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JetfireUK's Space Marine Blog


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Hi Chaps,


I thought to have a blog of all my finished miniatures in one place so hopefully I can add to this throughout the year. Today I finished my first miniature of 2011 - the Gamesday 'Hammer' Marine.


I've always liked this sculpt and thanks to a member here I finally had an opportunity to own it myself. I've painted this Marine up as a member of the First Company as it suited the mold and plus I have a pile of Veterans that need painting up.


You might notice that I've left off the chequers on this one - the reason being that it's a fairly detailed sculpt and I didn't want to overload it.


Anyway, enough rambling here it is.






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  • 3 months later...

Hi Folks,


It's been a little while since I've last made a post and I thought to give you an update on my Blood Angels force.





The shots were done once this morning and once tonight so you might see a couple of minor changes.


My red recipe is: 2 layers of Mechrite Red, 2 layers of Red Gore, 1 layer of 50:50 Red Gore and Blood Red and 1 layer of Blood Red. For highlights I made a mix of Blood Red and Vomit Brown gradually increasing the amount of Vomit Brown to the highlights.


I hope you like. These take longer than my Ultramarines but hopefully I'm doing them justice.

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Hi Folks,


Here are a few shots of my finished 5-man Blood Angels Assault Squad. Overall I'm pretty pleased with them - the red came out well and the yellow helmets are pretty fair. The Death Company frames are really nice and there's a lot of character in them. Anyway enough of me talking - here are my minis.






What's next on the list? Well, I think that I should allow myself to get consumed by the Black Rage and paint up a batch of five Death Company. Hopefully I can get the first one finished by the weekend.

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Hi Folks,


Here's an update - my squad of five Death Company marines are now complete


(Apologies for the dark photos - I adjusted the contrast and brightness but they're still pretty dark)


Individual figures:







Group shot:



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


This month's work was a squad of five Grey Knight Terminators. They're an amazing set and I'm looking forward to getting some more in the future. Enough small talk - here are the photos:








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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


Here's my completed strike squad. I really enjoyed putting these together - especially as there are so many options on the frame. I hope that you like them. Anyway, enough chatter here are a few shots.










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Hi Folks,


Since I have my Grey Knight Strike Squad finished I thought that I would go through the pile of kits and paint up a five man Blood Angel Squad using some bitz left over from the Death Company frame.




Hopefully over the week I can add the final two and then look at the Sanguinary Guard that's been sitting on my desk since the beginning of the year. ;)

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Hi Folks,


Just a small update. I've managed to finish my five-man Blood Angel Squad:





These were fun to do and a nice change from the metallic armour of the Grey Knights. This brings my Blood Angels force up to 15 figures - 5 Tactical Marines, 5 Assualt Marines and 5 Death Company. I have a squad of Sanguinary Guard to do next which I'll juggle between my next Grey Knight project.

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I think your Death Company lads are outstanding, really nice work there. Black is a though color to shade properly but you've done it really well!


And oh, yeah, those Blood Angels and Grey Knights aren't much worse for wear either! ^_^


Keep up the great work!

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Cheers for the comments! I've enjoyed the challenge of painting red - I've still got a way to go though. Blood Angels also have a nice mix of armour colours (red, black and gold) which makes them quite fun to paint up. Hopefully I can get my Sanguinary Guard painted up next.
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Hi Folks,


Just a minor update - I got the first of my Sanguinary Guard done:





You can see that I 'borrowed' from the Grey Knights I've done recently - in terms of the Glaive Encarmine and the style of the metallics. I've used a variety of washes to give the gold a unique colour and appear to be worn and ancient. I hope you like. What do you think?


As it's the start of July tomorrow I'll be working on my Grey Knight piece for the month - the Dreadknight.

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