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Alpha legion icon

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For my thousand sons/Tzeentch army I am doing a squad of chosen who are Alpha legionaires (fluffwise, allies of my sorcerer) with Icon of Tzeentch, how exactly would this look? the guy so far is the forgeworld mk2 crusade armout, with the basis for the icon being the chaos marine banner pole and with power sword in the other hand, but am stuck on what the icon would look like, was thinking of using the space marine banner as a bace if I could get one, and paint it up Alpha legion colours (fluffwise it's a banner they have had since pre heresy days with enchantments woven into it by sorcerers) and was wondering, aside from the hydra imagery, what else would be on it ? perhaps a twisting of the usual hydra into a multi headed ouronbus (a sort of cross between the thousand sons symbol and the alpha legion one) but any ideas or suggetions on it?
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For my thousand sons/Tzeentch army I am doing a squad of chosen who are Alpha legionaires (fluffwise, allies of my sorcerer) with Icon of Tzeentch, how exactly would this look? the guy so far is the forgeworld mk2 crusade armout, with the basis for the icon being the chaos marine banner pole and with power sword in the other hand, but am stuck on what the icon would look like, was thinking of using the space marine banner as a bace if I could get one, and paint it up Alpha legion colours (fluffwise it's a banner they have had since pre heresy days with enchantments woven into it by sorcerers) and was wondering, aside from the hydra imagery, what else would be on it ? perhaps a twisting of the usual hydra into a multi headed ouronbus (a sort of cross between the thousand sons symbol and the alpha legion one) but any ideas or suggetions on it?



The High elf (I think? Maybe Dark Elf?) have a Dragon head (and neck) that I think is optional to sit on top of banners a few of those could be used to make a hydra.


If it is pre-heresy and hasn't changed that much it might also have the old chained letter A which was the overt symbol of the Alpha legion while I think the Hydra was some sort of internal symbol.

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The hydra symbol if memory serves harkens to the idea of the heads of the hydra, which was a meaning that Alpha legion was everywhere. It might also refer to Alpharius and Omegon(sp), and whether or not one was killed in the place of the other or not. As far as I know, the Alpha legion is more of a vast network of "spies" that has seeded near on everything in both the imperium as well as the Eye of Terror, waiting for... something, though not sure what, to happen.


All of this is speculation, as I have not seen Alpha legion fluff in quite a few years... Might be better off talking to a hardcore Alpha legionnaire about fluff.

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I believe it is the Dark Elves shield sprues that have a menacing dragon that would be perfect to make their symbol. Each sprue comes with 5 sets of dragon heads and you could cut and glue them together to form a hydra symbol.
Oh yes, inspiration ahead
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The Dark Elf Corsairs have an even better banner top that is larger than the shield icons and is 3D as aposed to the flat icons.


Yes, with a little work you can make a good AL banner like this. (WIP here )


The Dragon heads that Kaleb Daark uses are indeed from the High Elf set - for an IoT you could take the normal Tzeentch Icon from the CSM boxset, cut off the two horms and add a bunch of the heads (hard to get hold of through bits sites though, sometimes)


For flat painting, either the Hydra Symbol, but with flaming effect like the Thousand Sons sounds cool, or the A symbol maybe mixed in with the (old-school and ret-conned) M symbol for thousand sons?

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