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1850 Chaos Marines (Semi-Competitive)


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Hey guys,


Here's my list for Chaos Marines, please tear it apart, I appreciate it all. But before you do so, let me tell you guys what I want the list to (or at least what I hope for). I HQ choices were originally made separately to, maybe, split the list, but ended up staying together. Since they are somewhat different, they can be separated or altered to fit this or another list. The Defiler is meant to lend that 72" ordinance support and the occasional Str 10 CC attack, but it is mainly there to pot shot. The Plague Marines are there because they are, well, PLAGUE MARINES! Hahaha, and to hold objectives or resiliently tie up units in combat or used for some excellent suppressive fire. I know that I may specialize with the same weapon, but I enjoy the variety and it helps for wound allocation. And the Terminators are there as the backbone to this list. This is because they are all champions and have LCs and MoK, granting them 5 attacks a piece, with re-rolls to wound, riding in their metal box.


Tear it apart guys, be brutal, all is appreciated. And I would gladly accept tactics tips and/or why to add/drop units.


Thanks guys!!!

HQ - 365 pts.


Demon Prince

-with MoT, Wings, Doombolt and BoC


Chaos Lord

-with MoK, Daemon Weapon, Daemonic Steed, and Combi-Weapon


ELITES - 520 pts.


Chaos Terminators X5

-Term. Champ X5, Pair of LC X5, and IoK

Dedicated Land Raider - with Daemonic Possession


Heavy Support - 150 pts.


Chaos Defiler - with Reaper Auto-cannon and DCCW


TROOPS - 813 pts.


Plague Marines X7

- Champ w/ PF

-Melta Gun X1 and Plasma Gun X1

Dedicated Rhino - with Combi-weapon


Plague Marines X7

- Champ w/ PF

-Melta Gun X1 and Plasma Gun X1

Dedicated Rhino - with Combi-weapon


Plague Marines X7

- Champ w/ PF

-Melta Gun X1 and Plasma Gun X1

Dedicated Rhino - with Combi-weapon


~1848 pts. (11 Kill Points)

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heres a couple of thoughts...


there is an army list area of the forum, near the bottom on the main page :)


where is your khorne or juggernaut going? he cant get into vehicles so he will be alone, foot slogging, loads of people will tell you that the khorne daemon weapon is the worst of the lot, but good luck with it.


your terminators have nothing that can scratch vehicles, maybe give one of them a chainfist just so you can threaten something, also making them different would help for wound allocation :P


your prince has 2 shooting attacks, but can only use 1 shooting attack at a time (even though MC's can fire twice, it specifically mentions that you cant use 2 shooting psychic attacks at the same time at the top of page 88, unless i'm wrong), warptime is brilliant on a DP, and combined with wind of chaos lets you re roll those, killing anything on a 4+ with rerolls (invulnerable saves allowed of course).


a single defiler is nice but generally its better to have 2 of one choice, as this squares how good they are (or something).


lastly, I love plague marine squads, though I dont like mixing weapons like you do, for me, plague marines are generally more survivable in combat, and while having 2 different ones helps for wound allocation as you said, you could also take 2 meltas and add an icon to one of them, letting you take advantage of the wound allocation, id give 1 squad 2 plasma and keep them as a objective camper too :P


it is nice to see a list without obliterators, and with terminators, although a squad of khorne berzerkers with kharne/chaos lord will probably do just as well when stuck in a landraider, as they have better ws, better str and initiative on the charge, and are scoring.

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Take off doombolt and BoC. Doombolt sucks, and BoC doesn't kill good enough. Just give your DP warptime. MoK on a lord is the worst for competitive play as you will hurt yourself a good amount of times, and riding a juggernaut, you can be shot down easy because your slow. I'd swap him for another DP. Your termies need some anti-tank, so throw in a chainfist like nurglez suggested. As for your plague marines, double up on specials, won't work if you have two different kinds. This list does lack anti-tank, but only termicide or oblits solve that..
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