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Where is everyone?

Brother Chris

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This time last year the Blood Angels pages were full of people discussing the forthcoming codex and models. There was a lot of discussion about BA art - that fantastic one of Sanguinius and the mock up Codex cover. Not to mention the heretical Pdf and the recurring 'Vampires or Angels' debate. Now most of this has dried up and many of those guys who were so active on the posts have hardly reappeared since the Codex came out. Has it just answered all our questions?


For me, I suppose I used to enjoy being part of a small elite band of gamers using the old Pdf, talking about units and tactics the regular Space Marines didn't have and often the local games store was unaware of or misinformed about. Now I feel they look at me as just another power gamer or flavour of the month junkie. I also feel agrieved that the new codex played so fast and loose with continuity. It should have been relatively easy to incorporate fluff from previous versions of the Codex so that knowledge we had built up over the years was still valuable. That's why arbitrarily changing helmet colours, the name of the second company captain, the rank of Lemartes etc rankle with me.


Don't get me wrong, I'm pleased to have a proper codex, I'm pleased DOA lists featuring Dante (my army has always been like that) have taken over from the ubiquitous Corbulo and assault squads in rhinos. But I do miss the lively, varied discussions of a year ago and some of the great guys who used to post here.

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less silly questions, less rambling incoherence, less gossip-mongering and wind-ups... The codex-hoppers are moving on, while the others are knuckleing down to the hard graft of learning how to use their new lists, trying new stuff out and learning new tactics. The conversation changes, the questions more focussed...
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I'm a lurker here by nature, but my suspicion echoes Demoulius'. Codex speculation and jumpers have been a part of the game since the Internet and regular Codex releases discovered each other.


Some of it may be the letdown from the fandex discussion as well, but there are still plenty of posts for me to discover and read. Plenty of inspiration to be found in the galleries and the occasional foray into the B&C 'blogs.



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My neighbors moved thier wifi, so it's hard to steal it.


Also, I lurk like no ones business.


And, while I love this place for it's witty humor, conversion pieces, and wacky lists for fun, my local game store/meta has turned into "non-consensual sex time" Space Wolf/Demons everywhere/DE dakka dakka ... zone. I have relegated myself to net listing, since losing with your favorite Dante/Death Company combo doesn't really work.

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I have alway liked the Blood Angels but only recently have I accually put use of the new codex. Before I was a son of Russ, and a prodigy of Sigismund so Sanguinius' chosen are a new, and fun play style not much different from what I'm used to. My problem was going from a dorment 4 year non-play straight the 5th ed playing blood angels and still thinking about what I've missed going from 3rd to 5th, and how much easier it is to play.
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I lurked B&C forever, toyed with different armies from Blood Angels to World Eaters to Black Templar, got excited for the codex, speculated about all of it with you, bought the codex and all the models, built them...


and then bam! College is over, my gaming buddies are gone, and I had to devote my time to finals and graduation stuff. I'm only now starting to post again, and I'm trying to be an active contributor like I used to be... but oh! All those uncompleted painting vows! I'm sure there's a signature of shame I should have that I've forgotten...

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I'm pleased to have a proper codex


Such is the price we pay to have a better and more complete army book than we ever really had. Sure a lot of the odds and ends fluff, found in a multitude of places no longer available to purchase seemed to have been re-made and caused a bit of confusion (schemes, markings, names, etc come to mind), but in the end, what existed before still exists. I'm still happy that the current BA book actually came into existence, as it would have been all to easy for GW to let it fall into an updated pdf wayside limbo, or push it back a further 5-7 years.

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I'm still around, I finally decided that I'm selling some of my other non-started armies in order to fun playing BA to its full potential (I want Storm Ravens and Dread's in January)


But right now its Warcraft expansion that's eating my time :tu:

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I am back, got out of gaming right after the new codex hit (same thing happened when my beloved Dark Elves got a new book, I have the worst timing). I'll be a fresh(sort of) face around here.


Honestly people get excited about a new book, which causes them to post more. Combined with an influx of ranters and new players the board gets busy, but it happens with every army across both 40k and WHFB. Now the people who are left are generally the more knowledgeable, more serious and more dedicated BA players.

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Brother Chris,


Well spotted.

This is actually a cycle that happens depending on our codex release schedule.


The people that posted a year ago were people that were involved with the BA for a long time (most of the time).


When a new codex hits, we are inundated with new posters.


Depending on the personality of the original poster, they sometimes feel a bit displaced or even annoyed by the flood of new posters.

Also, after a new dex breaks we get overwhelmed by the same posts or questions week after week as new players slowly join the fold.

This also chases away some older posters.


It all then normalises and the people interested in the army and the hobby stick around to continually give creative, constructive and generally helpful advice! This in turn creates a better atmosphere for new posters.

Its why we tried so hard to make sure new posters/players/gamers felt welcome.

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It all then normalises and the people interested in the army and the hobby stick around to continually give creative, constructive and generally helpful advice! This in turn creates a better atmosphere for new posters.

Its why we tried so hard to make sure new posters/players/gamers felt welcome.


<3 and we love you for it Morty and you too James!



(Group hug time?)

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One word.


lol try wife and kid!!!!


Amen to that, Brother Midnight Runner. I also got a new job this that keeps me very busy and fortunately also pays off well, but my hobby time and B&C time has greatly suffered. However, like Morticon says, we all come back again after a while. :)


Group hug +1

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What is all this talk of group hugs? We are supposed to be the Angels of Death!!!! :)

yes and as angels we understand the value of expressions of brotherly love. For are we all not brothers in battle. Besides if The emperor had hugged his children more the Horus Heresy would never, hello inquisitor...


Group hug +1


Also the GF ate up my free time so I didn't get to go out to the GW often enough.

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What is all this talk of group hugs? We are supposed to be the Angels of Death!!!! :)


Angels of Group Hugs/Death?




Also Morticon you need to take into account standard "wear and tear" of players; some will just be dropping out for a while whilst others get into in for the first time and it has nothing to do with a new Codex or Gibbons on the Moon, or whatever.

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What is all this talk of group hugs? We are supposed to be the Angels of Death!!!! ;)


Angels of Group Hugs/Death?


Decent of Hugs? The Hug Thirst?


I never noticed what an odd word hug was until now...



I think we need to get some of these BA community projects really going. The starters articles for example sound great and the weekly game challenge mort was doing should come back :P

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