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night lords speed paint


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My wife is an illustrator, and she's in love with this piece. She has some questions:


1. How long did it take you to finish this piece? Did it require multiple sittings?


2. What's your preferred medium? Do you prefer tablets over pencils/paper/charcoal?


3. Do you find artistic inspiration (as in, art styles) from a specific comic/graphic novel, etc?


4. Do you have any formal art training, or did you simply learn by ear...or finger...whatever, self-taught. (She's juggling words right now)


5. Are you a Night Lords fan personally? Or is there something else in the 40k universe that gets your art flowing?


6. Do you play 40k, or are you in it for the artistic aesthetic?


Thanks for the great piece. She's now strangling me and the only way I'm getting my lungs back is if I get CS5.

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After carefully reading this thread I just can't resist posting here, too.

Actually I wanted to avoid getting the whole discussion started again, but as I feel almost personally attacked, I feel it might be necessary.

First of all my opinion of the picture.

It's a shame you didn't post the picture seperately. The video quality isn't good enough to enjoy the result. But anyway, it looks pretty nice.

The pose looks good and the proportions are also well done. I especially like the face and the whole atmosphere the picture confers.

You chose the colours well, they add to the overall dark impression we got from your work.

Good work after all and there's nothing severely distracting it. Perhaps the eyes are too bright, but that's just my point of view.


BUT: I do totally understand Rogan's and DarKHaZZ13's point, not just because the first of them is my boyfriend (which doesn't matter in this discussion - not at all!). I don't want to criticize working with brushes and filters beyond reason, my only issue with those techniques in general would be that you get the impressive result, think "wow. What a lot of effort and time this must have cost 'em - how the dickens did he do that?", but get totally disenchanted watching the video. So the next thought would be something like "oh. That's the way they're doing it - some talent and a few tutorials and anybody can do that. Nothing special at all/any more".

Yup, I know I couldn't do it any better than slaine69, but there is absolutely no need to discuss that here - just in case somebody planned to use that as an argument to question my credibility due to the allegedly lack of qualification.

I took a look at some of slaine's other stuff, and as he showed in his last post, he's a really talented artist who is certainly able to handle both traditional and digital media. Nobody doubts that.

Still, this is about the video, in which one can only see the easy way, which is somewhat sobering to my mind.

I saw a lot of PS pictures on DeviantArt and most of them managed to really impress and fascinate me, thanks to the effects and elaboration I saw. But now the only thing I that comes to my mind is how these artist are applying additional layers and filters. The fascination has vanished.

After all, it's up to everybody how they like to do their art - they need to feel comfortable.

That's what I had to say about art and your Night Lords speed paint.


Next I have to say I first learned of this thread when Rogan told me I was being used as an argument in a "discussion".

It is interesting how this


My girlfriend uses gimp, and she does everything "by hand".


turns into this


Your initial post as well as your subsequent posts are doing nothing more than saying "Hey, my girlfriend can do better" - which I've seen her work, and while it is a different style, and good in it's own rights, she most definitely could not do better than what Slaine69 has done here (based purely on her posted material) - it seems more to me that you're upset that she doesn't get the kind of praise for her work that Slaine69 gets for his.


turns into this


Firstly this was a recording of the first time I used photoshop CS5 I had been using CS3 for about three years so I wanted to see what had changed (not a lot actually, but Rogan dude, if your missus though what I did was ethically wrong she would probably have a fit at some of the new features which can be found here
you might want to sit her down first!)so I chucked in pretty much everything I would use in the work flow of a much bigger picture to test them out.


To be honest, I was suprised at first and then got pretty upset.

I don't like people raising attention by every means necessary, and to accuse me and Rogan to of being such persons is a serious insult to me. Almost like a blow to the head.

I already mentioned I wouldn't be able to do 40k art as well as slaine69, which is definitely not a shame at all. But that other people knowing but a tiny fraction of my works dare to state that one artist's works are better than the other's and even use that as proof to their arguments is simply insolence.

As you can see if you're taking a "close" look at my works, you'll easily recognize that I am much more into manga than 40k style. I hardly ever do 40k stuff.


But what angers me most is the fact that freedom of speech is almost non-existant around here. Everybody should be allowed to say whether he likes stuff that has been contributed or not, even though they might have not that much experience with the media used. Slaine69 himself said he cared about people's opinions and welcomed them.

I posted my works on various 40k communities and received some rather "negative" feedback, even from guys who wouldn't ever even draw a single line themselves. But why would I use a knockout argument like "you don't know dickens, so shut up"? Of course, the persons in question could simply leave it be and not like it without any comment, but it doesn't hurt anybody to hear some unpleasant words once in a while.

Even comments from people who have no real idea what they're talking about (concerning painting techniques and stuff) can be useful. A friend of mine recently made me aware of a mistake I otherwise wouldn't have noticed. Rogan, too, noticed mistakes I did not, although he rarely draws pictures himself.


Sure, no need for comments like "I don't like it", but then again, who needs lonely "I like it"s? None of those is of any use to the artist.


Just one more thing:


After reading through this thread, I hate to say it but I think you hit the nail on the head with this one :P


Why do you pick on Rogan for his not offering solutions but don't comment on the uselessness of statements such as this one? It has nothing to do with the original topic of the thread, there is no advice, nor a solution, not even any criticism.


@ slaine69: sorry for my abusing your thread, but I had to post my opinion on both your art and this discussion.

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But what angers me most is the fact that freedom of speech is almost non-existant around here.


What? That wall of text was pretty much one giant "angry on the internet" post. The arguing had died out and the thread was back on topic, why did you dredge it up again?


ANYWAYS, Slaine69, your artwork is not only fabulous, it also captures the grim gritty hard as nails atmosphere I'd expect from a Chaos marine. I used to use Photoshop all the time when working on my graphic design minor at University, I can tell you that takes a lot of talent a patience to do what you've done.

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Congratulations, you've rehashed a topic that everyone had gotten over only to post something that, in summary, repeats everything Rogan has said (only with more kung-fu Wall of Text action!) and saying "boohoo, people said my art is bad, including you guys, so now I'm angry".


Thank you soooo much for starting this argument all over again! :lol:


Oh, and...


But what angers me most is the fact that freedom of speech is almost non-existant around here.

Welcome to the B&C, where everyone is a Nazi!


EDIT: Oh, and by the way.


If you're looking at someone's miniatures, a real noob, creating depth simply by applying a wash over the whole miniature or using autoshading stuff. What's your first thought? "Looks cool; if only I could paint like that"? Or rather: "Ok. So he used autoshade and slapped some paint on it."

So, this must obviously be the painting of a noob, then, because it's painted primarily in washes.


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It kind of irks me when someone bags on washes. Like hitting a recess with Devlan Mud is somehow way easier than putting down a layer of thinned down Beasty Brown or something.


Neither one is difficult to do. Both can be challenging to do WELL. One is a whole lot quicker/consistent even when done well.


As for the whole "freedom of speech" thing...


Your boyfriend did have freedom of speech. He said his peace and he was heard. Everyone else exercised THEIR freedom of speech by telling him to please be quiet. That didn't stop him from talking though did it?


Sorry OP...completely off topic. I actually meant to post here asking if I could link to your video on my blog.

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Slaine69 you respond extreamly well to criticism.


I would like to point out that I hope that I did not make it seem as if I had judged you as a 'cheater'

I don't belive one can cheat, in the traditional sense of the word, when it comes to art (other than plagerism obviously)

And that was essentially my point....it is only cheating, if you feel like you are cheating yourself.


You justify your methods to us, when really there is no need, but you seem to want us understand how you work...to answer your critics as it were.


I feel you have done that quite well.


thanks man much appreciated, cheating was probably a poor choice of words on my part, I know where you're coming from dude, Birmingham right? budum dum tshhhhh


My only criticism is the lighting you used, it seems to me it obscured the colour of the armour a bit too much, but that's more personal preference really. Apart from that I really like it, as well as the rest of your stuff that I've seen, and your video was really educational as well, it really makes me feel as if I could give it a go myself, so cheers. Out of curiosity, did you use a tablet to draw or just a mouse?


aye your right there, it's always annoying when you realize that you've covered up a butt load of detail on a layer you dropped like 5 minutes ago.

I used a wacom (tiny ass)A5 bamboo pen tab for this I've got about as much control over a mouse as a monkey with a live frag grenade


I envy you soooooooooooooooooooooo badly :P


haha cheer dude


That was insane! You must surely be possessed by a Daemon


I am! his name is Phil......huh!.......what was that?............oh, right ...sorry, archLord Phil the malevolent!




Grrrrr, cheers


holy.... crap


I just done on of those, I've been eating swiss cheese mwa mwa


Regardless of whether it's traditional methods or not, I like what I like.


I really like that. :P


cheers man


My wife is an illustrator, and she's in love with this piece. She has some questions:


1. How long did it take you to finish this piece? Did it require multiple sittings?


2. What's your preferred medium? Do you prefer tablets over pencils/paper/charcoal?


3. Do you find artistic inspiration (as in, art styles) from a specific comic/graphic novel, etc?


4. Do you have any formal art training, or did you simply learn by ear...or finger...whatever, self-taught. (She's juggling words right now)


5. Are you a Night Lords fan personally? Or is there something else in the 40k universe that gets your art flowing?


6. Do you play 40k, or are you in it for the artistic aesthetic?


Thanks for the great piece. She's now strangling me and the only way I'm getting my lungs back is if I get CS5.

haha strangles by the lungs, nice!!!


1/ I'd say at the very longest it took an hour and a half, hmmmm there a quite a few settings, some I changed others I didn't, good answer eh? I have got a similar video that explains the process as it's being done that would probably answer it a lot better than I can now it's here


2/ ooh thats a good one, I think overall I would have to say photoshop because of what I can do with it in terms of texture and colour but I'll never have as much control over it as I will have a pencil and paper which just feels no natural and comfortable mmmmmmmmm 6B


3/ so many, sooooo many sources of insparation, I love the horus heresy books they'll put a clear image in your head as sure as any picture will, though having adrian smith on standby doesn't hurt ASmith the great Frank Frazetta is always a bountyfull font of inspiration Frazetta I try to keep up with this guy Dan Luvusi who is waaaay better than I am but the same age as me, one day though, I'll change those tides. I figure a bit of one sided competition is healthy right? this guy is my favourite micheal Komarck if there's ever a guy who can force me to draw pictures just by seeing his it's him. ultimately, though, everyone finds their own inspiration, I would suggest that your wife get a deviant art profile, there are sooooo many different artists, styles, mediums on that site at least a hundred of 'em


4/ nope I've never learned to draw with my ear! buuuuut seriously my grandad was an oil painter who always wanted to paint like constable and he started to show me things as soon as I could p-p-p-p-p-p- pick up a pencil, my dad always used to draw fantasy pictures with a fine tipped pen and he showed my some stuff by the time I hit art in school, they were the only A's I was getting, so I done and AVCE course of fine art in collage failed horribly done an Alevel fine art course in a different collage and passed, done an Illustration course in uni but they think I dropped out in the the last month of a three course (nutbags) so I just got a diploma and I'm in the middle of a computer game design course now. That said I suppose most of my learning came from Imagine FX and various other tutorials I found around the net, heh, I owe the net a lot to be honest.


5/I actually didn't know very much about them except for the basics but I've had reason to draw them lately and I've started reading Soul Hunter, they're definitely carving their presence in my mind, I'm definitely a fan of the 40k mythos as a whole though, it's so visceral and cruel on so many different levels that I fits my taste both artistically and intellectually, down to a T. it's badassery at it's finest.


6/ I don't play the table top game, I'm not saying I won't or anything I never have (unless space crusade counts) I'm definitely in it for the artistic aesthetic but I play the computer games, I cant bloody wait for dawn of war II retribution (squeals like a girl and claps hands)while I don't play the TT game I still paint the minis, I favour the Word Bearers, all praises! and I really dig the 40k mythos it's astonishingly rich and well thought out not to mention it's forward momentum, there's always something new to find whether it the novels, minis, codex's, art books or forums like here, I've never found it stagnant.


if you have any more questions or I answered them like with all the sense of a smack addicted hyena let me know


After carefully reading this thread I just can't resist posting here, too.

Actually I wanted to avoid getting the whole discussion started again, but as I feel almost personally attacked, I feel it might be necessary.

First of all my opinion of the picture.

It's a shame you didn't post the picture seperately. The video quality isn't good enough to enjoy the result. But anyway, it looks pretty nice.

The pose looks good and the proportions are also well done. I especially like the face and the whole atmosphere the picture confers.

You chose the colours well, they add to the overall dark impression we got from your work.

Good work after all and there's nothing severely distracting it. Perhaps the eyes are too bright, but that's just my point of view.


BUT: I do totally understand Rogan's and DarKHaZZ13's point, not just because the first of them is my boyfriend (which doesn't matter in this discussion - not at all!). I don't want to criticize working with brushes and filters beyond reason, my only issue with those techniques in general would be that you get the impressive result, think "wow. What a lot of effort and time this must have cost 'em - how the dickens did he do that?", but get totally disenchanted watching the video. So the next thought would be something like "oh. That's the way they're doing it - some talent and a few tutorials and anybody can do that. Nothing special at all/any more".

Yup, I know I couldn't do it any better than slaine69, but there is absolutely no need to discuss that here - just in case somebody planned to use that as an argument to question my credibility due to the allegedly lack of qualification.

I took a look at some of slaine's other stuff, and as he showed in his last post, he's a really talented artist who is certainly able to handle both traditional and digital media. Nobody doubts that.

Still, this is about the video, in which one can only see the easy way, which is somewhat sobering to my mind.

I saw a lot of PS pictures on DeviantArt and most of them managed to really impress and fascinate me, thanks to the effects and elaboration I saw. But now the only thing I that comes to my mind is how these artist are applying additional layers and filters. The fascination has vanished.

After all, it's up to everybody how they like to do their art - they need to feel comfortable.

That's what I had to say about art and your Night Lords speed paint.


Next I have to say I first learned of this thread when Rogan told me I was being used as an argument in a "discussion".

It is interesting how this


My girlfriend uses gimp, and she does everything "by hand".


turns into this


Your initial post as well as your subsequent posts are doing nothing more than saying "Hey, my girlfriend can do better" - which I've seen her work, and while it is a different style, and good in it's own rights, she most definitely could not do better than what Slaine69 has done here (based purely on her posted material) - it seems more to me that you're upset that she doesn't get the kind of praise for her work that Slaine69 gets for his.


turns into this


Firstly this was a recording of the first time I used photoshop CS5 I had been using CS3 for about three years so I wanted to see what had changed (not a lot actually, but Rogan dude, if your missus though what I did was ethically wrong she would probably have a fit at some of the new features which can be found here
you might want to sit her down first!)so I chucked in pretty much everything I would use in the work flow of a much bigger picture to test them out.


To be honest, I was suprised at first and then got pretty upset.

I don't like people raising attention by every means necessary, and to accuse me and Rogan to of being such persons is a serious insult to me. Almost like a blow to the head.

I already mentioned I wouldn't be able to do 40k art as well as slaine69, which is definitely not a shame at all. But that other people knowing but a tiny fraction of my works dare to state that one artist's works are better than the other's and even use that as proof to their arguments is simply insolence.

As you can see if you're taking a "close" look at my works, you'll easily recognize that I am much more into manga than 40k style. I hardly ever do 40k stuff.


But what angers me most is the fact that freedom of speech is almost non-existant around here. Everybody should be allowed to say whether he likes stuff that has been contributed or not, even though they might have not that much experience with the media used. Slaine69 himself said he cared about people's opinions and welcomed them.

I posted my works on various 40k communities and received some rather "negative" feedback, even from guys who wouldn't ever even draw a single line themselves. But why would I use a knockout argument like "you don't know dickens, so shut up"? Of course, the persons in question could simply leave it be and not like it without any comment, but it doesn't hurt anybody to hear some unpleasant words once in a while.

Even comments from people who have no real idea what they're talking about (concerning painting techniques and stuff) can be useful. A friend of mine recently made me aware of a mistake I otherwise wouldn't have noticed. Rogan, too, noticed mistakes I did not, although he rarely draws pictures himself.


Sure, no need for comments like "I don't like it", but then again, who needs lonely "I like it"s? None of those is of any use to the artist.


Just one more thing:


After reading through this thread, I hate to say it but I think you hit the nail on the head with this one :(


Why do you pick on Rogan for his not offering solutions but don't comment on the uselessness of statements such as this one? It has nothing to do with the original topic of the thread, there is no advice, nor a solution, not even any criticism.


@ slaine69: sorry for my abusing your thread, but I had to post my opinion on both your art and this discussion.


I don't think you're abusing the thread, speak your mind if you feel you have to.

I know what you mean about the video seeming disenchanting, especially sped up like that it would seem so calculated and unspontaneous, but please be assured not every photoshop artist works this way and it can have a certain elegance to it, have you ever read ImagineFX magazine? if not here's the link to the website IFX its a brilliant magazine and it showcases many different styles and media check it out man I would hate to think that my video put you off photoshop when it's the (in my opinion) best and most versatile illustrative program available.


also I really hope I didn't offend you with the 'you might want to sit her down first!' comment, I was trying to be a funny bugger and if it came off as insensitive I apologise that's totally not how I meant it.


lastly I would say one thing that I love about these guys (in a totally heterosexual way) is the fact that they don't pull their punches, these guys speak their mind as you have, it's the opposite of censorship, I respect it and wouldn't have it any other way


But what angers me most is the fact that freedom of speech is almost non-existant around here.


What? That wall of text was pretty much one giant "angry on the internet" post. The arguing had died out and the thread was back on topic, why did you dredge it up again?


ANYWAYS, Slaine69, your artwork is not only fabulous, it also captures the grim gritty hard as nails atmosphere I'd expect from a Chaos marine. I used to use Photoshop all the time when working on my graphic design minor at University, I can tell you that takes a lot of talent a patience to do what you've done.


thanks man much appreciated.


Congratulations, you've rehashed a topic that everyone had gotten over only to post something that, in summary, repeats everything Rogan has said (only with more kung-fu Wall of Text action!) and saying "boohoo, people said my art is bad, including you guys, so now I'm angry".


Thank you soooo much for starting this argument all over again! :lol:


Oh, and...


But what angers me most is the fact that freedom of speech is almost non-existant around here.

Welcome to the B&C, where everyone is a Nazi!


EDIT: Oh, and by the way.


If you're looking at someone's miniatures, a real noob, creating depth simply by applying a wash over the whole miniature or using autoshading stuff. What's your first thought? "Looks cool; if only I could paint like that"? Or rather: "Ok. So he used autoshade and slapped some paint on it."

So, this must obviously be the painting of a noob, then, because it's painted primarily in washes.



OOOOH thats bad ass, did you do those dude?


It kind of irks me when someone bags on washes. Like hitting a recess with Devlan Mud is somehow way easier than putting down a layer of thinned down Beasty Brown or something.


Neither one is difficult to do. Both can be challenging to do WELL. One is a whole lot quicker/consistent even when done well.


As for the whole "freedom of speech" thing...


Your boyfriend did have freedom of speech. He said his peace and he was heard. Everyone else exercised THEIR freedom of speech by telling him to please be quiet. That didn't stop him from talking though did it?


Sorry OP...completely off topic. I actually meant to post here asking if I could link to your video on my blog.


no problem dude feel free and thanks for looking

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I guess was being sort of a d**k here.

Actually I never meant to criticize Slaine69's work as harsh as some of you might think I did, so I'd like to apologize to all the people I have upset in this - rather pointless, as someone stated - discussion.

Slaine69, just as mentioned before, the result does look great, and apologies to you, too, for hijacking your thread to start said discussions.


By the way, I took a look at PS, and creating brushes is something that didn't come to my mind at all... So: sorry once more.

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