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Hi Folks,


I thought that I'd get away from the Metallic paints for a bit and decided to paint Vulkan He'Stan as he'd been sitting in his plastic prison since release.







Overall I'm pretty pleased how Vulkan turned out. The flames on the brazier need a little improvement and I want to develop the technique for the spear tip but comparing the flames against my Legion of the Damned I can see that I'm moving in the right direction.


I'm now preparing Castellan Crowe and it'll be my first experience of a Finecast mold. Hopefully I'll have the figure finished by the end of November.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


Here's the last member of my Grey Knights - Castellan Crowe:







Overall I'm happy with how the figure turned out. The cloak would look nice with a bit of freehand - but I left well alone as the folds would be tricky to maintain the image. The sword was tricky too as the 'cyphers' inside the sword blade were very fine and it was difficult to apply a glowing effect.


I am happy with how the white parts of the armour came out. Using Space Wolf Grey as a shadow helped to add depth whilst using pure Skull White as an extreme highlight helped make the armour pop. I'm also pleased about the red of the cloak - I used Asurmen Blue to shade as an experiment and it seems to me that it's more complimentary shade than black. The last element that I enjoyed was using a Non Metallic Metal approach to the 'gold' on banner. I used Scorched Brown, Vomit Brown, Vermin Brown, Golden Yellow and Skull White and while I still need some practice it looks better than some of my earlier attempts.


This is my last Grey Knights figure as I want to move away from Metallic armour for a while. I will do a group shot of the army very soon.


So, what's next? I want to finish the two remaining members of my Ultramarine Vanguard Veterans and there are a couple of other figures sitting on my bench gathering dust. Hopefully I'll have an update next weekend.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


It's been a while since I've made an update - mostly as I've not had much free time to paint due to the lead up to Christmas.


Here's my latest figure - the Vanguard Veteran Sergeant.









Overall the figure came out okay. The sword was the hardest part of the figure - it had been bent out of shape in the packaging and it was quite a struggle to 'encourage' it to bend along with the forearms so that it was in it's correct position. Still, I'm fairly pleased with the squad as a whole. I hope you enjoy.

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Cheers for the input guys.


Redfinger - I followed the imagery from GW on Vulkan Hestan - I think that the flames on the banner look better as having the 'darkest' parts of the flame near the Salamander Insignia would make it difficult to pick out the details.


tyrannosaurus - Thanks. I love adding bits of interest on plain armour which is why I add the chequers. I'm glad you like the sword.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Folks,


Here's my first Marine of 2012 - Kor'sorro Khan of the White Scars. I bought this figure when it was first released and finally got around to painting him. I used the 'Eavy Metal Masterclass guide with a few adjustments. It was a great experiment in painting white - but I wouldn't paint an army of White Scars!








I'm really happy with the result - it's probably one of my better figures. I followed the masterclass pretty closely. The only areas where I deviated from the guide were the colours used for the laurel on the knee (I used Scorpian Green opposed to Catachan Green) and for the chips and scratches I added a bit of Regal Blue and Red Gore to the mix.


The only area which I had problems with was the sword arm. Having referred to the guide *after* cleaning and tidying up the model - I had inadvertantly cut away a power cable from underneath the shoulder pad to the forearm. Still, it makes my figure unique I suppose.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


This year I've decided to move away from the Ultramarines and go for a more aggressive chapter - the Space Wolves. I bought the Space Wolves battalion box in January and here are my first completed figures - the Scouts.












So what's next? I think that I'll get the drop pod done. This will be my first 'vehicle' and it'll be interesting to paint this thing up with brushes. I guess I'll need to get myself a tank brush now!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


I've been continuing with my Space Wolves Battalion and this month I decided to work on the Drop Pod. This is my first experience of building and painting something outside of a marine or Dreadnaught and I think it went pretty well.







There are areas where I could improve - but it'll all be good experience for a tank in the future. I'm happy that this Drop Pod is different to other ones I've seen online and it was fun getting stuck in with the weathering and chips and dinks.


Now that the Drop Pod is out of the way I'm aiming to do a small squad of five Blood Claws. I've been itching to get at the marine sprues for a while and can't wait to get stuck in.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


I've been steadily working away at a squad of five Blood Claws the past few weeks and here are the finished figures.











I'm pretty happy how the squad came out. I was a bit worried that the armour colour was a little too dark - but it seems to work well as a contrast to the yellow shoulder guards. I've adding chipping and dinks to the armour and gave the chapter and squad markings a go too. The bronze is deliberately dark - it seemed to fit with these guys as opposed to a brighter gold tone. The faces are darker compared to my Wolf Scouts too as I considered them to be younger pups and have yet to be seasoned by war.


Next I've decided to go with a squad of Long Fangs and will update shots when they're done.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


I've managed to get the Long Fangs finished this evening and here are a few shots of the finished squad.











The squad and chapter markings are freehand and one of the thing I like about the Space Wolves is that their markings can be so varied. I'm pretty pleased with the expressions on the faces too. I've also tried to do a similar look to my Grey Knight Nemisis swords with a little twist to serve as my interpretation of a frost blade.


I hope you like.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


I finally finished off my Swiftclaws at the end of May and I'm pretty pleased with these. I tried an OSL technique on the exhausts of the jetpacks and I think that with a bit more practice I'll have it sorted. I've also done the usual freehand for the squad and great company markings and added some runes too.


Anyhow, enough ramblings - here are a few shots..










Next on the list will be a squad of five Grey Hunters with Bolters.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


I had a bit of a change of plan with my Space Wolves in June. As part of a challenge on another forum I decided to build and paint a Landspeeder Typhoon. The Landspeeder was a nice model to put together with the parts fitting nicely. I think that I would have done a better finish with an airbrush but I'm still pretty pleased overall.






I'm aiming to finish my Grey Hunters next weekend and I'll post shots when I'm done.

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