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DA update - could be next year


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Kind of... Smoke apparently works differently depending on the color of the LR/Rhino hull :-), the machine spirit is not nearly as good, etc... Shame that the company doesn't go with a "all equipment works the same across all codexes"... I'd really like to see the Mortis DN as "official"...
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Ooooo Stormraven available to all Chapters and possible Dark Angels White Dwarf/PDF eh? Good thing Ive decided to scrap my Crimson Fist army and go for Dark Angels then :D

How can this be possible? I thought it if in your codex you can't use it. I thought Chapter Approved was abolished. Is this coming back?

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Hiya Battle Brothers


I thought I would add to this topic with some goodish tidbits. My son recently when down to GW HQ in nottingham as part of their management recruitment program and was given a special tour of the whole operation. Along with seeing alot of the new DE stuff, he commented on the fact that the general concensus among the staff there was that something was in the pipeline for the DA. He (my son) now works for GamesWorkshop and will keep me posted on any news they get. He will be a little more reliable than just a friendly red shirt -_-


Cheers and Happy Hunting


P.S. I have told him I will believe it when I see it, so I am being sceptical for all of us :D

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I got my teeth kicked in at the local store last night, and was told by a staff member not to worry as we'd be seeing something new for us 'soon'.


I have no idea what this means; it may just be some bad chat, as the guy seemed to imply Witch Hunters were coming out alongside the Grey Knights (he was banging on about a new 74" Vindicare Assassin. Riiight.). Personally I'm pretty sceptical (in all honesty about most of what he was saying!!), but could be some more (albeit dubious) supporting info?

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Hiya Battle Brothers


I thought I would add to this topic with some goodish tidbits. My son recently when down to GW HQ in nottingham as part of their management recruitment program and was given a special tour of the whole operation. Along with seeing alot of the new DE stuff, he commented on the fact that the general concensus among the staff there was that something was in the pipeline for the DA. He (my son) now works for GamesWorkshop and will keep me posted on any news they get. He will be a little more reliable than just a friendly red shirt :)


Cheers and Happy Hunting


P.S. I have told him I will believe it when I see it, so I am being sceptical for all of us ;)


This is most appreciated information source - as tantilising and remote as it is right now i still got a little buzz reading this!


Anyway who wants facts - they can be so misleading. Rumours however, true or false are often revealing ;)

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Hehe! Mine are beginning to rise too, but I don't want to get too carried away. I wonder if anything from the ongoing Projects has been noticed and incorporated...


That aside, Grand Master's snippet seems a lot more trustworthy than mine; as ellis_esquire said, that is about as good a source as it gets!

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Is that the 'small pale man' rumour that's been bouncing around? Surely that would be something for all marine gamers to potentially look forward to (I personally am not overly fussed), rather than specifically DA?


Ach, I dunno, you could go back and forth all day on this! Guess we'll just have to keep waiting and see.




EDIT - Double post...

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I would guess that they do mean the Stormraven - the latest issue of White Dwarf mentions that the second wave of BA releases will take place at the end of January 2011 (maybe they meant February?) and I would imagine they want people to buy the model, so it seems plausible that we may get to play with it!
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Sorry if this is off topic. Didn't GW said no more PDF codex? Didn't they say no moreupdating rules through White Dwarf? Didn't they say no more updates through FAQs so what is in your codex, USE YOUR Codex?


So I guess sales must be slumping, because now we have FAQs that update the codex, (again which is never suppose to happen) and now we will have rules in WD in June (wich is never suppose to happen again, because we only suppose to use our codex.)


So times are changing now. So who knows what will happen in future issues of WD magazine now.

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This is GW we are talking about! They took the ally system and threw it away, would've loved to have half Chaos space marine and half daemon. grr! or least take some ally guard and such.


I'm content they actually did a Revamp on FAQ, but I won't be playing pure Dark Angels, 3 wing till new dex, and that makes me sad (T.T) but hey still love my terminators!

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What's this about White Dwarf rules in June?

Something about a release of some model that BA and GK are rumoured to have. The rules in WD is suppose to make it so all SM will be able to use them. Not sure about Chaos SM though but all Imperial SM.


*edit* From Dakka Dakka. http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/340161.page


I have it on quite good authority that following the release of the Stormraven Gunship with the Blood Angels new models in a few weeks, the next issue of White Dwarf will contain rules/fluff which will enable all Space Marine chapters to use the unit.


Whether or not this is happening because of the rumoured Flyer ruleset expansion is anyones guess, but with BA definately and GK almost certainly getting the Stormraven, I am pretty confident that this will be confirmed in due course and there will be Stormravens all around!


The Milky Bars are on me!


Hope this helps. So maybe next months issue, or when ever. Rumours.

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Hiya Battle Brothers


I thought I would add to this topic with some goodish tidbits. My son recently when down to GW HQ in nottingham as part of their management recruitment program and was given a special tour of the whole operation. Along with seeing alot of the new DE stuff, he commented on the fact that the general concensus among the staff there was that something was in the pipeline for the DA. He (my son) now works for GamesWorkshop and will keep me posted on any news they get. He will be a little more reliable than just a friendly red shirt :)


Cheers and Happy Hunting


P.S. I have told him I will believe it when I see it, so I am being sceptical for all of us ;)


Have him snoop around the Black Templar area please. :)



Anyway who wants facts - they can be so misleading. Rumours however, true or false are often revealing ;)


That's a bingo. ;)



I like you Dark Angels. Would be happy to see you get a update. Better than those vile Blood Angels. q_q

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