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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


Here are a few shots of my most recent addition - a Grey Knight Dreadknight.







Unlike the other members of the GK army, this model as been pretty heavily weathered to represent its role as an adversary against Greater Daemons. As you can see from the photos I have weathered the superstructure of the legs, ankle sockets and shoulder sockets of the model to give a sense of heavy wear. The engine plant at the back of the Dreadknight has also been weathered as if it's been toe to toe with a Daemon.


I hope you like this. Hopefully I can start working on the rest of the Sanguinary Guard over the rest of the month.

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Hi Folks,


I've re-sized the original Dreadknight photos so that they should appear a fair bit bigger now.


For the Dreadknight armour I used the following:

Armour Plating


  • 2 x thin coats of Boltgun Metal to get a good solid coat
  • A thin wash (50:50 water and Badab Black Wash) over all of the armour plates
  • A wash of 70:30 Asurman Blue and water of the amour plates - starting from the bottom of the armour and working up. You want the darkest colour at the bottom of the armour plating
  • Depending on the look of the armour - you can add a light wash of Devlan Mud mixed with water to darken a particular area. I used this on the fore arms to represent heat damage to the armour
  • Edge highlight with a mix of 50:50 Boltgun Metal and Mithril Silver
  • At the highest points of the armour add a edge highlight of Mithril Silver


Leg Superstructure and Shoulder thingies


  • 2 x thin coats of Boltgun Metal to get a goof solid base coat
  • 2 x washes of (70:30 Badab Black to water) over all the of the superstructure - let each coat completely dry before working on the next one!
  • 1 x wash of (70:30 Devlan Mud to water) over all of the superstructure
  • 1 x wash of 60:40 Badab Black to water) over all of the superstructure
  • Add scratching by applying pure Boltgun metal to the points of most wear - such as points near the joints
  • Add a thin wash of (40:60 Hawk Turquiose to water) and place it carefully inside the moving parts (such as the joints)
  • Paint pure Mithril Silver over the parts where the pistons are and when dry add a 60:40 Gryphonne Sepia to water wash over the pistons only.


I hope that helps. :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


Having got my Grey Knight Dreadknight finished earlier in the month, I wanted to get back to my Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard that I've had sitting around. I didn't get as much done as I hoped but I now have four of the squad done. Here are a few shots:


Note - the first figure was already on my blog so I've only added detailed shots of the three completed this month.











I hope you like them. I've now got to work on my Grey Knights Terminator squad for this month's Grey Knight challenge but I hope to have time to get the last member of the Sanguinary Guard finished at the end of this month.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


Here is my finished HQ - Grand Master Mordrak and his Ghostly Knight retinue.









I'm pretty pleased how these turned out in the end. Mordrak was easy compared to trying to get the monotones right on the Ghostly Knights themselves. The hardest thing was to decide what the colour should the Ghostly Knights be - I chose Hawk Turquise as it's a colour I rarely use and was partly inspired by the Banshee from last month's White Dwarf. The swords were probably the hardest thing to decide upon - the limited colour palette wouldn't have worked to replicate the effect on my standard Grey Knights. I ended up doing a rather washed out green just to hint that these are no longer weapons but a part of the ethereal form of the Ghostly Knights.


I know that some folk will find my interpretation a little like Marmite (either a love or hate thing) but I'm happy that I tried something a little different for me and (more importantly) learned a thing or two.


So, what's next?


I'm aiming to get the last member of my Sanquinary Guard squad finished over the next few days.


For September I'm going to assemble and paint a Venerable Dreadnaught in Grey Knights livery. I fancy a break from the troops and I've always wanted to build the kit. Watch this space!

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Hi Alejandrinus,


The purple sword was the following mixes:


80:20 ratio of Liche Purple and Chaos Black

Work up to pure Liche Purple

80:20 ratio of Liche Purple and Warlock Purple

Work up to pure Warlock Purple

80:20 ratio of Warlock Purple and Tentacle Pink

Work up to near Skull white

Finally add a watered down wash of Leviathan Purple

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The ghostly Knight are really well done, especially the armor, but the swords just aren't doing it for me. You could try some green osl on them, that would be cool.


edit: well now i noticed you have darker and lighter green spots on the swords. good idea, you should define them more, make them more contrasting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


Edit: I've since re-touched the base edge!


Here's my finished Grey Knight Venerable Dreadnaught. It was a bit of a labour of love but I'm pretty happy with the results. The skull icon was the first time I tried that design as freehand and prefer it over having a transfer as they always appear glossy. I added a little battle damage but not to the same extent as my Dreadknight.







So what's next? I think that I need a break from using metallic paints so my next project will be a squad of 5 Ultramarine Vanquard Veterans.

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Hi Folks,


Here's a mini update on what's on my painting table.


For starters I've made a few minor changes to my Grey Knight Venerable Dreadnaught. Basically I've made a few minor additions to the base, drilled out the barrels of the assualt cannon and added a further highlight to the purity seals. I think that it looks better for it - although it's only minor changes.




I've also made a start on my Ultramarines Vanguard Space Marine Squad. I've the first member of the squad finished today. I'm probably going to get another Grey Knight Squad to paint in October so I'll fit my Ultramarines around them. You might notice that, unlike my other Ultramarines, these are missing their chequers. The reason for this is that there's a lot of molded detail and I didn't want to start trying to work around it. I did add some hazard stripes to the Chainsword to a bit of old skool love. I've also added a fair amount of chips and scratches to show that these chaps don't wait about in a fight.




Hopefully I can start working on the second member of the squad this week and will put up some pictures next weekend.

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Your metal weathering is some of the best I've seen. A couple questions about it:


1. Do you add the metallic scratches forst and then shade them by painting inside the metallic colour? I've been doing it the other way around (painting the dark colour on and then underlining it with a bright metal) and I'm wondering if this works better.


2. What sort of brush do you use for it?


Also kudos on those sanguinary guard axes, they look gorgeous. Purple really suits the minis.

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A Kvlt Ghost;


Thanks for your comments. I'm still learning how to 'dirty up' my marines but I'm glad to hear that I'm moving in the right direction.


In terms of the scratches - do you mean my Grey Knights? If so, I use the same technique as you - a watered down Chaos Black line with a finer line of Boltgun Metal followed by an even finer broken line of Mithril Silver.


The Ultramarines chips are made of a Chaos Black and Regal Blue followed by a Ultramarines Blue and Space Wolves Grey fine line and then a very fine line of Space Wolves Grey.


Brush-wise I use a GW Fine Detail brush - which is gradually losing its bristles (although this makes it better at producing finer lines).


I hope that helps! :huh:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


Here's the second member of my Interceptor Squad done. Progress has been slow this week as I've spent a fair bit of time trying to replicate the style of my Nemisis Swords.







Hopefully I'll be able to get stuck into the rest of the squad and will have an update by next weekend.

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Hi Folks,


Here's an update on my Interceptor Squad - marine number three is done:






Here's a quick shot of the squad so far:



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Hi Folks,


Here's the fourth member of the Interceptor Squad done. I'm pretty pleased with how this turned out. One thing that strikes me is that the poses using the swords look completely different to the Halberds. It helps give a nice silhouette to each of the squads. Nice touch there GW.







Hopefully I can start the final member of the squad this weekend.

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Cheers tyrannosaurus! The effect is pretty straightforward. I used the same colours from the swords (Regal Blue, Enchanted Blue, Ice Blue and White) to build up to the edges and then added some lightning forks in an Ice Blue/Skull White mix.


Here's the final member to my Interceptor Squad.







Here's a quick group shot of the whole squad.



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Hi Folks,


Here's a little update - I've got the third member of my Vanguard Veteran squad finished:







This month I hope to get Castellan Crowe done to finish off my Grey Knights army.

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