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Very nice. What I like about your scheme is that although recognizably orange, it isn't a color that will shine through deep fog at 100 meters. I prefer subdued schemes in general and this looks just wonderful.


And for the record, I am not a member of the "Cult of Orange". :)


I too am not so sure about the red helmet on the sergeant. Red and orange are a little too close on the color wheel for the same figure for me, but I'm not going to suggest that you change it. However, back in the RT days, was there a way to do head stripes for sergeants? I'll have to pull out my RT book to check. That might be one way of addressing it, but you are on a roll, so don't let that stop you.


Excellent job so far.



Cheers guys. :)


Yeah I think that the faded orange rather than bright orange works quite well. The red helmet for the sergeant is more to do with falling in line with the codex, I'm a little torn about it as well to be honest because like you rightly say it is a little close to the base colour.

What I think will work really well though is carrying the codex theme through to the vets and giving them white helmets.

Quick update


Starting to make some progress on the squad now and started on their ride. Still unsure of which codex to use but at the moment am toying around with going with the regular one and upgrading the captain to a chapter master.

At this stage I'm looking at five or six tactical squads for an infantry heavy force, this may change if I use the blood angels codex as it means that I can go for an armoured company.





Edited by Doghouse

Thanks mate. :tu:


Yeah orange isn't something that gets used much which is why I thought it might be pretty cool to try for a change. I'll try and work it into the background material as well at some point with them wanting the enemy to see them coming and their disdain towards those chapters that use camouflage.

I'll try and work it into the background material as well at some point with them wanting the enemy to see them coming and their disdain towards those chapters that use camouflage.


So that would make them on the traitor side in the Badab War? :tu:

Cheers mate. :)




Got a bit done on number seven, still flicking back and forth between squad members but at least I'm making some progress now. :)

What I'm going to do is use things like helmet markings and trophies to show which campaigns of note that they have fought in as individuals.

So for example a helmet stripe shows they fought in the Valdane Secondus campaign, a white snout on the helm indicates the took part in the Tanamar Rift Incident, the skull on the helmet indicates that they fought in the Purging of Geggen Three, a white stripe on the bolt gun indicates they fought in the Marnus Gulf campaign, etc.

Not all marines will have these looking like the guy on the left in the picture below but some will have one or more scattered throughout the force.

So by looking at the guy on the right below you can see he is a veteran of both the Valdane Secondus campaign and the Tanamar Rift Incident because he has the helmet stripe and the white snout.



Im a big fan dog house.


As usual you share with us fantastic stuff.. This time with very limited resources.. Which is similar to where I am in regards to modelling.


I dig this army. The fluff you have hinted at, the orange, the marines the vindi, the skull details. The free handing is especially nice.


I have a suggestion about the sergeant helmet. Feel free to ignore. Maybe instead of red for the lid you could use black? Visually I think it would work better. On the fluff side of things, surely the chapter can adapt codex markings slightly to suit their needs. You could even if you fully flesh out the fluff DIY Index style give some reason (A great battle/tradegy), similar to the Death wing change of colour. Or hell it could be an Inquisitorial mandate, A plain sight yet secret difference that Inquisitors know to look for. As these guys are essentially Inquistorial/High Lord weapon against heresy. I mean the possibilities are endless.

Second the black sgt helmet suggetion - the difference with the orange armour would be more defined, whilst keeping the palette down. I'm sure the codex makes provision for the fact not all chapters wear blue armour. The inquisitor reference is a nice (and fluffy) twist. The extra contrast with any white campaign markings you give the sgt (hey, they got that position for a reason) is just an added bonus.


Looking forward to more work, and hearing some extra background stuff.


As a suggestion, you could perhaps use a few of those Deathwatch helmets with the I symbol on the forehead. Perhaps on notable characters/veterans. Also, with campaign markings spread across squads, it might look pretty good and tie each squad together if there's one marking that's more common amongst the members than any others.

Cheers guys! ;)


I'm not sure what chapter they are a successor of just yet but have settled on them being a third founding chapter. I do like that idea of the black helmets but have managed to sort something else out now. :lol:


Background material-wise I'm going for a third founding chapter. In my original version of the Summoners they answered directly to Calgar and were used as a means of policing the astartes and intervening in rebellions.


This time around I'm making them answer directly to the High Lords of Terra, bypassing both Calgar and the Inquisition. What I'm currently planning is that I have enough for three forces of marines. The first that I am making here are the third company lead by Captain Ardan Vale.

Vale, like the rest of the chapter see the Emperor as not only the founder of the Astartes and the Imperium but as the living god of mankind. As such they worship him but not to the same extremes as the Ecclesiasty.

Captain Vale is perhaps one of the most zealous members of the chapter and many believe that he missed his calling as one of the chapter's chaplains.

The third company is known as "the mailed fist" possessing a great deal of the chapter's armoured fighting vehicles. To represent this I'm using the Blood Angels codex purely because you can get so much armour in force. As I'm not using them as a successor of the BA I'm not using the sanguinary guard, sanguinary priests or death company. I could create proxy units for them but to be honest I think they are best left to the BA.

I'll be using the red thirst rule to represent Vale's ability to inspire his men with religious litanies.


For the time being the plan is:


Captain Vale and nine tactical marines in a Land Raider Crusader.


Ten marines in a Rhino


Ten marines in a Rhino




2 Baal Predators


Predator Destructor


The Baal are a bit of a grey area as in reality no-one out side the BA and their successors use them and their construction is a closely guarded secret.

The idea is that when the Summoners defeat a rebellious marine chapter they get the pick of the defeated chapter's wargear (as long as it's not tainted by chaos that is) as reparation. A successor of the BA succumbs to the black rage and begins wide scale slaughter of imperial guard forces that they were fighting alongside.

The Summoners are ordered in and defeat the renegade chapter but discover three Baal predators intact aboard the battle barge orbiting the planet where the conflict takes place.

With the Admech forces closing in and the Blood Angels nowhere near the ship yet the Summoners take them aboard their ship to safe guard them with the intention of presenting them to Dante so that the admech can't get their hands on them.

When the blood angels arrive they are outraged at the attack on one of their successors and it is only the timely arrival of an ordo malleus vessel that stops the two forces from breaking out into an all out conflict.


Angered by the accusations of the Blood Angels, Vale decides not to tell them of the discovery of the Baals and instead keeps them for the Summoners citing it as being the Emperor's will.

Since then there has always been a bit of a feud between the two chapters and two of the Baals have a permanent place in the third company.


As I also have about forty terminators knocking about I also intend to put together a force representing the first company of the chapter. Although they do not have as many suits as the likes of the Dark Angels they still possess a sizeable number of terminator suits. Whilst they are entitled by decree of the High Lords of Terra to take wargear from defeated chapters by an agreement of honour they generally only take a single suit of terminator armour. Obviously this applies to those chapters that are forgiven their transgressions but given the rarity of the armour even losing a single suit of armour is a great blow.

To represent the first company I'm going to be using the Space Wolves codex but the squads will be organised in traditional codex manner.


Obviously this means the two forces can't be used at the same time as they are two separate codexes.

Cheers guys. ;)


For the bases I'm probably going to go for a dark earth or desert kind of thing to create a contrast between the bright orange and the base.


I may have something lined up for them in terms of serious firepower but will wait till I have these guys underway first. :cuss


Yeah the idea of taking stuff seems ok to me as long as it's not entire battle barges or anything too crazy. The odd terminator suit, dred or tank is quite plausible and is still a kick in the teeth to the renegades on top of any penitent crusade they might need to under take.

Progress has ground to a halt but not through lack of enthusiasm I might add. I have managed to get some work done before work a couple of times this week and have started on the sergeant. I wasn't really a fan of the red lid so am going to use the folded up banner poles from the AoBR marines to denote who is a sergeant.

The head is taken from the AoBR missile launcher model and I hope to get this squad finished this weekend. I've also made him into a left hander using a bolt pistol hand and the right hand of a marine biker.





Edited by Doghouse

Cheers guys! :)


Yeah Black Reach or Battle for Macragge marines are the ones I'm trying to stick to because it means I need to be a little more inventive. I do have some ideas for assault marines using them as well but will need to play around with them a bit.


Bit of an update


Was hoping to get a bit more done but settled for just doing the captains heraldry. I'd done a black background for the association with chaplains and faith in the emperor, the red stripe for the third company, the gauntlet because their nickname is the mailed fist and the chapter icon in the middle. I'll do a better version for the company banner.



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