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Honor Vs Sanguinary Vs Vanguard?

Kolonel Grotsnik

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I made me some lightning claws from power fists and marine combat knives..i quite liked the results..
Pictures please.

Sorry, I don't have a camera at the moment..I basically cut the blade off three knives, then cut the blades thinner and glued them on the power fist. The claw looks a bit like Wolverines claws..

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Great idea about the pewter storm shields. I would have to counterbalance the weight this is enough though. As I recall they are a bit smaller than their plastic counterparts. This gets me to thinking about using the smaller pewter lightning claws. The best part is they come left and right handed. Thanks for jogging my memory Quixus.


The knives on the power fist sounds really cool!

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If you check my blog I have several articles on all three units. They all very specific roles.
In your blog, you mentioned a JP Honour Guard squad with 2x(Lightning Claw+Storm Shield), 1x2LC attached, 1x(Thunder Hammer+Storm Shield) to a Librarian. Is there any reason why you didn't go 4x(LC+SS)? For wound allocation?


The pair of claws stacks more attacks and look really cool. The hammer is there for insurance and to deliver the knockout punch.


G :)

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Despite the image quality it looks like a good idea. Which PF did you use?


The pair of claws stacks more attacks and look really cool. The hammer is there for insurance and to deliver the knockout punch.
The cool looks I can agree on (I do like Shrike), but isn't it just one more attack for 5 less points but you lose one Invulnerable Save? To me it's more like If you have 5 spare points take the shield, if not take another attack.
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That's the pointing one. Did you remove the fingers? The Wolverine reference implies tat there are still fingers.

Yeah, the fingers are still there..i think it looks cool that way. I originally considered making a chaos-style fingerclaw, but decided not to step to the dark side..

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I recently just put together a Captain (who will likely never see the table) with fingerclaws hacked onto a Sanguinary Guard Power fist. Now that you mention it though, those combat knives are just about perfect for some awesome lightning claws. Maybe some Assassin's Creed style hidden blades? That could be cool.


Your model looks fantastic!

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Despite the image quality it looks like a good idea. Which PF did you use?


The pair of claws stacks more attacks and look really cool. The hammer is there for insurance and to deliver the knockout punch.

The cool looks I can agree on (I do like Shrike), but isn't it just one more attack for 5 less points but you lose one Invulnerable Save? To me it's more like If you have 5 spare points take the shield, if not take another attack.


Lightning claw plus stormshield = 2 base attacks

+ Chapter banner => 3 base attacks

+ Charge bonus => 4 attacks


Pair of lightning claws = 3 base attacks

+ Chapter banner + Charge bonus => 5 attacks


So 13 lightning claw attacks total... I run the Sanguinor so there are instances where it's a grand total of 16 attacks. I run them with a Librarian (Unleash Rage) so it can vaporize most units including TWC. The pair are mainly there for the aesthetic value, the extra attack is just a bit of gravy on hte biscuit.


G :)

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Where would one get all those lightning claws anyways? Assault Terminator kit? But then the arms don't look quite right, so it always feels less than ideal to me.

lightning claws

These are Terminator lightning claws, cut at the elbow joint.

Do they look OK? :)



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lightning claws

These are Terminator lightning claws, cut at the elbow joint.

Do they look OK? :)

The paint job is awesome, but I still think they are a tad oversized, but not as bad as I thought. By at the elbow joint, do yo mean below or above it, or do you split it in the middle(can't imagine that being the case)?
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