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finished dread conversion

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i finaly finished my dreadnought which i made using a very destroyed and thick painted which friend gave to me for free, just like so many othr things :D , and after sitting around on my desk and looking like terrain i decide to convert him to chaos useing maany bitzz from alot of other kits and green stuff and some forge world dread weapons. the most frustrating thing when rebuilding him was that i had to remake pnuematic bits inside thing leg guards and also make a conecter to the foot.

i am very happy with the results.


entombed: M38.266 by the tyranid trygon prime the defiler of caraxor

finds the use of trophie racks as impractical but thinks that small trophies are acseptible

was a member of the 12th chosen squad of the 37th black legion warhost

was willing to be entombed inside a drednought unlike other marines





sorry about pic quality, camera isnt very good for close ups...

an also a hint of another project under way...


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Nice gritty dark paintjob. He can't be entombed in M38 via Tyranids though.



Technically it could be possible as long as that group/warband was all the way out in the East, far past the Eastern Gulf. Though unconventional fluff-wise since everybody likes sticking close to the main galaxy, it could still work very well. Maybe his warband was way-out past the currently known sectors, and was raiding other planets, killing different breeds of xenos or creatures when they encountered the Tyranids. Certainly they'd have no idea what they were at that time, but it would later become abundantly clear.


Just my two cents worth. :wink:

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