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nurgle bikers?


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hey guys,


ive been wondering: has anyone ever made nurlge bikers? tried the search engine but got about 60 pages with either nurgle or bikers in it, never the combo (stopped looking after a few pages)


if i make this unit its only for apocalypse (because of the pointcost of the unit) but it seems like a fun project to me <_<


aside from the fact that this unit would be HIDIOUSLY expensive i could see it as a very powerfull close combat unit. toughness 6 is hard to crack with strength 4 (most standard attacks) whilst every model has 2 attacks. added mobility also adds protection as turbo boosting grants that important cover save incase they send AT-firepower their way.


would this unit be viable if point cost werent a concern?

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apo weapons are not sttr 4 standard and for the cost they have chaos bikers die too fast both in hth[TH and fists dont care about t4(6), ] and dont have enough special weapons or support in form of attack vbikes to make them semi viable shoty units. And even if in apo they score it is better to take loyalist bikers anyway.
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I've done a couple games with Nurgle bikers. IN anything smaller then 3,000 points they're simply too expensive for their purpose relative to what you have to sacrifice to have them. at 4,000 they're nice option, but can still be a bit expensive for what you get. At 5,000 everything goes. T6 marines with 3 meltas that can turbo boost, move 12" and pop a pesky tank are very nice. Plus being toughness 6 they tend to stick around unless your opponent lobs krak, Plasma or Space Marine Power fists at you.
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I've used Nurgle bikers many times and what they do best is draw fire. And nothing else, but for that purpose they do draw fire rather well - the big problem is they cost too much to really shine in that role.

A (2nd?) Daemon Prince with wings does the same, cheaper.

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This may be related, but I am unclear about the whole toughness 5(4)/6(4) bit. My understanding is that the 4 is used when calculating instant death. If thats the case, what's the point in buying an upgrade that only raises the toughness to combat "small arms" fire? It seems like the only useful marks is chaos is Slannesh (faster than the average marine at all times) or Khorne.
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Well the toughness combats all kinds of things. Consider that most units in the game are Strength 3 or 4. That means that against Toughness 5 they will wound on a 5+ or 6+ in close combat. T 5 also helps against weapons up through strength 6 (they wound less often).
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Well the toughness combats all kinds of things. Consider that most units in the game are Strength 3 or 4. That means that against Toughness 5 they will wound on a 5+ or 6+ in close combat. T 5 also helps against weapons up through strength 6 (they wound less often).
This, the only reason for the IoN is to reduce casualties from small arms, but it still doesn't help against heavy/special (e.g. plasma) weapons - at an exorbitant price too, personally I'd rather have more models on the table.
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I agree, I am not really a fan of taking ICOns on any standard troops, if I am going to I would rather take the Cult troops, for Independent characters or Daemon princes, MON can be useful. In that instance I think Khorne is probably the worst mark (only any good on Lords, as Psychic powers are better than +1 attack on Daemon Princes)
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hmm nurgly bits ;)


yea some of those conversions look pretty much what i got in mind. marines that have grown inside their bikes (or have stuff growing on them that fuses with the bikes)


the squad will be made mostly for laughs and giggles, just checking if anyone actually used this....because come on, 33 points without any upgrades at all? :) wth was GW thinking?

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I use them in varying unit size depending on points. They make a great drop point for deep striking oblits or a cc squad of termies. In more than one game they have tied up a heavy weapon squad or an enemy psy and let the termies come in when they are ready to tera up any units left in the enemy back field. Haven't tried them to summon demons yet as from wht i hear demon bombing doesn't work like it used to, but my termie bombs work quite well.
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got any pictures of that? <_<


unfortunately no... worse still I have to rebuild my forces after all of it got lost in storage by my ex. Kinda angry about it because my three favorite conversions were in there( Kala-Azar himself, a custom built loota, and an IG a daemon prince might have second thoughts about taking on(modellingwise)).


Though be sure to keep an eye out, as I get the "chapter" rebuilt, there will be pictures of each company(as well as the full chapter once complete).

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no no... I do mean chapter


1st company: Undivided led by Dalfurion, the oathsworn(undivided DP)

2nd company: Slannesh led by Avarice(lord with IoS, wings, and daemon weapon

3rd company: Nurgle led by Kala-Azar(lord with IoN, daemon weapon and bike)

4th company: Tzeentch led by Bellacanth(Sorcerer Lord with IoT and Disk of Tzeentch)

5th company: Khorne led by Ashrath(Lord with IoK, terminator armor, and IoK)

6th company: Undivided led by Caramon(Sorcerer Lord)

7th company: Khorne led by Kelthet(Lord with IoK)

8th company: Slannesh led by Judas(Lord with IoS)

9th company: Tzeentch led by Metrion(Lord with IoT)

10th company: Nurgle led by Samar(Sorcerer Lord with IoN)

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against T4 or lower it has the same properties as an LC, namely rerolling to wounds due to the poisened property of the deamon weapon :wub:


a LC that adds 2-6 attacks ^_^ just dont roll a 1 and your set to cause some havoc :lol:

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