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Where is everyone?

Brother Chris

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New posters are typically welcome on the boards... the ones that stick are worth keeping.


Our codex hasn't hit mid-life crisis time yet but we're in a (what I consider comfortable) lull. Not being the newest codex out there anymore, when GK releases we'll be pushed further into the background, which I don't mind.


But yeah, life gets in the way sometime.. 40k is also a hobby, which means people can fall out of love with it. You get bored, you lose people to play with... it just might lose priority.

Like a hobby, you might pick it up again a few times. After all, something drew you to it in the first place.

I started playing when 3rd ed. just released, but I wasn't playing 40k for the majority of 4th edition (my 3rd ed. BA army was stolen, kind of killed it for me).. but 5th released and I found a new group to play with. I'm into the hobby now and hopefully won't be leaving anytime soon, but who knows? Things happen.

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I poke my nose in everywhere, but less so for the Blood Angels forum just because I have less knowledge - despite owning the Codex - of the Chapter since the new Codex.


The BA forum does tend to be one of the friendlier ones, once things get going though.. So you have one plus point at least :lol:

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I feel guilty for starting Blood angels as it smacks of new army bandwagoning but the truth is, i've actually taken the time to read about the chapter and take in the lore. Now theyre without a doubt my favourite chapter. I certainly shan't be moving on ever. Though i wish Grey knights would hurry up to stop the prolieferation of part time dark eldar players. (Favourite army, but seeing these people namby pamby about with their transports and not go for the throat is getting to me)
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I still lurk everyday, Ive just not been into the hobby for a while. Once I read a Black Library book (Which Ive just orderd a cuple) I get the Hobby bug again, and start painting.


I have a cabinet and workdesk full of unpainted models thats a bit of a turn off, saying that though the other day I bought some different flock/grass and have gone mad putting it on my bases, and in my eye's has realy made them better so tommoro Im gona do some more and see if I can stoke the fire again :)

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