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Hi Folks,


Here's the third member of the squad - finished tonight. I'm pretty happy that I'm maintaining the standard throughout the squad. The tricky part here was painting the script of the parchment and parts of the helmet as the detail was a bit rough. Still, I'm happy overall - especially with the unified look of the squad, the paint chips and gems.





Enough rambling - what do you think?

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Hi Folks,


Thanks for the kind comments!


Here's number four of the squad - the figure has so much iconography on it that I didn't attempt any freehand bar the scratches and the U symbol.





I've started work on the final member of the squad so hopefully by next weekend I will have the squad complete. :tu:

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Hi Folks,


I've finally finished the fifth member of the Sternguard squad.





I really like the way the squad looks as a whole and it was nice trying out the blending on the white as well as the battle damage.



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Cheers Folks,


These were fun to paint. Two annoying faults with my figures were the bent bolter on the marine on the far left and the messed up'd bolter barrel on the marine on the far right.


I have to say that the 'triangle' slots to fit the arms in works far better than the older ball and socket style system.


Right, enough rambling. Now that these are done I have a squad of five Veterans MkII (or whatever they are called now) along with a Librarian in Terminator armour. Hopefully I'll get somewhere with these by the end of February.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


Update time at last. I've finally finished the Terminator Librarian and I'm glad to get it all done. Overall I'm fairly happy with the figure - I had a bit of a love/hate relationship but in the end I think I did good. I ended up using more of an Enchanted Blue palette with a small dab of Ultramarine Blue to ensure that the armour didn't look too out of place to the rest of the army.


Anyway, enough rambling, here's my mini:








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Hi Folks,


Here's the first of my Veterans MkII miniatures. The sculpt itself was a bit off and made preparation a bit of a pain. Still, overall, I'm pretty happy with the paintjob. Hopefully I can get stuck in with another figure this week.



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Hi Folks,


Here's an update on my Veterans Mk II.






I liked the pose of this sculpt as it has a bit more height than usual marine poses. I'm not quite happy with the powersword so it's something that I might come back to in the future.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


It's been a little while since my last update so I thought to rectify that with a couple of photos. I'm still plugging away at the Veterans MkII and I've got four of the five done now:








I'm pretty happy how the squad's coming together - hopefully I can get the fifth member of the squad done this week. :)


As always comments and critique is more than welcome.

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Hi Folks,


My final member of my Veterans MkII squad is finished. This chap is my favourite from the set and I've added a little more scratches to him compared to the others.




Here's a shot of the squad and they look pretty cohesive. The battle scratches along with the chequers help define them a little more than my Sternguard squad.



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Excellent work all around. I especially love the MkII Vets, they're just wonderful looking sculpts and have a lot of character - you really did them justice. I think the only thing I'd change is the color of the power weapons - all that blue, you know? Purple or red or green would really pop and draw attention to these killer models - but that's purely my opinion and I can't offer any critique outside of that, because your work is stellar.


If you don't mind my asking, what exactly did you not like about your power sword?

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Cheers for the critique on the power weapons. I tend to work them on a blue theme as it seems more electrical/power weapon-esq to me.


The only thing I didn't like on the sword was that the powerlines seemed a bit wide, but it seems in keeping with the other power-weaponed marine so I think that I'll leave it.

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I gotcha, yeah. This is possibly the first time my only critique on a model has been something purely subjective, like the color of a power weapon. Kudos.


I can't wait to see what you end up posting for us next!


Slightly unrelated, but still perhaps a feather in your cap: I dig your Ultras so hard that I painted a UM grandfather unit within the ranks of my DIY chapter; I point blank could not help myself.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


These aren't quite Ultramarines but they're still part of the force so I'll put them here. I fancied a change from the blue and dug out some of my Legion of the Damned figures. Hopefully you like them.


Edit: Here's the photo now...



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