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Fighting the Eldar as Deathwing


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Ok, so I have a friend who is starting Eldar and his plan is to get his hands on as many harlequins and rangers as possible. I've played Eldar once before with C:SM and the rangers were a pain in the butt until I could get a flamer over to the bastion and kill them all. The harlies easily removed my 200 point command squad. Basically, how can I fight a harlequin/ranger heavy list with Deathwing? I usually play dreadnought or land raider heavy lists with AC terminator squads backing them up.
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Well, you said it yourself: weapons that ignore cover saves for the rangers. Flamer is your best bet and I'd say Whirlwind also negates the cover,... not sure though (lazy to pick up books now :P)


As for Harlequins... hurricane bolters and basically high rate-low strength weapons :tu:

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Easy peasey versus Harlequins and Rangers. Go shooty, load up on LRCs and drive around laughing at them ;) If you want to get out use LRCs as line of sight blockers to Rangers/Pathfinders


If he's sensible he'll bring Fusion Pistols on his Harlies, but remember they need to be within 3" to get the extra penetration dice. Even if they do blow a Raider, they'll probably take themselves with it in the explosion (lol T3 5++)

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you don't need LRCs. Deep strike near them so that you don't have to worry about the veil and shoot the crap out of them.


Probably not so much a good idea. You'll be vulnerable to being assaulted. If you're tailoring a list versus foot eldar, then LRCs are the way to go as they have no answer to AV14

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Which a Pathfinder/Harlequin list doesn't have....


I doubt that is all a list will have... for a start it is missing a HQ choice... all of which can bust tanks.


However against footdar Land Raiders are still close just to drive you up to the Harlequins... step out and flamer them... follow up with some bolter shots... Anything left? shoot with raider... anything left? charge!


Finish combat... get back inside raider drive towards rangers... get out and flame them...


If we take out the fact that deathwing are never that easy to use then Eldar are a pretty tough cookie anyway. They are faster than you, find it easy to ignore your 2+ and can have a good number of weapons that will help against AV14. A lot of this will come down to how both of you play. What I said above should work but it assumes he won't be taking your raider out and he may well be able to.

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If we take out the fact that deathwing are never that easy to use then Eldar are a pretty tough cookie anyway. They are faster than you, find it easy to ignore your 2+ and can have a good number of weapons that will help against AV14. A lot of this will come down to how both of you play. What I said above should work but it assumes he won't be taking your raider out and he may well be able to.


Footdar really aren't a tough cookie.


Mechdar however are. Not really in pure killing power, but in the ability to play the mission (especially objective based ones) and to take out key targets.

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If we take out the fact that deathwing are never that easy to use then Eldar are a pretty tough cookie anyway. They are faster than you, find it easy to ignore your 2+ and can have a good number of weapons that will help against AV14. A lot of this will come down to how both of you play. What I said above should work but it assumes he won't be taking your raider out and he may well be able to.


Footdar really aren't a tough cookie.


Mechdar however are. Not really in pure killing power, but in the ability to play the mission (especially objective based ones) and to take out key targets.


Oh I don't know used well footdar can be a pain in the ass although if your aim is to be a pain in the ass why you would play footdar I don't know. I've got 15,000pts of Eldar and 50 Deathwing terminators so I've been on both sides of the fence.

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Having 20 Ferrari doesn't mean you know how to drive :P I have 60+ terminators and barely know how to move the models :)


Now seriously: we have deviated a bit from what the OP asked for.


High rate low strength fire should deal with the harlequins and templates with the rangers. Not much more to it I'd say.

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If we take out the fact that deathwing are never that easy to use then Eldar are a pretty tough cookie anyway. They are faster than you, find it easy to ignore your 2+ and can have a good number of weapons that will help against AV14. A lot of this will come down to how both of you play. What I said above should work but it assumes he won't be taking your raider out and he may well be able to.


Footdar really aren't a tough cookie.


Mechdar however are. Not really in pure killing power, but in the ability to play the mission (especially objective based ones) and to take out key targets.


Oh I don't know used well footdar can be a pain in the ass although if your aim is to be a pain in the ass why you would play footdar I don't know. I've got 15,000pts of Eldar and 50 Deathwing terminators so I've been on both sides of the fence.


Funnily enough I play both Eldar and Deathwing too. Footdar doesn't work in purely competitive terms.

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Funnily enough I play both Eldar and Deathwing too. Footdar doesn't work in purely competitive terms.


Hmmm I wouldn't plan on winning any tourneys but I reckon I could give a pure Deathwing army a run for their money with footdar. I guess it also depends on what we are calling footdar. If we allow vehicles but not transports or no vehicles at all because that restricts where I can take heavy weapons to Guardians and Wraithlords which would be needed to kill Land Raiders and dreads. Deathwing terminator squads should be pretty easy for an eldar army to kill footdar or otherwise is the Deathwing player isn't controlling the battlefield and for that he needs his transports.

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Oh I don't know used well footdar can be a pain in the ass although if your aim is to be a pain in the ass why you would play footdar I don't know. I've got 15,000pts of Eldar and 50 Deathwing terminators so I've been on both sides of the fence.


Dude, punctuation please. :huh:


As for the original question; lots of shots, as stated before, are the primary solution.

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