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Landspeeder Storm :S


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I have recently received a Landspeeder storm kit and I know that I cant use it in a Dark Angels army, so i was going to have it as a count as landspeeder with heavybolter and missle lancher. now my problem is how to paint it?


heres my thinking- with ravenwing landspeeders and bikers the marines in power armor are in Black. sp. would the scouts also be in black armor? O_o henc would they be Ravenwing scouts?


i would like to hear your thoughts on this ive seen the Landspeeder storm painted with the scouts in black armor and ive seen it with them and the landspeeder in all green. Its a very epic model if i do say so myself so i couldnt not get one :D






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The Scout Company wears green so the Storm should also be green. In previous versions of the DA Codex, there was the option for a non-Ravenwing marine bike that were painted green. (The Tactical Squads were trained to use Speeders and Bikes).


If you want to illustrate that these Scouts are being considered for the Ravenwing then you can paint a shoulder pad or select panels as black.


As always the standard caveat applies - Your army, Your choice.

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