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Brother Chris

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I think the big thing is that their is less a sense of community to unite people; the Codex speculation, especially in terms of the Red Herrings (who, as fish, get a bad rap incidentally), drew people together or apart as the specualtion ditacted, but the spirit was there.


But it's the same with alot of the Sub-Fora(?) - Ultramarines all but died a death recently, for example.


EDIT: Also, hug is a very strange word.. I hugged a Scotsman today and he was afraid.

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Well you guys would be supprised how many peole like myself who JUST A FEW DAYS AGO began to post don't know about this site. I have sent out this info to a few players and hopefully this will help perk interest at least here in Cali. This is a great site and being new to all his it is a wrld of needed info. I will have created my first Army list by the end of today thanks to all the help you guys have given me ! :)
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Not to mention the heretical Pdf



Funny that you mention that. Was doing some hard drive cleaning the other day and came across a copy of that.


I think the reasons are mainly three fold.


Since BA are no longer the flavor of the month we lost the codex hoppers. The other as JamesI mention we may have lost the older posts who were tired of looking at the same questions from the newbies (I'm gulity here, I'm sure I asked some questions when I first showed up that had probably been answered many times before).


Resentment over a the codex hoppers. Most long time players of any army mostly likely choose that army for personal reasons (fluff, style of play) and have a stong loyality to that army no matter what. I choose the BA because of fluff the I thought thier assault heavy play matched what kind of general I wanted to be. Those players may feel slighted by all the "New Codex. Tell me how to start BA" and "Im gonna play Choas Marines with the BA 'dex (just because it's the latest and greatest). I know I felt a few pangs myself even only being a 40K and BA player starting with the 4th ed PDF.


Lastly some folks just move on (be it longer playing 40K or starting a new army). I know as soon as I finish plainting the rest of my BA (1 chaplin, 2 bikes 1 attk bike, 2 Dreads and a Storm Raven or 2) I want to start a xeno army (mostly likey Necrons)

and of course my presense here will be limited.


Whatever happens my first loyality will always be to the Blood Angels and the B&C.

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Well I for one am keeping my copy of the .pdf codex in my "Warhammer Resources" folder. Never forget!


As for speculation, is our Grey Knight subforum bustling right now? They're the rumored next codex, right?


And come on, brothers... don't you want to at least speculate a little at the update to our valued and honored allies, the Necrons? :D











Sorry, just teasing. Don't lynch me!

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Well, I'm into my 16th year playing BA. And only a few years on the B&C. GF and my long hours at work take up all my time, but I'm still painting up 4 RAS right now to finish off my first squad in my 9th or 10 reinvention of my BA army. Just so you understand my time constraint for playing, my roomate and I built a full on table and painted it, bought fish tank scenery (he bought it, cause he makes more, I think it was expensive) but it fit the table perfectly. And we still rarely get to play cause we never see eachother.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm lurking here all the time (usually once a day, but never more then two days away). As far as contributing, I get more pleasure out of reading, and the rare moment I have something to say I say it. I surf the BA army list section alot as I'm playing around with new combinations of units, and I actually found a list that works pretty well that'll I'll use in the next tournament I attend. Problem was that I kept hearing the same thing, "y include THAT unit when you can take this unit?!?!" It's fine generally but when I looked at the other army lists, it was the same advise in all of them. And they were all sorts of builds, but people force their opinions and all the lists look the same. It's one thing to critique an army, and it's another to think outside the box. But enough ranting.


Real life it a beech and thankfully I don't have a kid or a wife (sorry midnight), but the GF still gets alot of my "personal money allocated for fun per month" instead of the hobby. Lurking is free and i want to make this announcement "I GOT A BUNCH OF MAGNETS FOR SWAPPING WEAPONS WOOOOOOTTT!!!"

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Only 16 years? :pinch: I'm into my 20th year playing with my BA's - they're the one army that I've always been adding to, despite dabbling with Guard, Eldar, Codex Marines and Orks. I've sold most of my other armies (apart from Guard) and my BA force now stands at a full Battle Company along with a good smattering of scouts, 1st Co Vets and lots of tanks.


As most others have said, I've always been a bit of a lurker and over the last year, I've been more active on the warseer painting forums adding to my plog. I found that I got more feedback there then I did here so if I'm honest, I got a little disenchanted with my plog here and stopped adding to it.


Added to changing jobs and getting married, I've just not been around the B&C as much as I used to be. Although I have noticed that there are some 'old-timers' that are still flying the flag whenever I drop back in.

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I'm still here, but I'm shy ... I like to lurk.


@Plague Angel, funny that you mention it but that entry in our Codex must have been the best bit of product placement ever, because I have just started a Necron army.. well if it's good enough for our Chapter Master...




Oh and happy new year all.

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@ PUNKFISH - 20 Years?!?!?! I'm like a noob compared to you, you're a rogue trader whereas i'm only a 2nd editioner.


You know one thing I find that keeps the BA forum fresh is the pictures of random peoples models. I'm still trying to get a camera, but I really like seeing differant units posted.


I say once the new furiosos and storm ravens come out there will be more to talk about

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@ PUNKFISH - 20 Years?!?!?! I'm like a noob compared to you, you're a rogue trader whereas i'm only a 2nd editioner.


Yeah, started off with Space Crusade, then moved on pretty quickly to Rogue trader and 1st ed Space Hulk. I did have a pretty large BA army for Space Marine (Epic) but 40k has always held my attention longer than all of the others.


I'm like you, I like seeing the photos that people put up and we have seen some awesome army photos on here, Ancient God, Koyote, Midnight Runner, Owlandmoonguy and others have all produced some wonderful armies for our viewing. Seeing well painted armies tends to spur me on to paint more, even if I rarely get round to posting my own photos up.


I too reckon that the BA 2nd wave will see a surge in interest in the forums and I for one welcome that.

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I'm here...lurking about as usual. It's been a slow hobby year for me and I have just barely managed to get a game in, and I haven't played in a tourny all year. I try to keep some painting projects going, hopefully more soon, now that the big day is behind me.


My time line for this year was pretty intense as the new codex launched and just afterwards I proposed to my girl, on 4-17. We just got married on Dec 4th then the honeymoon then Christmas and new years....it's been crazy busy.


Hopefully I can get back into the hobby a bt more this year and get into some tournaments. Maybe I'll have to post some pics of the 10 man RAS I finished up last month...

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Yeah, started off with Space Crusade


Was that the MB board game, my god that was my first start. I actually convinced a bunch of 40 something dockyard mechanical fitters to play that and the other game Heroquest during dinner times and when we were on "waiting time" back in the late 80s. It became very competitive.



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Only 16 years? :) I'm into my 20th year playing with my BA's


Hmm, I started in 1993 with my first GW game (Blood Bowl & WHFB) so I have a couple years on my belt as well, although I didn't start 40K and therefore BA until 2008. So when I am thinking ahead, I guess my BA army will easily keep me busy for the next five years or so - I have painted 6'000 points so far and I'd like to add minimally as much again. That's also why I don't always stop by at B&C as much; it's kinda like a love that has its ups and downs, but it's there for an eternity. :lol:

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I must admit I'm a bit of a lurker too :) but as others have said there are always a multitude of things that get in the way. As for my BA they're currently undergoing another revamp... mainly the infantry as I'm happy with my vehicles and dreads. I'll get some pics up this week of my army as it stands... time to resurrect my blog.
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Life takes us in funny directions. Before here I lived in a town of 400 people, including me there were 5 players for 40k. That's pretty huge per capita. Now I live in a town of 2000 and no one here has heard of the hobby.


The costs of moving and raising a child and being in between jobs meant we were short on cash. The monster machine that is eBay ensures that Warhammer is essentially liquid asset, so I gained a K to help with expenses but lost my hobby.


I still lurk very regularly as I still very much enjoy the universe the GW and the fans have created, I just can't contribute much any more.

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I too still lurk her form time to time. I was actually more active when the PDF codex first came out. I had more time then (read no kids) and that was when I re-entered the hobby and started collecting BA again. When The new codex came out I couldn't keep up with the new posts and found (like was mentioned earlier) that it was the same thing over and over. I got to the point where I grew tired of trying to keep up with the new posts and eventually stopped reading them all together.


So when the forum got flooded I packed up my rubber ducky and headed for dryer ground. Now that the storm has cleared I have started to drop in again more often. Also I have tried a few different lists and I find I have a rounded enough experience with the new codex to have an educated opinion on what works and what does not (of course its all a matter of personal opinion)


So for the old familiar faces its great to see you again.

For the new faces that are still here welcome aboard. You have chosen a Great Chapter to be a part of.

I have been collecting BA since second edition and have never wanted to switch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, in my local area it had to do with a general downturn in 40k and a huge surge in the new fantasy system, the upshot is that i can now use my space crusade minis again without being grilled on whether there legal or not.


As for myself, my wife got pregnant, my baby got bigger and louder and i lost my favourite Peter Tosh CD dangnabbit - lucky i have some Buju Banton and Metallica to fill the void :P

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