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Bases of Iron Warriors suggestions


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So, as I said, nothing fancy in this post, I just don't know what is better to do.

Currently making Iron Warrior Havocks. And I want all my Legions bases to have an association with their nature/legion/theme.

Example, my World Eaters are standing on cooled down lava rocks with a very small river of blood running through it.

My Death Guard stand on dead marshground with a some slimy water on it.

Thousand Sons will be standing on desert terrain. (Egyptian theme).


Now my Iron Warriors Havocks, I have 2 ideas.

Either Something muddy with lots of dirt, maybe some sandbags, because they are siege specialist and dig holes and trenches.

Or ruins because as havocks they will be standing in cover a lot, mainly ruines.

Either way, there are going to be Imperial Fist tokens (helms, shoulderpads) on some.


So, anybody has an opinion? I'm open for other suggestions aswel, but would ask a little explanation what the link is with Iron Warriors.



Thank you for you time.



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Why not mix both of the idea you have?? Could be that they have storm of a Imperial defence? Or that the very least allow you to model both anyway which be cool. As said it could show that they have taken over a Imperial defence or it could be the Iron Warriors own lines with the bunker or ruin building they use as cover along with there trench lines.


For my own IW I went for the 3rd Ed era ruins, for me I just wanted to show my own army getting through the breach & getting into the all out assault.


You could also look into some of the plasticard range for Plastic rods or H beams to add a bit more to the base as well. Get some skulls from the Vampire Count skeleiton range which have some nicely bash in skulls fit in well. But again I'd combi both sand bags & ruin city idea for your Iron Warriors.



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Mine are on Rubble/Concrete/Ruins bases, painted a dark grey (can't remember the exact mix right now, but something involving bestial brown and codex grey), and it contrasts really well with the silver shine of IW armour.
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Both ideas would be great. I think having the havocs behind rubble would be cool, as if they are waiting in ambush for an enemy armored column to enter their killzone. Kind of like the last scenes from Saving Private Ryan.
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You could have them standing in the imprint of tank treads (particularly vindicators) in the ground or in rubble from a tank running over/shooting through the rubble.


I mean the tanks would have been their first or at the same time right?

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I think industrial rules would be good, think concrete and metal. If you have concrete consider putting metal rods (paper clips?) out of it to represent the support rods the put in some concrete structures or maybe use a straw to create a wastepipe has now broken after the concrete was blasted away.


You could do lots ot things... vents in the floors and so on.

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