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glad you like it midnight :)


birthday today so not to much time for 40k. worked on my liby terminator conversion that i had lying around for a LOOONNNNGGGG while.... got an old school terminator captain in a bitz bag a while back and a grey knight termintor in another. sadly both were missing an arm (powersword for the captain, ranged weapon for the grey knight) and so i figured: why not combine them into something?


and tadda! a terminator liby was born (the grey knight will be turned into a heavy flamer terminator :lol:


you there! yes you smelly one! my liby shouting a challenge ^_^

slightly different angle

left side shot


mind you he still needs some greenstuff loving to "blood angel-ify" him :rolleyes:


hes equiped with termi armour and a storm shield (hello 2+/3++ :devil: ) and so can use his powers to...er..smite stuff i guess :ermm: perhaps cast FoTd or something to make my opponents troops look like the little girly mans that they are :teehee:



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i can only hope Ignis, i can only hope :P


update on the grail bearers. finished the 2 models i was working on (except gems and base like the first one)





i thought of doing the blood drops in a deep red, almost purple appearance to make them look like Amethyst. otherwise use other crystal colours as inspiration, i dont know....


would like to hear suggestions for it though!


also thinking of doing some scriblies and heraldry on the left shoulder pads, but im generally afraid of making mistakes when i do such things :D

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woohoo not on my own then! :woot:


slept 30 minutes on the mornign of monday, and when i got home from work i ate and then went knockout till this morning :blink: so eh...apparently you DO need it! go figure :blush:


ive started working on the last 3 bolter marines. they got their first coats of paint attached and i now er...kinda forget to do all my schoolwork today so im gonna focus on taht till i pass out again for another night :sweat:


3 WIP marines - front

3 WIP marines - back


as you can see plenty of work left to do :ermm:


more tommorow! (or the day after that)

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yay, double post again! :(


only felt like doing a layer of red gore today:


blurry front picture (also cba'ed to redo it :P)

clear back shot


tommorow second layers of all metallics, pouches etc before the final blood red and touchup phase. hope to start on the PF and PG'er tommorow as well but not getting my hopes up :P





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haha no worries man, i have to work every day (asside from wednesday, thats schoolday :) ) so i quikly regretted not sleeping very well ;) not that i was sleepy or unproductive...its just that i want to do stuff after a working day and if i drop K.O. after one i dont get a chance to do that :P


anyway im looking forward to finishing this squad and moving on to the next project tbh... i have the strange desire to paint a stormraven :P

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thanks for the compliment m8 :) always fun to hear people like my work ^_^


i dident go to the GW today. i had to do 30 miinutes of overtime (unpaid offcourse ;)) because some coworkers ran into some trouble, and i was the only one who could bail them out *sighes* and im an intern there...what the heck? anyway i called my GW to ask if some players were around and they kindly informed me 4 persons were present (including the GW staffer) 2 who were playing a game (1000 points) and one random person who was basicly just sitting there...


well i have to add that i have to travel 2 hours (1 hour to, and 1 hour back) to get there so i dident really feel like wasting my time (which tbh, if your going some place to game; and then dont get to it more or less is...) so yea....


il just be painting some tonight/listening to music and/or chatting with friends tonight (heck who knows maybe one of them wants to do something tonight....but im not holding my breath theyre all shackled by their better halves unfortunatly *sighes again* )




why double post when you can edit an earlies post? :P


finished the touch ups on the last bolter marines:





forget the purity seals on these but il just pick that along with the other small details (gems, and basing) that still needs to be worked on :)


im starting my paintjob on the PF and PG'er ^_^

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hey guys, no painting update (kinda lost interest :) will finish them soon, if i can) but did play 2 battles. i dont want to comment on 1 game (il do that later) but il post the one i played today in my batrep topic :) not dead quite yet, il be back :sweat:
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  • 2 weeks later...

omg its a zombie :o shoot it!




*shrugs* ahem....not dead guys, just was reduced to a troll due to some real life issues that are none of your concerns :lol:


the grailbearers have been a thorn in my side, standing on my desk in their unfinished splendor.... so ive picked them back up and started painting again :(


all models now basicly have their paintjob minus details added. the purity seals need a colour and scribblies, working on the gems and.....well the bases. thats it, so id call the 90% complete ;)


posting some pictures on the gems that ive painted on their shoulder pads, i need some feedback on it....does it look ok?


close up

body shots

and a group shot


basicly i started with dark angels green, then took some scorpion green and mixed it to a 2:1 dark angels green scrop green ratio. then turned it into 1:1 ratio and finaly a small line of pure scorp green at the top. placed a small white dot on the buttom (no clue why, all tutorials i find apparently do that :huh: ) idea is that il do a coat of (er...the shiney protectey stuff) over the gems so the shiney like theyre supposed to :P


do they look ok?

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I'm feeling a bit of concern over apparent paint thickness in general, dude. Apart from that, they're easily TT quality.


The gems themselves... hard to say before you add glossing. What concerns me is my personal bias that the colour you've chosen is a bit close to the colours generated by green stuff.

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paint thickness you say? can you highlight a certain area that you feel looks thick? i thin my points down quite abit as well so im pretty sure its just the phote quality...


if people think it looks like greenstuff thats their problem, specialy if i put gloss varnish on it :P seeing the models close up (or from afar) its pretty obvious that its not greenstuiff but again, its probably the photo quality <_<

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well noone further replied about the gems so ive just decided to stick with them :huh: i thought they looked ok and theyre my models after all :D


finished all the details (barring base and the knuckles on the sarg. the latter i finished after taking the pictures <_<)


first 3 (please note, ive patched up the stripe on the middle ones shoulder)


sarge, random guy and multi-melta(purity seal of the random guy has been patched up)


and the 4 remaining bolter marines in all their shiney splendour :D


detail (attempt at anyway) of the 3 shoulder titles they are from left to right: repent, death and purge. purge was abit...shackey though and perhaps il try to make it look better tommorow when im more....well rested :P


starting on the bases tonight and will finish them tommorow...so i can finaly start working on something else <_<

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im finished working on the grailbearers!!! :)


they were fun bunch to paint but i can finaly move on to other projects :)


picture 1 bolter marine, sarg, bolter marine (and half picture of the MM marine)


picture 2MM marine, PG marine and bolter marine


picture 3 3 bolter marines


picture 4 the "repent" marine :)


man i took alot more time then i thought painting these :D


still undecided on what my next project will be. stormraven or priest on foot...


anyone have preference? :)

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quik update just so everyone knows what im up to :P


next saturday i got an apocalypse battle coming up where the store manager promised me i could bring an battle company (most likely because i told him i had one :lol:)


ive been working really hard to repair some squads and patch up their paintjobs so they look ok, and still got 8 marines (2 squads need 4 marines each) left to build. other then that my LPC work is put on halt, but the storm raven has its second coat of red added in case you were wondering :P


gave the grail-bearers blue purity seals (last detail the squad still needed :))


after saturday the work will continue as usual :)

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oo blimey triple post :ermm:


so today we played the final campaign battle of our local GW's 40k campaign. and after a lengthy time of playing a game weekly (or attempt to game....most of the times that i was there, there was noone around to game against <_< ) i think ive had enough of gaming with 40k in a while.


i will be finishing my LPC before moving on to any other projects (like my titan) i just wont be gaming as much. so more time for painting and other interesting stuff in life, no? :wink:


picture 1:captain, 2 priests, tactical squad with lascannon and flamer, PW. assault squad with 2 MG's and PF and assault squad with PF, MG and flamer.


picture 2: the grailbearers, tactical squad with HB and flamer, tactical squad with PF, MG and MM and 4 bolter marines from devastator squad 2.


picture 3:tactical squad with ML and MG, tactical squad with PP, PG and PC (models heavily modelled with bionic limbs), devastator squad 1 with 4 lascannons and devaststor squad 2(6 men) with 4 missle launchers.


as you can see the honour guard is missing from these pictures, and they are the ones that ive previously taken pictures off. ive since then added backpacks to them but dident feel the need to take a picture (not like it was a world of difference or such...) note that of these models 9 still need a paintjob (2x4 tactical marines and 1 lascannon marine)


aside from the models for my battle company i aim to add some veteran and scout models and then call this army finished. specialy infantry wise. i might add some vehicles at a later stage but at this stage theyre VERY low on my priority list....


so eh....yea, il back with you guys soon :) work on the stormraven continues on monday!

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