cheers m8 ^_^


small update, painted my 3 nova class frigates:


pictureexcuse the blur. for some reason my camera is acting up. this is the best picture i could make :(


i played a game of 500 pts yesterday (posted the batrep in my "blog" in the other games part of the forums*)


first game for me and it was a blast ^_^ beat an imperial fleet with 2 cruiser. but because we got some rules wrong his bombers alone blew up over half my fleet ;)


well probably try to keep a game a week alive....which isent enough tbh, i think im suffering from withdrawal :P


*shameless advertisement.

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cheers m8 :) tbh im abit disapointed that painting my BFG fleet is taking so long.


i wanted to continue the rest of my 40k army (like the grailbearers and my stormraven to name just afew things) but the weather doesent seem to be getting any better. so i think il just have a go at it tommorow. the BFG fleet dident dry up very wellll but then again all the models well made of metal.


they were very cold to the touch. its cold outside and its pouring rain, not so strange they just wouldnt ;) ing dry! plastic on the other hand isent so much cold celsius wise (if you understand what i mean) so HOPEFULLY it wont have the same problem... ;)

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hello gents :) figured id use this topic as my LPC as well ^_^ here is my vow:


"I, Demoulius of the Blood Angels, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least 10 tactical marines, a jump pack librarian, a sanguinary priest on foot and a stormraven on or before the 31st of March, 2011. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done. "


il start with the first update right now :lol:


spray painted my storm raven and my 10 tactical marines (the grailbearers)


storm raven

grail bearer sargeant notice the greenstuff grail on his knee :)

picture of all 10

detail attempt 1

detail attempt 2


for some reason my iphone camera hates me with a passion....


i spend an hour or so sculptin the little grails on all of their left kneepads (was a pain i can tell you right now...) and when i spray painted them it was still semi-soft. i hope it dries well because i more or less dident have enough patience to wait for the greenstuff to dry :)


weather conditions are still horrid (almost slipped a few times walking to the back of the gardenshed ;) ) but im happy to report the plastic models dried ALOT quiker then the metal ones (as in they dried on their own accord :P )


well off to bed, work tommorow :) hopefully slap some red paint on them tommorow night!

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first update on the grail bearers. one is done :P minus some minor detailing that is :)


front shot

backnotice the blood drop gems. that and the purity seal is what needs to be done :tu: what colour do you guys think i should make it?

grail icon detail


doing the majority of the bolter marines first so the special models feel like a "reward" more or less :P helps to keep me motivated ;)

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Well Dem, that's a nice keyboard mate! The shot is a little out of focus, hard to see much.


The red seems to be pretty solid though and that's always good for BA successors. :tu:


Still love the idea of a themed squad, especially with that nice name. I'm going to steal that some time soon!

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woah quik response :)


cheers for the reply m8, yea i love my keyboard :P its awesome.


a pure mirror image to my phone's camera though :tu: it hates me with a passion and if it could id really see it plotting my downfall :P


steal away m8 ;) burrowing ones ideas is the best form of flattery after all ;)

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new update (kinda late)


made my 4th members of the footslogging HG:


frontal shot

side vieuw


and painted a pair of bolter marines for the grailbearers. theyre about 1/3 of the way to completion:


handsome fellowsthe one on the right only has a layer of mechrite red, the left one has a layer of red gore on top of that.


not much, but something :)





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cheers man :)


no painting (or gaming :blush:) done today as i planned. tommorow i should have a game or two under my belt and hopefully a tactical marine or two finished :)


did some more work on my HG, finished the last marine and added the right shoulder pads. sadly however one of the new pads that i use on their left shoulders is missing so i cant finish the squad presently :(


awkward angle

better onei was trying to go for the "are you talking to me" pose there :P


the dual saber is an easy conversion i actually used once before (on a VAS model back then) but never got around to play with (or paint for that matter :P) i plan to add danger stripes on the casing :)


group shot, right side notice the old metal sanguinary priest that i added.

group shot, left sidesadly one has a bare shoulder....will have eto find the part before i find a couple of awesome looking backpacks for them (do they make "HG backpacks"? :)


not to sure on what do with their backpacks tbh....any ideas?

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