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Disk of Tzeentch

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Ok, so one of my(many) lords is a sorcerer lord of Tzeentch borne aloft on a Disk of Tzeentch, easy right?


Now comes the hard part... I match my characters to fluff, Bellacanth(my sorcerer lord) rides upon a disk of Tzeentch known as the crystal dias. Now in any other fluff I could model a disk of tzeentch without any issue, and I know how I would make the molds to create the peices I need... the problem is however... what makes a good clear resin?


If any of you all know of one that is good... please let me know... I'll be sure to post pics whenever I happen to finish.

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I thought of that myself, but that wont do for the design that I have thought out in my head... If I had a scanner, I would just scan the schematics for it and download it onto here so yall could see what I have in mind... Like I said, I know how to do the mold work, what I lack is a clear resin to use in the molds.
There are companies that make clear resin. Here is one: http://www.smooth-on.com/Urethane-Plastic-...1156/index.html . The issue is that if you don't do it under pressure, the resin will have a lot of air bubbles in it. Now if you build the mold so you can pour layers, you might try using a model train water product like one of these: http://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com.../category/Water .

true, but for what I have planned that's not good enough. Basically how I envision the Crystal Dias is a crystallized Disk of Tzeentch with a sort of throne being carried on it's back. There are a few artistic details here and there, such as an egyptian styled hawk's head on the "front" of it, crystal blades on the underside, stuff like that that will take alot of modelling. Accents will be painted gold, with the eyes of the Hawk painted with a translucient blue to near opaque.


Like I said, I will be putting up pics as soon as I get it started, as well as the finished product.


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