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Hey all, I've recently started an army of dirty dirty heretics (my main is daemonhunters) and I could use some help.


My idea so far is to make them primarily egyptian themed with quite a few 1k sons and plague marines greenstuffed into mummies


my daemon prince is the tomb kings ushabti vulture model



and i'm turning imperial tech priests into obliterators



the problem is coming up with fluff, i'm not that familiar with choasy things


does anyone know if there's a primarily desert planet?

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does anyone know if there's a primarily desert planet?

Not to my knowlege, but let me let you in on a big Chaos secret


1) Find Planet

2) Sacrifice inhabitants to a Chaos god, so they'll transform it into a daemon world of your choosing

3) Profit

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This is the galaxy we're talking about. You can have any planet you like. Heck, if you find a nice green planet you can just nuke the planet until it's nothing but cinders and ash, wait a few centuries (and let's be honest what astartes wouldn't eagerly await his new desert home) and then drop onto the planet to see what and remains of the weather system have done to the surface.


Most desert/wasteland planets tend to be the product of such wonderful nuclear holocausts. Besides, what better way to let someone know you've gone rogue than to use forbidden weapons on loyal Imperial worlds?

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Most desert/wasteland planets tend to be the product of such wonderful nuclear holocausts. Besides, what better way to let someone know you've gone rogue than to use forbidden weapons on loyal Imperial worlds?

Zeller makes a good call here!

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Perhaps it can be a world trapped within the warp that your Warband/Army fought over against a rival force. Once they had captured it they sacrificed the survivors and with that bloodshed, along with all the killing frm the earlier battles, lead to one chaos Lord/Sorcerer to be granted Daemon Princedom and as a reward he was given the Daemon World by his patron god. Once that happens he can shape the world to his liking.


Thats another idea you can play with.

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hmmm i really like the idea of a former necron tomb world

any ideas as to what would make necrons just up and leave some place?


Nothing quite like making the tomb world into a daemon world. The 'Crons hate the warp with a passion, so seeing their beloved dead planet be overrun by the gribbly minions of Chaos should do the trick. :HQ:

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