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Sub par against what exactly now that I think on it? I've seen it math hammered out, and while I dont like math hammering, that is statistics at their core. Now I cant say as I know anything about Eldar HQs, but any other army save Daemonhunters, a Chaos lord is a pretty solid HQ. Tyrants are still pretty solid but a Khorne lord with daemon weapon can still tear it apart.

Hive Tyrant buffs other units. Regular Captains/Lords are not taken in competative lists of other Marine armies either.


There are 3 kind of 'lords' which you see:

-Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf: Hard to kill, killy and fast.

-Vulkan: Buffs the army and is a decent combat character.

-Bike Captains: Makes Bikes troops and is decent with a Relic blade (+ SS optional)


Normal Lords/capaints etc are bad... They don't really do anything for the army, besids adding some combat potential in an overpriced way.


Same goes for the Chaos Lord: It's just way overpriced for what he does. (very vulnerable with a little hitting power...yay)


Only Lord we have which is pretty close to 'worth it': Khârn. At least he does where you take a lord for, he kills things.

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Abbadon is a tank. only readon i wouldnt touch him is hs model sucks! though i must say chaos hqs are in some ways better than the spacemarine ones. the socerror is far better than its loyalist counterpart. sure it costs more as you have to buy powers but it comes with better stats including an inv save. Regular lords are dead on. sure they could use more options(i like lucius cause of the flamer template...)but you get what you playfor. and the deamon weapon is a nice upgrade, pretymuch the chaos relic blade. no, the real problem is the princes are cheap. and ging by codex tyranids it wll be going up in the next dex...
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You can get around that I believe, by using greenstuff and bloodletter bits (sword) and some 2nd ed. bolters on top of a Lightning claw + a belt or two from the CSM Hvy Bolter kit.

I've been wanting to remake him for ages, but I cannot seem to find the time.

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Abbadon is a tank. only readon i wouldnt touch him is hs model sucks!

Compare Abbadon to Calgar in Terminator armor. Calgar has the advantage of not being completely terrible outside of close combat by having two storm bolters, and being able to reroll their wounds. Calgar also grants his God of War ability to any other squad you have that knows combat tactics. Granted Abbadon will likely beat Calgar in close combat with the higher initiative, saves, and +d6 attacks. However the point I'm trying to make is that most of the time you're just using points to get a single good unit in chaos, where other codexs have HQs that give benefits besides simply being a good unit. If you deploy Calgar he'll probably be worth the points, but if Abbadon never gets into CC then he's a waste.

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Abbadon is a tank. only readon i wouldnt touch him is hs model sucks!

You can make a decent Abaddon model using the Lord plastic kit and the Abaddon's head and arms, just a pity it costs lots to do.


A darned shame Abaddon's head is one of the prime reasons for him looking like a complete turd. I can't see the top knot staying if/when his model gets redone, it is absurd.

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Abbadon is a tank. only readon i wouldnt touch him is hs model sucks!

You can make a decent Abaddon model using the Lord plastic kit and the Abaddon's head and arms, just a pity it costs lots to do.


A darned shame Abaddon's head is one of the prime reasons for him looking like a complete turd. I can't see the top knot staying if/when his model gets redone, it is absurd.

I try to avoid the top knot heads at all costs for my basic marines. What possessed traitor marines to decide that instead of continuing to shave their heads they'd all grow silly top knots.

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the socerror is far better than its loyalist counterpart. sure it costs more as you have to buy powers but it comes with better stats including an inv save.

Lol? People don't buy Libbies for their combat stats; you buy him for the Hood and good Psyhic powers and he comes in at 100 points. Ours has mostly very bad psychic powers, no Hood and is more expensive.


Regular lords are dead on. sure they could use more options(i like lucius cause of the flamer template...)but you get what you playfor. and the deamon weapon is a nice upgrade, pretymuch the chaos relic blade. no, the real problem is the princes are cheap. and ging by codex tyranids it wll be going up in the next dex...

No the problem isnt that Princes are cheap, Lords are worthless. I would buy them if they did something helpfull for my army. Making something scoring, or allowing me to purchase USR for CSM/Chosen/Havoc squads. Or just maybe when he had a deamon weapon which doesnt fail when you throw a 1 combined with a 3++ for the same price as now.

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Abbadon is a tank. only readon i wouldnt touch him is hs model sucks!

You can make a decent Abaddon model using the Lord plastic kit and the Abaddon's head and arms, just a pity it costs lots to do.


A darned shame Abaddon's head is one of the prime reasons for him looking like a complete turd. I can't see the top knot staying if/when his model gets redone, it is absurd.

I try to avoid the top knot heads at all costs for my basic marines. What possessed traitor marines to decide that instead of continuing to shave their heads they'd all grow silly top knots.

The guy I saw do this chopped the top knot off and stuck it on a better. It's an improvement but still got a top knot. Overall though it looks far better than the original.

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