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Blood Gorgons


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Well, I have a lot of models. Not many of them are built, fewer of them are painted. I have Chaos, Loyalist and even Guard models.


What to do with them? Well, originally I thought to make a Night Lords army, kit-bashing the Loyalist and Chaos forces to represent scrounged equipment. That never materialized. Then I acquired IA9. The Tyrant's Legion list within that book inspired me. Guard-lite+Marines? Madness? No, this is Sparta Chaos :P


Well, after deciding that painting around 80 guard models and 30 Marines was far too much for my goal of having an army by the 15th of January (I'm such a quitter, I know. I blame college for robbing me of spare time) I decided to cast my eye about for some sort of theme army. I looked around the Lexicanum for Warbands, Chapters and Legions that could fit my needs. The Blood Gorgons attracted my eye after reading their entry. Apparently, Chaos Marines that do NOT use cartoon-villain tactics of mass intimidation and moustache-twirling to achieve their goals.


Does anyone have any information on them? Apparently they feature in Henry Zou's Bastion Wars novels quite heavily. I've heard they are somewhat bad and haven't read them anyways, but does anyone here have any sort of info on the Blood Gorgons beyond their Lexicanum article (located here?

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I read Emperor's Mercy (a good read in my opinion) yet they weren't featured heavily, and I have yet to read Flesh and Iron. Besides that info all I know is that there novel comes out in March. Seeing the artwork cover for that novel makes me want to make a few Blood Gorgons myself.
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thats the ones witht he inquisitor with the powerfist? there isnt much about them. they scared the dung outa him. think the most threr is in there is reallly just a visual description though, so that leaves you pretty open. i think they follow khorn?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Seems to me that they are just another version of the the AL...I read Flesh and Iron and teaching the indig's about smuggling and guerrilla tactics sounds pretty AL to me...Admittedly they were featured sparingly in the first book in the series as Hushrong said.. If your looking for something cool...why not read the new salamander's books Fireborn and Tome of fire, which just came out...There they have the Dragon Warriors...a chaosy version of the salamanders with a penchant for melta and flamer weapons
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