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tyranids as summoned lesser daemons

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i was think about useing my tyranid genestealers from space hulk as sommoned daemon, as there profile is almost the same and the deap strick is the equivelant as the charmionic skin and fluff wise they were psychicly taken over by a powerfull socerer of tzeentch, and they dont realy notice that they have been converted as they process the psychic power that goes into them the same as the hive mind.

is it a good idea??

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I'd make some heavy conversions if I were you (greenstuff, half and half some daemon parts into em, something); No offence, but if you walked into my gaming store with non-converted 'nids as daemons, some fluff nut would probably set fire to the table your mini's were on and start playing the fiddle. Mind you, I'm a big time advocate for 'counts-as' stuff, but you need to put some effort into 'em at least. Best of luck, brother.
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I'd make some heavy conversions if I were you (greenstuff, half and half some daemon parts into em, something); No offence, but if you walked into my gaming store with non-converted 'nids as daemons, some fluff nut would probably set fire to the table your mini's were on and start playing the fiddle. Mind you, I'm a big time advocate for 'counts-as' stuff, but you need to put some effort into 'em at least. Best of luck, brother.

As he said, even if you aren't very good at it. I know I'm not but I still do it and I enjoy it... So please, convert those genestealers a little :D

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I applaud this idea, we need more people doing crazy awesome stuff, and fewer saying "no"!


As others have said: Convert them! Bear in mind that Chaos Genestealer Cults have existed, and that Tyranids CAN be corrupted by Chaos according to Black Library, earlier GW fluff, and Codex Daemonhunters. In fact, I'd not worry about having converted genestealers in your 'Nids army, after all: what would happen if 'Nids came upon a planet infested with Chaos 'stealers? Or a daemonworld? Would they walk up to the Genestealers and say "No, sorry. We're on a diet"? No, they'ed gobble them up anyways, they may not even notice the 'Nids have even more arms or glowy bitz.


Man, now I want to see 'Nids get Chaos derived biomorphs next codex!

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I like that idea too (I am for example strongly cosidering using Kroot mercs as summoned deamons), it is shame that many of renegades and even traitor Legions are reported to cooperate with xenos and still in dex there is no choice to field any.
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