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Question regarding CSM heavy weapons


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The CSM box comes with a plastic heavy bolter, that's it. I'm not fully sure about the havoc squad box, but I believe it comes with 1 missile launcher, autocannon, lascannon, and heavy bolter. All of which are metal.
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1) I haven't bought this box, but I think it is a metal/plastic hybrid. Plastic bodies, metal weapons, etc.

2) The regular CSM box comes with 1 Plasma Gun, 1 Flamer, 1 Meltagun and 1 Heavy Bolter. No other heavy weapons sadly.

Personally, I just bought a loyalist Devastator box and chaos'd them up (spikes, shoulder pads, helmets, etc).

Hopefully this helps.

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before you start buying stuff , know that the AC is a better option for chaos sm then a RL is .


Just the whole "more shots = better" idea? I like the prospect of having rocket launchers because you get tank dropping/MEQ killing heavy weapons with the option to have a horde dispersal firing mode.

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If you want meq busting power take plasma or melta , both do so so anti tank . RL is a crap weapon for chaos . if you try to do a gunline then loyalists do it better, razors , combat squads , specials buffing their units , more support units then we have , our good stuff[ultra grit for example] being wasted when we stay static to use a weapon . Only way for hvy weapon is to go with an anti skimer build , load up on oblits and AC/plasm csm and hope that those 6 long range AC shots let you pop transports faster , which at least technicly means better use of oblits and DPs.

Even if you run 3 RL then it aint enough to deal with a single rhino and if you do that and lose all the good sides our csm have ,then you do will see that RL are a bad weapon for our units.

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1 Reaper Autocannon
Just a bog standard Autocannon. B)



From GW's website:

This boxed set contains 5 Chaos Space Marine Havocs including the option for an Aspiring Champion and 4 Heavy Weapons (1 missile launcher, 1 heavy bolter, 1 lascannon, 1 autocannon).



Edit: yes, Autocannons are the best all-round Heavy Weapon available to havocs and they are just lovely against skimmers.

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In my experience's Ive grown more accustomed to Autocannons and Heavy Bolters. Missile Launchers always seemed to...MISS all the freakin' time B)

Which is why one of the more common fan superstitions is never refer to them as Missile Launchers when you're rolling to hit.

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before you start buying stuff , know that the AC is a better option for chaos sm then a RL is .


Just the whole "more shots = better" idea? I like the prospect of having rocket launchers because you get tank dropping/MEQ killing heavy weapons with the option to have a horde dispersal firing mode.

It doesn't kill Meq well, not at all. 1 wound, which might get saved by cover? The blast function is also very dissapointing; inaccurate and still grants cover saves. Actually...pretty much every weapon which let's horde take cover saves is kinda bad at anti-horde.


The autocannon simply has (way) better odds against transports (including Av12). Yes, a ML might be able to damage Av13/14 better, but you don't point it at that anyway. (unless you're desperate or when you have lots of them; read Fangs/cheap Dev squads). An autocannon also puts more wounds on things and therefore is better against Meq in cover actually...


So no; missile launcher sucks, at least for us it does.

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