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"Today Ahriman Killed..."


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People only *think* they can out-plan a Thousand Sons player. ^.~

EXACTLY! and if by a twist of fate they should defeat Ahriman its not like he actually got bested or killed he just vanished at the last moment. Either that or the enemy find out that it wasn't Ahriman at all.


Today Ahriman was supposed to kill Logan and his lapdogs but my enemy turned tail and fled before we had a chance to take the field (see: game got cancelled).

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Just got slaughtered by flesh tearers, but Ahriman did not die and took down:

The Forge world Red wake Special character, who charges Ahriman and 8 rubrics and a asp. Sorcerer along with six other terminators (all bar one with lightning claws, one with power fist) and an sanguinary priest, fluffed his attacks and then got force weaponed by Ahriman, who over the next two turns killed 4 more terminators and spawned the sanguinary priest by the time we called the game for time. He and the aspiring sorcerer are in an alley/road between two buildings, surrounded by the surviving terminator and 9 tactical marines with sanguinary priest who had just charged them.

I also have decided I really don't want to play against Mephistion again as..... well what was Ward smoking?


He does know the Red Wake character is supposed to be used in a codex: space marines army, and not in a codex: blood angels army, right? The forgeworld book is pretty clear on that, as all the special characters in that book are for codex: SM, a few can also be used with the tyrant's legion army list in the badab war books, and only one character (the lamenters chapter master) is supposed to be used with codex: blood angels.

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Part of me was slightly suprised by it, but he did ask my permission if he could use his forge world stuff, I thought the model was nice and I use it for my eldar (a warpunter) so was okay, but if it's only for Space marines.. he has just got printed out pdfs, so it may be missing a bit and that's why he did it, mind you he did think a land speeder could take a multie melta, typhoon launchers and an assault cannon untill I pointed out the options.

And this guy is the president of the gaming group...

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hehe, yea, that happens more often. Honest mistakes happen a lot more often than deliberate cheating, and often with the people who you'd expect to be in the know too!


Just figure I'd point it out for the both of you, and the rest of your gaming group to discuss ;)

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Is it bad I'm suprised this thread has reached 3 pages, I do however resolve to use Ahriman more next term, though between helping out with/receiving intro games for fantasy/Lotr/Infinity/call to arms starfleet/BFG(if I can get others interested, atm it's me and the president playing it.) and exams/revision and Skyrim.

Okay, perhaps there is a reason our forum is so quite other then there not being many of us.... :D

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  • 2 months later...

Me and my mate Daniel are planning to run Chaos Marines and Daemons as a team. I already have a Abaddon counts-as (who doesn't fail!) and I am planning to get a Ahriman counts-as. Imagine...Fateweaver and Ahriman together. My Rubrics are in trouble and BAM! Daemons right on target.


My termi-sorcerer has been hit'n'miss, mostly due to my lack of bodyguards for him. His best moment was deep-striking into the middle of an armoured collumn between the lead Predator and a Land Raider. Bolt O' Change the Predator and wreck it therefore halting the 6+ tanks in the street. All tanks destroyed by Chosen meltabombs and a defiler. Still lost the game, but it was worth it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ahriman and Fateweaver?


I smell a sitcom.


:) I literally died of laughter. No joke...except now I owe a daemon a can of purple Rockstar. I have an energy drink addiction...it will be a hard price to pay!!!


I am hoping that either I find a squad to put Ahriman in or we get a new codex in which Ahriman himself is better because he is only 10 points more expensive than my termi-sorcerer...


who got sweeping advanced due to being in a squad of Chaos Marines...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Today (or rather yesterday) Ahriman killed a farseer, a dark eldar wych champion (whatever they're called) and then proceeded to sweeping advance dire avengers and the last few wyches. He would have gone on to kill an archon but one of his liutenant sorcerers (see: obliterator) fired a devastating beam of psychic energy or a lascannon at the archon, dropping him before Ahriman could finish him. The archon had failed his 2+ inv when his transport he was in blew up haha :D
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Random note about our beloved Ahriman. In the chaos section of the 6th edition rulebook they have him painted up differently. Never seen GW show him like that before, but looks cool.

Yeah, I saw that too. It's the best paint job on Ahriman that I've seen so far. Really liked it!


p.s. Notice also that in the same section they 'showcased' an old school Thousand Son, Emperor's Children marine and Khorne Berzerker...wonder if they will be bringing back those styles in the future?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Pretty poor day for Ahriman I must admit. Before he was overwhelmed by a re-roll 1s 'divination' blessed terminator squad shooting at him forcing 23 saves of which I had to re-roll successful saves he managed to cast puppet master on a melta gun wielding assault marine who turned to his right and blasted his force's baal predator to pieces with one shot as it drove past. Brilliant!
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Target rich environment there! I would have been tempted to puppet master the predator to flame the assault marines.

haha well I had rubrics ready to gun down the assault marines...i just needed a nice 2D6 melta penetrate on the assault cannon/heavy bolter baal alongside them :P It was the first time ive used that power and it was great to see it go off perfectly

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  • 1 year later...

Today, Ahriman (well, Aeronwy) killed (in the space of a single battle);


With her bolt pistol,

 - two Possessed.


With her Force Staff,

 - Chaos Lord (Challenge, gained Shred)

 - Khorne Chaos Terminator Sergeant (Challenge, gained Adamantium Will)

 - three Khorne Chaos Terminators

 - two Possessed


With Firestorm of Tzeentch,

 - 3 Chaos Marines


With Breath of Chaos,

 - 3 Chaos Marines


With Terrify + Psychic Shriek, 

 - 5 Chaos Marines


Not bad for a 1000 point game.

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