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My Wolf Wing log

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Hi everone


Well with Christmas almost upon us. I have pray to Russ & the All father that I may get some back up to my current Space Wolves force, this back up being in the fourm of Logan & his might Wolf Guards in Terminators armour or know on the internet as the Wolf Wing army!!!!


As many know (or if you do not, you do now :) ), I been collecting Space Wolves since last year with the release of the current codex. Aim for the Space Wolves to be my tournament force for this year & during those event there has been many saga's & glory to my Space Wolves. As in the past I have alway tooken my glory army that is the Iron Warriors, a army that I became well know with, just I wanted to try the Wolves with the new codex & it allow me to try somthing diffrent game wise as well.

So I ask for a Wolf wing army for Christmas since it will be easy in term of people buy me stuff for presents & just army wise, 27 models mean it easy to carry about. Also money wise, it just help out the family since as said not many models are needed & being in the hobby for 14 years, my bitz box are well supply for conversion


The thing is I really like the new Space Wolves codex (along with Orks, Nids, Guards, Dark Eldar, Blood Angels) for the simple & pure reason that there so much freedom in regards to unit & army list building.

As many know I really like my Iron Warriors army & they have been my favrout army & has been collected for 10 years. However the current codex Chaos has limit me when I want to start another Chaos Legion, as they will end up the same list wise, just a diffrent colour, which I do not want to happen as said Iron Warriors are my favourt, been a army that have stood the test of time & earn many honour & glory though out the tournament scene's. I do not want that specil spark as it where taken away from my Iron Warriors because the army dose mean a lot to me & as said all that they have earn.


But with the Wolves there a lot going for them, as said there I collected a force for the tournament session, then there the Wolf Wing army & I have a future plan to make a 13th Company theme army. Then the odd units like Wolf Scouts, Wolf Priest, Lone Wolves, Tech-marines (or what the Wolves call them?), try to finial get my Space Wolf Lord made.


Anyway onto the Wolf Wing, I have alway been a fan of a Terminator style force since me earily days in the Hobby (can't belive it been 14 years of collecting). Wolf Wing are cool because each Wolf Guard is ment to be a hero in his own right, with Saga's & deed worth in the name of Russ & the All Father.

As such they should be converted a little higher up as it where. Like wise this Wolf Wing force it ment to tie in with the Space Wolves I took though out the tournament session this year which has a lot of conversion work to make them stand out.


That & also Conversion is my strong point with in the hobby.


So to start the log, here is one of my Wolf Guards that was preview during the Dark Eldar log






I use the Space Hulk model with the scanner built into the Power Fist arm. Just when I was looking for idea for my Wolf wing to try make them stand out. I look upon my Space Hulk models that I painted last year for the ideas.

Notice how much cool detail was upon them, it was a quick check out on ebay & saw that this Space Hulk model with that scanner in the power fist was on sale (Buy Now) for £5, I bid for it right away.

Like I said I want each Wolf Guard to try & stand out.


Overall my Wolves Guards, like my tournament Wolves force. It will have a lot of trophies from Nids heads base on my local GW manger Nids force, to Dark Angels icon as a mock to my 40k double team mate & his Deathwing force. Also going to add a few Vampire Skeleiton skulls, be heretic guards or somthing.


As to my current Wolves force, you can see a photo here. Took this during the Throne of Skulls tournament a month ago




Also the top 10 best armies my Space Wolves pick up during that weekend ;)




As for now, I am just building some of the Wolf Guard terminators I have bought though out this month or already had since last year. Along with a few Wolves packs




Also here are some photos of the Wolves I am working on right that this very min for the Wolf Wing. Just to help, as tomorrow being Christmas is going to be mob with family & I will have a new PS3 game which I'll be hook onto in the afternoon.




Painted Wolves Guards where once I done a while back when I was play testing idea for my tournament force. I really like them, though will not have to much detail conversion wise, I will make sure they are able to stand out with the rest.

Also hopeful the keen eyes among you will spot a Wolf Priest. He in the army due to make this conversion, idea came from George Dellapina Deathwing Chaplain terminator which I saw on a blog a while back




So that it from me. As said the rest of my Wolf Wing army will be here by Christmas.

So for me I'll be open present that midnight as I am up late anyway. Just I really enjoy Christmas because it the one time of year where there seem to be decent TV (with the amount of movies I saw yesterday & today was really shock) & some brillaint food which last for many days to come & then of course free stuff in the fourm of presents.

That & it during winter, just I hate the heat & hot weather, preffer nice cold weather..........maybe my High School teach was right who done a wargaming club.


He had a saying which was "you are what you collected". I have Iron Warriors who are brillain that building (NQ to HND model making course) & my Space Wolves = Me enjoy the cold weather & barely notice it.


Anyway so yes midnight open present. Hope to build the best part of my Wolf Wing force tomorrow moring. Then in the afternoon I will pretty much be hook onto my PS3 playing Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.

So if I do get time with family & Assassin's Creed premit. I will try get a quick update on the army, what been built & in general all Chrismtas goodness.


So that it for now



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Was mean to update this sooner, but 26th had family over & no space to take photos of my Wolf Wing force. While yesterday, well thanks to some ignorant git, I got shove & hit ice when I went to the town to go to my local GW. So right now my right hand is out of order & my right leg been a bash in. Just no tolerance toward ignorant people, more so when they do not say sorry or help you up, the person kept walking on & shoven many more out of there way.


Anyway onto the Wolf Wing army & what I have so far.


Assault Cannon Wolf Guard






As said there, I mange to get a few Space Hulks models for £5 on ebay, other wise everthing else is bought from my local GW store as I fully support it & the help the store has given me over the past few years.


Just when it came to idea, I like the Space Hulk models, though a few them I'd need to use due to the way the power fist is. Like the model shown on the first photo how he has the SH model with the built in scanner.

While the Assault Cannon one here, it point & the way it is pose along with the little scope on the power fist.


Also as seen in the Photos, I'll be adding in some trophies as this is what I like about the Space Wolves over normal Space Marine chapter, is the abilty to do these trophies where it dose not seem like heresy........to much.

So trophies wise


Gaunt head - This is base on my local GW manger nid force as I am the only person to defeat it so far back with my tournament Wolves force. Also tie in with the Wolves I took to this year tournament session.


Dark Angels icon - Hope it can be spoted in the second photo. I added a Dark Angels icon, just I felt if I added a helmet that might seem a bit odd/heresy. So though it would be better if I added on a Icon from the Dark Angels set. This is base on my friend & next year 40k double team mate, as he just got back into the hobby & his 40k army was Dark Angels. So been battle it out, now well be team up (SW/DA) for the 40k doubles in Feb.


So my army will have trophies like that hidden away. Sort of why I painted the blue viking runes as my spot colour, to draw people in & then they will start to notice stuff like this on my army.


I'm going to try & sculpt a beard onto him. Just one of the skills I lack is sculpting, so will be trying that as soon as my right hand recover from falling onto the ice yesterday.


Some of the Wolf Guards I have built. Photo was taken after I undercaoted Logan, the Wolf Guard in the first post with the scanner & two other Wolf Guards.



I got the GW painting stastion for Christmas. I think it really is decent. I'd preffer if they also kept selling the Wooden painting stastion as it is brillaint. But the plastic painting stastion is decent, I think I'll be useing it more as a tray or a area to build my models more than anything else. Hopeful mean my wooden GW Painting stastion will not be bog down with a lot of bits, if people have seen the photos of my Painting stastion in past log/post.

But again pretty decent, but would never replace the GW wooden Painting stastion that I use.


Also here a photo of the Wolf Priest




As said in the first post, I base the Wolf Priest on Geroge Dellapina Deathwing Chaplain.


My Wolf Priest was painted a few months ago, but was never finish as I was to focuse on getting my Wolves finish for the tournament session & other stuff got in the way.

But he part of my Wolf Wing army list, which will see him finish as soon as possible.


So right now I'll be spending some of today building what Wolf Guard models I can. I was hope to try & get some Green Stuff beard onto a few of them, but that'll have to wait as said above with me hitting into the ice yesterday. But I do have the new Space Wolf heresy novel - Prospero Burn, so hopeful get some cool idea from that to use in my Wolf Wing army.


Also while haveing a look back that some of my WDs, was checking out the WD I bought when I first started the hobby 14 years ago being issue 185. Came across a really nice Space Wolves army by eavy metal memeber Kim Syberg




I really like looking back that some of the older models from the 2nd ed era. Codex Chaos played a big part for idea toward my Iron Warriors army. So hopefull can use some of Kim Syberg ideas from his Wolves force into my own Space Wolf army. Like the two Terminators I shown there


But as said, going to try get some Wolf Guard terminators built today. Hope to have all of them built by the end of this week/before new year. Try get the painting side started next week.


Try to get the next update on Thur.



yay! I loves all terminator armies, like quite a few people who collect marines, they like the idea of small elite armies, and what is more elite then all terminators! (ok maybe grey knights but lets wait til their new codex at least :D).


Loving the subtle change that adding a space hulk arm in can do, some of those models are totally awesome.


I myself am collecting a renegade logan wing, just an excuse to have an all terminator army really :D


good luck and seems like a great start.

Thanks everone


Time for another update


Wolf Wing force is going that a good speed on building side of thing as I spent best part of this moring building or adding bits here & there to the Wolf Guards. Now I have only a mere five Terminators left to build.


So here what we have so far.


Second scanner Wolf Guard

Having like my first converted Wolf Guard Terminator (seen in first post), I though it would be cool to make another scanner/carry a auspex Wolf Guard.






Hopeful the photo show this, but I'm scratch building a bionic eye. Just need to green stuff & he'll be ready for undercaoting.


Power Weapon arm Wolf Guard






As said I'm useing a few of the Space Hulk models for idea, for this wolf guard I been check the model Brother Deino (the one well know for his markman skills).








Like Brother Deino & I said about adding honour & trophies. Going to try add a few bullet to show the markman honour that can be seen in codex Space Marines, think I'll be useing the bullets from the Ork Boyz range.

Like wise I still got a few trophies to add onto this Wolf Guard.


The squad he will be part off




Also a quick photo of the Assault cannon model I shown in the last post, along with the scanner Wolf Guard I shown in my first post.




As said I want each & ever Wolf Guard to try & stand out as they are heros in there own right, lot of saga's & honours to there names. So I model one of my Wolf Guard a while back base upon a Skald, a story teller, one who carry the saga's & deed of my army into the hart of battle.






Again this model like my Wolf Priest was built & painted a while ago. So added him so I can get the model fully painted & finish.


Finial a undercaoted version of Logan




I use the FW conversion pack, Grey Knight arm for the Storm Bolter & then the standard Wolf Guard terminators set.


So that it for now, as said got another five Wolf Guards left to build, then to just tide up the rest with trophies, honour marking or just to have them ready for undercaoting. Hope to get undercaoting done ether Sat or Sunday so I am ready to start painting next week.


Also ment to say with the base, they will be green stuff to fill in the slate & to add a bit of texture before putting the sand onto them before undercaoting.



About time I got some updates


It been a busy week on the painting front, been painting more than I ever have from commission to the Wolf Wing force to many other...many armies I have. Right now, apart from two models, my Wolf Wing army pretty much got there grey armour done along with some highlight.


So this will be good for the 3000pts game I have next week. Of course I'll have my camera to try take a photo of the army as a whole & some bits of the game. Looking forward to the game as I rare play big games, but as long as it 1500pts+ (hate small games below 1500pts, unless it for a 40k double tournament like Conflict Scotland & the 40k Double in Warhammer World) I am not all to bother :P


Onto the Wolf Wing.


As per usely the army as a whole




Hopeful some better photos of the Wolves. I been trying diffrent stuff out with the camera as the photo I took this moring where not turing out so well, make the grey armour look terrible. So been trying flash, with out flash, lamp near by. So hopeful this show them a bit better.


Use flash along with a lamp while take the photos. With out flash the photo turn out blurry & way to dark.




Hopeful the trophies I was trying to show last time are a bit sharper




Also the second unit I am working on






As you will notice my Space Wolves have Black Helmets. I wanted this to be an honour marking toward the Space Wolves Gate of Morkai to show that they fear no death like any good Space Marine, but being Wolves this has a bigger meaning & is a bit more personal.


This is also done on my tournament Wolves. Also just add a bit more to the Wolf army, as each Great Company have there own marks as per there background.


On another note, I should be working on a Wolf Guard Battle Leader soon. He will be needed for the 40k doubles in Warhammer World in Feb (over a monnth for the event).

Right now, one idea I been toying around with. It was to use a normal Mk7 Helmet from the Marines tactical set, but add wolf teeth to the grill area, just to try make him stand out, put fear of Russ & the All father into there foe's & to show the first Wolf he killed in term of join the Space Wolves, when there sent out in Fernis to find the Fang before being made into the all might Space Wolves Marines.


If anyone seen the Golden Daemon Wolf Priest model, the'll know his mask has Wolf Teeth on them, so want to try this idea out. Link was first one I found on google to try give a exsample.




Right now the conversion has hit some problem. But still working away on it & I think I got a way around it.


So for now. I'll be trying to get the last two Wolf Guards painted, so they have there grey armour on. While I'll try another try that converting this Wolf Guard battle leader helmet, as the 40k double event is draw near.





I said I was going to do a update of the Wolf Wing force battle side by side with my Space Wolf tournament force in a epic 3000pts game tonight. Sadly this has not happen due to me being unwell :( Lucky the worst of it has been & my oppent mange to re-arrange the game for this Sat, though I think it will be 1500pts. So might bring the Wolf Wing to give them a try out in a game.


So not to happy, but it all fix into fate as it where :)


So with me being stuck in the house, I though I'd take some photos. Also spend some time paint later on.


The first unit which is near finish. Just a few bits of detail to do like Viking Runes to act as a ward vs the Warp & a honour mark. While painting wise it just act more as a spot colour to try & draw some attesion to my army due to it being a dark colour.

Also in the background, a Blood Angels assault marine I am painting for a friend due to lossing one of his Assault marine during the Throne of Skulls tournament, then my own Blood Angel (white helmet one) who was done for a painting comp last year in my local GW store.




The other squad which I'll be working on after this update




Army as a whole, it taken me a week & three days worth of painting, people that my local GW & gaming club tend to comment that I am a hobby machine, this rep came about due to being able to paint armies in a fast amount of time, sure my fellow mods can comment on this as well. Been know to paint a army in five hours in one single day, somthing I'd not like to go though ever again :lol: Sorry these photos where taken pretty quickly, just took the models out so I can get some work done to them in a few min.










If that was not enough Space Wolves, I been working on more


A brand new Dreadnought join the ranks. This will be for my tournament force, wanted the Dreadnought to stand out a little more as the Skald/story teller as to my Tournament background for this force.










I wounder if anyone good with Viking Runes, see if you can guess what this says, don't worry it family friendly/nothing to rude




Some WIP photos before he was painted yesterday










Finial a model I am just painting to have in my force. The all might Games Day Wolf Priest, this model was trade with by my friend spikyjames (Space Wolves in the What new today log, painted the White Scar for codex Marines, Mentro legion in Apoclypse rule book & Ultramarine in the WD w/Space Hulk)






It a really nice model & in fact one of the few models I would not convert. Anyone who know me, know I enjoy conversion, well as you can see on this log :D But there are a few models like the Wolf Priest that I will not convert or the Limited Ed Emperor Champion.


So that it for now, if I take my Wolf Wing to the rearrange game for Sat, I'll make sure to take my camera with me to try get a army photo & some in-game photos.



Love the models and painting IP. You really out-did yourself with these WG Terminators. I'm currently building another 3 boxes of WG Terminators myself. This thread has given me lots of ideas. Any chance we could get a preview of your "Wolf Wing" army list?


Great stuff IP. :(




Thanks everone


Any chance we could get a preview of your "Wolf Wing" army list?


No worries, it pretty much



Wolf Priest

5 Wolf Guards, 2x Power Fist, Launcher

5 Wolf Guards, 2x Power Fist, Launcher

5 Wolf Guards, 1x Power Fist, 1x Chainfist, Launcher

5 Wolf Guards, 2x Power Fist, Assault Cannon

5 Wolf Guards, 2x Power Fist, Assault Cannon


I have 10pts away from 1500pts. I'll be swap the Wolf priest in the future for a Rune Priest in Terminator armour & a chooser of slain.


Also a few notes


First up. Sadily I never got that 3000pts game on Thur due to being really unwell from Wed to Fri. Me & the oppent try to re-arrange a 1500pts game in my local store but they where not feeling so great on the Sat. Instead I fought against the Dark Eldar army my Space Wolves tournament force which ended in a draw with 5 kill points each, few units down to one or two models each. Mange to kill the Incubi with easy with my Dreadnoughts.

However we maybe trying for this Thur coming.


As to the Wolf Wing, current getting those last bits of detail painted on & Varnish the units. So today while I am doing a commission, I'll be going back & forward painting on the blue viking runes that are on my current Wolves force.


So Thur if the game gose ahead I'll have my camera, if it 3000pts or 1500pts. I'll see if I can get a quick update later today as well.


ShotgunFacelift Posted Today, 01:32 AM

Looks awesome, especially the ones with the space hulk bits thrown in. (fave being the Assault cannon WG)


Yes just the Space Hulk models where really great. I was trying to take a fair amount of idea from them as well.



hey man great models what colours did u use to paint the armour been trying to paint my wolves a darker colour but failing????


Adeptus Battlegrey, make sure to leave a thin line of black on the armour joints

Badab Black Wash

Codex Grey Highlight

Fortress Grey Highlight on the very tip of the armour, like a metal bar when light hit off it.


Then all the detail.


Wolf Wing side of things. Just have Logan & two Wolf Guards w/Launcher which will be painted today & then army should hopeful be finish. Then tomorrow the game, ether be 2x 1500pts games depend if one of my friends (be Blood Angels, then the orignaly Ultramarine game) are able to make it other wise it will be the orignaly 1x 3000pts game vs the Ultramarines.


So try get photos through out the games & also of both my tournament force & Wolf Wing.





Well I been work on my Wolf Wing for a week & a half, been a few dely from fallen on the ice on the 27th & result on me hitting the ground on my right arm. To being unwell last week. But by Russ & the all Father I am near. I am going to aim for Sat afternoon & Sunday to get this army finish off.


Just I like the paint armies, I hate useing unpainted models when in a game as it a good way to put me off. But like everone else (mostly those over 18+) we all have real life stuff from social with our friends, spend time with family, doing none GW stuff or thing like Jobs, meetings, etc.... One my aim with these logs is hopeful to show people with a small amount of time spent per week, you can get a army painted in no time. I think I spent about two hour per day I had free & then I'll spend a day that my local GW for the gaming night, but also to get a good amount of painting which usely see a good six hour.


Just as long as people can find a spare 30 min a day even it make a big diffrance to getting those armies painted. Even with the release of the spray gun & wash.


Anyway I said today I would get a update on the Wolf Wing, hopeful in a game. I mange to get a game, sadily not vs the orignaly game against Ultramarine. However another one of my friends was looking for a game with his pre-heresy Luna Wolves. He wanted to try them out under the new Blood Angels codex as he trying to find a away to fit in a full company of Marines in 1750pts. So far he had 81 Marines range from Devastators, Assault & Tactical. So against my 27 Terminators, I was out number one model for ever three of his.


All I can say is, Logan really is among the best specil ch out there. He slaughter squad after squad, held up. Made any save from lascannon, etc... yet ironicly it was Bolter that where my down fall. A old friend of mine put it, make me take a inv or cover save, I am fine. Rapid fire the hell out of me, I will fail terrible. By this he ment never fire one Lascannon into my Obliterators for exsample, more dice I had to roll more I would fail. This sadily happen to Logan


Here the photos


When getting my models into there units






My set up in table quater, d3+2 objects




There 81 Marines in here






Ture line that!!!!






Logan taken on all the odds



This is me trying to hold my object that all cost, was very bloody close combat




Logan slow slaughter his way still :lol:




After this photo, I was down to just one Terminators, while my friend Marines where down to 30ish Space Marines.



Army as a whole
















Never rolled so many 1's for armour saves, Wolf Priest got killed by one phase of shooting for rolling double 1's :ph34r:


Also a brand new Wolf Guard I am makeing for my tournament Wolves force. Just after many games over the year now, each unit built up it own rep, it own saga & the Wolf Guards as well. So though it was time to do a little update, like wise this Wolf Guard led the Rhino unit in my tournament force, the unit that the Rune Priest is part off. Though be cool to make the Wolf Guard the champion, the person people have to beat in order to face my Rune priest in close combat. Like wise I wanted to have a little sub theme that this Wolf Guard was once a memeber of the Deathwatch Kill team, to exsplain about the xeno trophies, one of them being from the new Dark Eldar Raider kit


Sorry just notice the photo blurry :(




So as said still got a little bit to paint from the two Launcher Wolf Guards, need to get pack marking onto them. Then Sat afternoon or Sun will see me just tide them up.


Then I'll be looking to add a Rune Priest in terminators armour & possible try make up some Lone Wolves. Was thinking after this game about the use of two Lone Wolves to this Wolf Wing force.


Also I will be looking to start Blood Angels soon, got a lot of conversion idea. Possible be looking to next week & if all gose well, start a log for them.





I'm not to keen on Drop Pods. After doing a Drop Pod Iron Hands force & when I orignaly started the Wolves army it was Drop Pod heavy. Just found them unrelible (sp) since your needing that all important reserve roll &/or the scatter. Though it wired I really like my Daemon Force (need to go back to them that some stage). Not sure just after play testing my tournament wolves force I am not all that to happy with Drop Pods, preffer mech. Though I think my Wolf Wing one of the rare armies that are not mech, ever other army I have is tank heavy.


Though right now I have been looking into two Lone Wolves, alway like the idea since they where put into the new codex & also model wise it brillaint. Just in my Wolf Wing force I have 10pts spare, along with the Wolf Priest that 130pts. I can easily get two Lone Wolves with Storm Shields for 65pts each in terminator armour of course. Just though it would be cool & I really enjoy useing one in my Conflict Scotland list from last year.


On that note, I recently been ask on another fourm if I was able to take a photos of current Space Wolves force since I said I was going to try on Thur but sadily time ran out, as soon as the game above happen I pretty much had 5min to take those photos & then get ready to go.


So here my Wolf Wing along with my tournament wolves force. Along with a few other models use in diffrent events or from play testing last year.


Since the photos have just been taken in my house, only way to fit the whole army is on my GW Battle board, really like the gaming table just past experince with MDF is having them warp, like wise GW gaming table really easy to pack away & put to one side. Just I had many MDF board that just get in the way or as said warp.


Anyway onto the Wolves force overall




Logan, Wolf Priest & the Rune Priest who is from my tournament force






My brand new Dreadnought
















Bjorn who was orignaly going to be in my tournament force, but was to costly in pts & I badly needed a unit to hold my own object & a unit to contest my Oppent in the fourm of a Grey Hunter unit in Razorback & a unit of two Land Speeders




Terminator was use to rep the Heavy Flamer, though it would have been cool as a honour guard.


Lone Wolf I use that Conflict Scotland




Hopeful a better photo of my new Wolf Guard I try shown on Thur, had him fully finish yesterday afternoon & varnish this moring




My Wolf Guard Battle Leader who will be in my 40k Double tournament which is in a few weeks time




Long Fangs






Overall that is


Tournament Wolves force

Rune Priest, Wolf Tooth, Chooser of slain

Dreadnought, Twin Lascannon, armour, Wolf Tooth

Dreadnought, Plasma Cannon, armour, Wolf Tooth

4 Wolf Guards, 4 Combi Melta, 3 Power Fist

8 Grey Hunter, Melta, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard

Rhino, Armour, Dozer Blade

5 Grey Hunter, Melta, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard

Razorback, Twin Lascannon, Armour, Dozer Blade

5 Grey Hunter, Melta, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard

Razorback, Twin Lascannon, Armour, Dozer Blade

5 Grey Hunter, Melta

Razorback, Twin Heavy Bolter, Armour

2 Land Speeder, Multi Melta, Heavy Flamers


Total 1500pts


Wolf Wing force


Wolf Priest

5 Wolf Guards, 2 Power Fist, Launcher

5 Wolf Guards, 2 Power Fist, Launcher

5 Wolf Guards, 1 Power Fist, 1 Chainfist, Launcher

5 Wolf Guards, 2 Power Fist, Assault Cannon

5 Wolf Guards, 2 Power Fist, Assault Cannon


Add on's

Wolf Guard Battle Leader - 40k doubles

Lone Wolf - Conflict Scotland 2010

Land Raider Redeemer - Conflict Scotland

5 Long Fangs - Bring my tournament force to 1750pts for ELG Counter Attack & Stirling wargaming Rapid Fire

5 Long Fangs - Bring my tournament force to 1750pts for ELG Counter Attack & Stirling wargaming Rapid Fire

Bjorn - Play testing my tournament force.


Usely I collect a army to 1500pts then move on. But I really am like the brand new codex from Wolves, Orks, Dark Eldar, Nids, Guards, etc... Just a lot going for them. It a shame Chaos Marines lost Legion, as anyone know me know my Iron Warriors are my favour army. With the current codex, I only ever get the same list just in a diffrent colour, which I do not want, I do not want to loss that spark my Iron Warriors have since there my main force & have been for a good 10 years.


But really like the new codex, as shown here I got my tournament Wolves force, just done my Wolf Wing though I am spending today tide them up & then adding a few models in the next few weeks. Then in the future I will be looking into a 13th Company theme force.


But to the Wolf wing, as said still got a Rune Priest which I'll be trying to work on over the next few weeks along with the Two Lone Wolves for this project.



  • 2 weeks later...



That the Wolf Wing army almost finish. I pretty much just got some gold to paint on my two Lone Wolves & some finial bit of detail






So far the army has taken two weeks, three week if you included building. But not solid, with Christmas, being unwell & fallen on Ice in Dec hurting my right hand, etc.....


I'm going to get the gold painted tomorrow just before I start on some commission work, Banner for a Dark Angels Librarian model.


Also more photos of the army as a whole








Finials, I've had to make a new Chooser of Slain for my tournament Space Wolves force. My Space Wolves where taken part in a club challenge (my club vs a store that was close by), which saw my Wolves slaughter the rebal Guards to a mere few tanks.

Was a great game, if it went for another turn I think I could have taken down the last three tanks, as two of them where badly damnge anyway.


Was shock how pee off my Rune Priest was. Basicly any time he try to get into close combat, it finish before he could get in. So he took his anger out on the tanks with his Living Lighting, just rolling lot of 6's for the amount of shots I got, ever shot hit & damnge a tank.


However I knock the Chooser of Slain by mistake in all the hype in the game B) We could say it the Rune Priest going bezerker with his shooting of Living Lighting.


So here the brand new one






For those who have not seen my past topic/post. I went for a Servo Skull over a Crow/bird. Just a lot of the bird lack that detail & look very flat. Like wise I just really like converting Servo Skulls, been doing this for my Iron Warriors & Iron Hands armies. There just cool.


So the Wolf Wing pretty much done for now. However there lots to be done for my Space Wolves ;)


- Rune Priest in terminators armour in the near future for the Wolf Wing

- Make my Wolf Lord in terminators armour. If anyone can let me know about Lukas the Trickster cape if it a single bit & what the detail like as if I seem to rememeber it was Nids creature on it.


My Space Wolves have a few events being

40k Doubles

Throne of Skulls April

Armies on Parade


Next project will be Blood Angels!!!



Looks really nice mate, where's the lone wolf's shield from?


The shield are from the Beastmen. Few them are from the last lot of Beastmen before they where update to be ten gor?? & ten un gor?? I don't play WFB so no idea on there names, just know it beastmen. I am mainly a 40k player, all wargames out side of GW is heresy to me, WFB I tolerate but don't pay attesion :Troops: Enjoy play Battlefleet Gothic & Necromunda as well :HS:


Beastmen shield are brillaint & is somthing all Space Wolves player should get. I use them a lot to help mark out my models with the Mark of Wulfen in the tournament Space Wolf army. But for my Wolf Wing, the Two lone wolves purely have storm shield. I'm not to keen on the storm shield look.


I was orignaly going to use the Minatour shield to rep the storm sheild, but not seen any photos of them.


all the little extra details are incredible


Thanks, you'll see this in all of my armies. It help to draw people in to have a close look. My Iron Warriors have lot of ammo pounch, trophies, etc... The Wolves have viking runes & trophies, etc..


On that note you can see my new Blood Angels project log by here






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