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yea im aware of the horrible picture quality ancient god. sadly the pictures were taken in a rush and i cant seeem to make good quality shots with them anyway ;)


if you guys want i could make some squad by squad pictures when theyre all painted up. would at the very least show some details <_<


some squads are painted with a theme (like the mechanical one) that ive gotten a load of compliments and good feedback on :) would be interesting to hear how you guys feel about them :ermm:


but like i said, monday...to beat up to do anything and tommorow is BFG day :wink:

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The Grail bearers look great, and what you have achieved in painting all those miniatures is impressive! your painting keeps getting better and better well done. How goes BFG? have you gotten the hang of it yet? ant wait to see a battle barge, go on you know you want to
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heh thanks for the kind response guys :) always nice to hear people like your models and inspire others even :D


SGK, how my BFG games go? eh...not very well to be perfectly honost. every game we play seems to bring up more points that we do wrong. groups mentality is partly to blame. out of the 3 players only 2 (including me) have the rulebook. and out of those 2, generally im the only one who tends to open it for anything rules related B)


guys generally dont even know what weapons their ships have, caught the IN player several times saying that his Lunars have 3 lances on either side while they have 2 lances on either side :pinch: small stuff like that. last game i lost since we dident play the brace rules properly. seems like a small thing to do wrong but when a TOMBSHIP is braced and fires all its weapons, when it should have fired 2 at all and the rest should have fired at half strength you....tend to get annoyed.


mind you the player owning the tombship doesent owe the rulebook and even though the rules can be found on the internet i can hardly blame him for not knowing the rules (After all hes been so lazy all these years we tend to tell him the rules for his own army :teehee:) that i should have double checked myself when he was firing all those weapons *sighes*


but anyway, you can find a link to my BFG "blog" in my signature if your interested (or hop over to the B&C specialist forums for it :lol:)

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Thats unfortunate, Im shure you guys will get the hang of it. I am getting back into it at the moment, even teaching my nephews how to play .

apart from that keep up the good work, I am interested to see what you paint next, i liked the green blood drops they provide a nice contrast on the model ;)

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You have a very good pace painting Demoulius and you are achieving a nice result!

Good job! :(

As for the BFG, I understand your pain...same thing happens here.

Also as far as fleets go, there is only me, a Craftworld Eldar and a Necron.

Guess who's winning all the time... :)

That is if ever we deside to play of course.

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  • 3 months later...

woah, its been a while since ive posted here. kinda after the last comment saying that i have such a steady pace of updating :)


real life has been.... a pain to summarize it...


my painting has had a grinding halt since my last update. im slowly trying to get it back up to my previous level but since i have to study with my exams and have to make arrangements for my followup education i doubt it will be easy :geek:


did have some small progress with battlefleet though but its not marine related (well...allies to marines i guess....if that counts :jaw: ) and played a game of 1000 pts last week in which i won out inmensly but we made some errors which kinda screw it for me. basicly we assumed a gas cloud blocked line of sight (which they dont) and i used that to screen my 4 SC's. i came up behind his fleet and crippled 2 of his 3 cruisers in 2 turns, winning me the game as he had to withdraw.


well il try to kick some new life in this thread....please bare with me ^_^

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