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Warptime Clarification


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Hi everyone, I have a question about the psychic ability warptime. The codex says you cast it at the start of either players turn, so on my opponent's turn, I cast it before he moves right? I ask this because in my local gaming group some other people argue that it should be after they move incase they have anti-psyker units that get within range of my psyker. (A librarian with a psychic hood for example.)

Thanks in advance.



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thats a person trying to screw with you... you're using the power correctly, no worries...


All that really means is that you are using your powers as you should be, and probably winning because those powers help, and another player is trying to take the edge off of you.


So... smite them... smite them and offer their souls to the chaos gods!

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I have one additional question. Can you use this power your turn a then subsequent next player turn?

Yes. The limit on uses of Psychic powers is 1 per player turn (2 if you have Mark of Tzeentch)

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Next time, bring your codex with you. And play things as they are written. If you bring a rule book, you'd avoid most mis-interpretations. And let them read through your codex to clear their minds. When I present my army, I always ask if my opponents doesn't know a unit. If he doesn't, I'll explain what's inside, on further questions I'll present the book and guide their readings.
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Next time, bring your codex with you. And play things as they are written. If you bring a rule book, you'd avoid most mis-interpretations. And let them read through your codex to clear their minds. When I present my army, I always ask if my opponents doesn't know a unit. If he doesn't, I'll explain what's inside, on further questions I'll present the book and guide their readings.


very good advice. The only addition i would add would be to do yourself out an oldstyle crib sheet with some particular notes of special rules per unit on it. Maybe with references to pages in the Dex... or maybe thats me being a little OCD... :P

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