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"Today Ahriman Killed..."


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You have Thousand Sons and Space Wolves? I bet you have problems sleeping at night to the sounds of straight-up firefight.


Post your minis in the Hall of Honor sir


I also have Grey Knights and Daemons (mostly Tzeentchian) as well as Codex Marines all converted to be Deathwatch and Orks... So yeah, not so much a fire fight as an all out war...

same here, Space wolves, Thousand Sons(With Tzeentch daemons) Grey Knight and Iyanden wraithwall (only just started though), have been playing my sons more recently as the challenge has gone from my wolves, and now thanks to ward, my Grey knights, an army that once needed stratagy to win, practiacally just needs to turn up and the wriathwall is all of 1 warlock and 6 wraithguard, so I'm using my sons more recently, and planning on taking Ahriman in larger games (love his fluff and model) any advice? I have a game against an ultramarine player at 2k who often takes calgar (even in 1k!!) but has also been talking about 30 odd terminators as well, what tactics are good for Ahriman (I want to post a decent tally soon hopefully)

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had a game with ahriman today, his count was:

4 Blood angel scouts (doombolt)

10 Blood angel marines (cc squads, 6 in combat, 4 to wind of chaos)

3 blood angel storm shield termis( in combat)

a vindicator (it had already been immobilised and all weapons destroyed, first boc did nothing, the second one blew it up, won me the game, as it was contesting an objective)

annoyed I forgot to use gift of chaos wilst in cc with the termis

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had a game with ahriman today, his count was:

4 Blood angel scouts (doombolt)

10 Blood angel marines (cc squads, 6 in combat, 4 to wind of chaos)

3 blood angel storm shield termis( in combat)

a vindicator (it had already been immobilised and all weapons destroyed, first boc did nothing, the second one blew it up, won me the game, as it was contesting an objective)

annoyed I forgot to use gift of chaos wilst in cc with the termis

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  • 2 weeks later...

Game #1- Draigo (Gift of Chaos x2), Dreadknight

Also, a little sorcerer with Warptime killed a Dreadknight. All while under the effects of a psychic hood until turn 6.


Game #2- The Iyanden Autarch.. I don't know his name.. a striking scorpion. The Spawn from that little fella ran to firedragons and killed all 3 of them, then flipped an immobile fire prism. WOW.


Game #3- The Doom of M. (Gift of Chaos x3)


I approve.

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  • 1 month later...

He killed:


10 man shooty terminator squad w/ Seth (he was in a 1k sons squad that did very little) in cc

10 man tac squad (alone) in cc

5 man assault squad (alone) in cc

techmarine (BoC)


That game was hilarious as Ahriman never lost a single wound to anything the blood angels (or tau broadside and hammerhead fire) could throw at him!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
After a long hiatus in the warp, Ahriman finally made another appearance. This time he killed Logan Grimnar, a Rune Priest and a handful of other dogs. Unfortunately, in another battle while he had a great opportunity to lay Eldrad low he failed and was summarily punished for his error. Next time Farseer, next time...
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  • 3 months later...
omg! This thread is amazing!


a handful of other dogs


You sir, are my hero.


Today Ahriman killed Yabbadabbadon in close combat before killing himself while trying to BoC an enemy rhino.




Haha well gotta keep it in character right! ;)


As for when my Thousand Sons will make another appearance. Ahriman has disappeared again...there are whispers and rumours that he is searching for some form of weapon that will make him and his rubric marines even more powerful than before. Some have called it the 6th book of power... ^_^

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Yesterday he took out a 5 Space Wolves Vanguards (WoC and Doombolt), 5 Space Wolves Scout Snipers, assisted his TSons in wiping out a 10 man Grey Hunter Squad with BoC and Doombolt, and a Dreadnaught with a BoC to the back. The Prince used Warptime to clean up the Wolf Commander and his retinue in two turns as Ahriman was too far to proceed in the hunting down.


First win with my TSons list.


Today, he and his TSons did much less against the IG, they ate enough lasfire to take down a Carnifex in two turns... and the heavy 20 Punisher from the LR tank. Next turn it mowed down my Prince at point blank in 4 of 20 shots. Which did buy the Deep Striking Terminators enough time to Destroy said LR tank and about another 1200 points worth of stuff. So Ahriman was a Hero in his death.


Second win with my TSons list.


I may have to change Deities if this keeps up.

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  • 2 months later...
-Lysander (Gift)

-A drop pod

-20+ sternguard




Wow, that's insanely impressive. Did you just luck out constantly on 4+ invulnerable saves?


I don't send Ahriman into battle anymore unless its at 2k+. Way I see it he would send a lieutenant for lesser missions anyway (see Atlas Infernal).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got slaughtered by flesh tearers, but Ahriman did not die and took down:

The Forge world Red wake Special character, who charges Ahriman and 8 rubrics and a asp. Sorcerer along with six other terminators (all bar one with lightning claws, one with power fist) and an sanguinary priest, fluffed his attacks and then got force weaponed by Ahriman, who over the next two turns killed 4 more terminators and spawned the sanguinary priest by the time we called the game for time. He and the aspiring sorcerer are in an alley/road between two buildings, surrounded by the surviving terminator and 9 tactical marines with sanguinary priest who had just charged them.

I also have decided I really don't want to play against Mephistion again as..... well what was Ward smoking?

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