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Great looking models man, especially the space wolves. The chipping you've done is very effective. It's hard to tell in the pictures, but did you use two or three colors tor them? I can see the dark part and the highlight on the bottom,but did you also add a shadow at the top of the chips? If not, that can make them look even better.


Wast it just me or were sky claws not weathered yet?


Also, have you thought about adding some scorch marks to the barrels of your weapons? Especially on the MM. If they're has been very apparently through a battle, perhaps their guns should be too. Just a thought.


Anyway, I'm a big fan of weathering in general. Keep up the great work.

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Cheers for the critique Captain -


I've used a dark mix for the scratch and a highlight underneath. I'll have to give your technique a try? Cheers!


The Swiftclaws have scratches and dinks too but maybe they're not showing up enough?


Good call on the wear on the weapons - I'll give that a try!

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It's nice to see someone so open to advice on forums such as these.


If I were you, I definitely would not go back and try the layer of shadow on the chips on the space wolves, because they are perfect the way they are. And I do mean perfect. It just might be something to think about in your future projects. In the case of space wolves, it might be something like chaos black/scorched brown as a shadow, shadow grey, adeptus battlegrey as a midtone, and space wolves grey/ulthuan grey as a highlight.


Regarding the weapons: a wash of nuln oil/badab black and dry brush of chaos black gives a very nice effect. Try it out, I think it will make your superb models look even better, and will add to the war torn feel they have.


I once again applaud the chipping on your wolves, because it really is very nice. Do you have any suggestions for working with white armor? I'm working on a Praetors of Orpheus project (white with blue highlights) and all I can think of is silver chips outlined in black. There's no highlight color for the bottom of the chips, at least none that I can think of. It's good enough for now (in fact I'm pretty proud of them) but I would like something a bit more realistic, such as you have achieved. Any suggestions would be welcome with open arms.


Have you ever looked into weathering powders? They are magic, man. MIG pigments do wonders, epsecially on vehicles. Pick some up if you can, I'm sure you would be able to get a lot out of them. There are so many techniques to use with them, and I've had great results just using them straight out of the jar. Let me know what you think of them if you ever get your hands on some.



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Cheers man, personally I think that the best way to develop a style is through trial and error and suggestions from fellow painters. I'll try your chipping technique on some future models and see how they go!


Your approach for the weapons sounds good, I might add some brown wash - depending on the type of weapon too.


Hmm, white (and black for that matter) armour is tricky for chipping techniques. What colours have you used for your white armour? I painted up Kor'sorro Khan not that long ago and used browns and beiges to build up the armour colour, meaning that I could get away with pure white for the highlights on the chips. If you're using blues to get to your white - maybe get close to an off-white so that you can then use pure white for the brightest highlights?


I've heard many good things about the weathering powders - I'll add them to my shopping list when I'm choosing my next armour so that I can make them stand out from my Space Wolves.

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THanks for the advice regarding white armor chipping. I've done my white in a "fast" way: base white, heavy wash, highlight. It sounds crappy, but it's turned out pretty okay actually. In the future, I'll probably start with ulthuan grey, so I can save the white for the most extreme highlights and chipping. Thanks again for the tips. Did I miss your Khan model in this thread? I'd love to see it.


Brown works very well too for the weapons. The type of weapon definitely makes a huge difference. Melta/flamer weaponry is the best candidate, although I've had success with autocannons and assault canons on tanks. I haven't decided if I want tot ry it on my lascannons yets or not. The infantry lascannons will probably be plain, while lascannons on tanks (which would understandably be fired more on the battlefield) will probably be scorched up.


If you have a go at weathering powders on your infantry models, let me know what you think. So far I've only used them on my tanks, and have weathered my infantry with standard drybrushing techniques. The powders seem a bit unwieldy on small models.


I'll be posting some of my Praetors soon, once I'm happy with the photography, and would love your feedback.


Cheers again, man, can't wait to see more of your stuff.



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If you check out some of the earlier pages of this blog you should see a couple of shots of Kor'sorro Khan. I completed it at the beginning of the year - it was a nice model and metal too.


Browns will work nicely - I'll try them on my next squad.


Here's an update on my Space Wolves - a squad of five Grey Hunters:









This squad mostly have their helmets as I figured that perhaps getting more experienced - the Space Wolves might consider protecting their noggins from the worst injuries on the battlefield. I also added a couple of different legs from the Devestator Squad and Assault Squad just to give a little more variety in the poses. I like the way the squad looks all ranked up.


Having looked at the eye lenses on the mini on the far right - I think that I'll have another go at them as they look a little odd!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Cheers Valerian for your kind comments on the Grey Knight Interceptors. I think that I'll add more to the force in the near future as the kits are amazing!


Here's my most recent squad of Blood Claws. I've darkened the armour colour slightly and gone with areas of Boltgun Metal to add a bit of variety compared to my first squad earlier in the year. I think that the slight changes will add a bit of variety when the squads are on the table top. I'm pretty pleased with the faces and I want to push the techniques more on my next Space Marine Squad. I also used a couple of the Assualt Marine legs to give this squad a bit more of an aggressive stance which works well for these marines.









So what's next? I've got to the last sprue in my Space Marine battlebox and it's going to be a squad of six Wolf Guard. I managed to make up an extra marine through my bitz box and it'll mean that I can play with most of the options on the sprue. Photos will follow when the squad's completed.

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