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DA update - could be next year


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I noticed comments being made about the Dark Angels codex in the BOLS lounge I thought Id share

Whispers yes but info none the less that may if correct be building into an update time of around middle to end of next year.


Originally Posted by Igantius

"The manager at the seattle battle bunker told me there may be an updated DA codex in the fall releases."


"My understanding is that the changes will be minor scouts get moved back to troops from elites and special characters are being restated to be more in line with other SM Special Characters. I.E. Captain Lysander wont be able to walk all over Master Azreal anymore and possibly the return of Asmodai to the list"


DAG42 posted a further comment "I believe at GD they said the September WD will be a DA update to be brought inline with the newer stuff."


ddsa86 quoted "I heard from someone that in a recent visit to the GW HQ in the UK they noticed that two armies were not on display in an area where they showcase all the armies. The two armies were the Necron and Black Templar. When asked why they were not in the showcase, the GW person slipped and said they were being play tested. That would make sense if they expect the Necron to be released later this year and the BT update for the upcoming MMO. Take it for what it is worth and if anyone out there has knowledge of what the GW HQ layout or the area that the person was talking about, please elaborate."


The last page of the thread is here





I added the bit about the BT and Necrons indicating they are being updated. also if anyone goes to the GW HQ - If the DA army was missing once could assume they might be being play tested.


With BT updated I believe to match there use in the upcoming online W40k game. The Dark Angels Id expect would be updated soon after.


Any way take as you will.


I'm playing angels of absolution and while its hard trying to play DA lists with the current codex it is do able ( at massive disadvantage) in the interim without using CSM.

But we play the first space marine chapter and take what we get. Is the Honour of playing DA.




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I was just about to make a post on this, but was looking if someone else has done so. Looks like you beat me to it. :D


It's been awhile since I was on, but seeing anything something, is a good reason to talk about the future of DA. So we may get the PDF treatment, or just an update? (Damn depression kicking in again. :lol:)

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Thtat would be delightful if it panned out. We did just get sprues on the cheap, so that could be a happy indication, but the cynic in me is not holding his breath.



No, we just lost sprues on the cheap. We used to get 10 full marines for 20 US dollars, now we get 5 marines for 14 bucks. You're getting half the marines at a 24.53- price increase. Kind of makes you glad that although are specific models are getting more expensive, at least our rules are unique and competitive even if played outside of -wing formation....


Oh wait, Khans and Space Wolves do it better. Hopefully this rumor come true.

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The price hike could be "good news" meaning the Angels woill be buyied in the future, with a new dex out. But thats too much speculation, a friend of mine told me a couple weeks ago some GW guys were playtesting a unit of watchers in the dark, and that those little buggers could be upgrades for some units in the new dex... He got the info first hand, but I didnt, so its not reliable as far as I know ;)

As said above, in due time, Warseer will provide.

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Lost count how many times I've heard this ''I spoke to a red shirt'' and he says this that and the next thing.


Staff know nothing, I'm close friends with a few staff at my local GW and only know a few months in advance of whats coming out.


Take what you hear from staff with a pinch of salt, just a shame that GW don 't tell their own employees future releases and they need to find out off certain sites.

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I don't want to add too much to this speculation but BOLS just posted some 2011 schedule rumors and one was particularly interesting.


"On the SM front, Woe be the small pale man who ignores the ides of march, especially when they come early." Stickmonkey


The ides of march is a reference to cesaer's betrayal by brutus (sounds a little bit like Luther and the Lion) and this combined with the "new" DA chapter upgrade might be an interesting hint. Unfortunately it might also be a reference to second wave BA minis which are tentatively scheduled for February, which might explain the "especially when they come early" part.

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It would be nice if it is true. However, when I spoke to Jervis at Games Day UK, he indicated that they had just started the initial brainstorming for the DA. Now that could mean that if the project has moved along quickly they could be be in a position to release in late 2011, but I doubt it, given that sculpting, playtesting, printing and casting would all need to be have been completed by then. If what Jervis told me is right, I would guess that a 2012 codex would be more likely. Probably late 2012 too. It all depends on what projects are being given the highest priority by the studio.
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I would love to get at least a PDF version then our codex, no offense. Fix acouple of things in pdf while they fix it MORE in the Codex, and i'll be happy to wait if we get our codex updated. a 4+ in combat only Shield, not the greatest, with other things. Can't wait for our point system to get less, least for bikers or Terminators, or make them AMAZING as Death Or Ravenwing should.


Their not just Terminators, THEIR THE DEATHWING! terminators. Regular Terminators should loose to them everytime! but nooooO!

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I am holding off on assembling/painting my deathwing until I hear more....I am not about to waste all that money on the squads of termies just to find out that they are armed incorrectly. At least I can get my HQs, troops/fast attacks done....something to break up painting my blood angels.
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