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"Today Ahriman Killed..."


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Khârn has one.. Why not us...? Although ours will be a little slower, I have a feeling it will be just as interesting.


I'll start it off by posting last weeks kills. Just pretend it's "Today".


A gaunt- Doombolt

A techmarine- Bolt of Change

Fateweaver- Gift of Chaos

Ahriman- ............Gift of Chaos casting. Sigh.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ah, Ahriman, the oldest space marine in existence, with a ridiculously in accurate stat-line. I was on 4chan yesterday and some one pointed out that he's been a live since the unification wars, and was comparable (though far from equal) to Magnus the red in terms of psychic strength, yet is hardly better than a librarian.


Regardless, I'm not sure if this is close enough to go here, but it is a beautiful achievement of the Thousand sons.


On the premier appearance of my first unit of thousand sons, after I had assembled them the day before, they came into close combat with a unit of Black Templar (with preferred enemy and lightning claws none-the-less) and proceeded to beat down the entire, 5 man strong squad with their accompanying Chaplainator. Now, that not too amazing by itself, but I'll add in the fact that the Rubric marines are the ones who scored all the wounds, the sorcerer did nothing the whole fight, even with warp time. All this, and the rubric marines did not sustain a SINGLE casualty!


The next time I used them against my Black templay friend he assaulted them with an assault squad, chaplain included, and inflicted two wounds, whilst the sorceror killed the chaplain (Reclusiarch) and the Rubrics slew about 4 assault marines. It seems he doesn't have much luck against the thousand sons. :rolleyes:

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We can only hope that if/when the Legion codex comes out Ahriman's stat line and psychic powers gets a MASSIVE boost. And IMO I think we'll probably be quite pleased because the leaked Grey Knight psychic powers are pretty awesome so Ahriman might have a lot to look forward to...
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Just to keep the meaning of the thread alive :


In a "Clash of Heroes" game versus Ultramarines.


- Dreadnought

- 4 Honor Guard

- Spawned Marneus Calgar


All I had to do was to deny Calgar the opportunity to get in B2B with Ahriman, after his rhino was exploded. He charges me -> warptime kills the honor guard pretty easily. Next turn : GIFT OF CHAOS <3

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My buddy's Ahriman turned my wraithlord into a spawn during the assault phase. This single act quite literally changed the game around from a steady loss for the TS to a brutal deathmatch where I had to commit my ground forces to actively seeking out the TS infantry.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Heh played in a friendly tourny today... and I got wooped by some nids however... something against the odds did happen...


Ahriman got charged by a brood of 3 Carnifexs and managed to turn all three into spawn in a single round while under the affects of The Shadow in the Warp!


Anyone want to work out the odds of him surviving and being able to do that?


I think this even beats the times I've turned Wraithlords or the single time I turned the Nightbringer into a spawn... XD

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Last week I was using my Space Wolves and destroyed him with a Long Fang with Heavy Bolter before he did anything, awesome luck for me :).


I then used MY Thousand Sons against my buddies Ultramarines (and some World Eaters andother guy was fielding) and...


Cato Sicarius

4 Assault Terminators

6 Tactical Marines

Khârn the Betrayer (He got in the way)


Played another one for the hell of it and took out Njal and Marneus Calgar.

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You have Thousand Sons and Space Wolves? I bet you have problems sleeping at night to the sounds of straight-up firefight.


Post your minis in the Hall of Honor sir


I also have Grey Knights and Daemons (mostly Tzeentchian) as well as Codex Marines all converted to be Deathwatch and Orks... So yeah, not so much a fire fight as an all out war...

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Saturday- Ahriman spawned a gaunt, a broodlord and a regular genestealer. He forced-weaponed a Terrorfex (sp), did the killing Bolt of Change shot on a Swarm lord. Also, I have to mention that a regular sorcerer got charged by the Doom of M. and force-weaponed it.


Alllll while under the effects of Shadow.


I lost terribly, but once all that happened I pretty much dropped the pack and had "Moral Victory" in the back of my mind the rest of the game.

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