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What to do with all the extra chainswords


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Ranged weapon/Bolter close combat attachments, banner toppers, objective markers, Rhino decorations, sheathed chainswords on models that have CCWs for WYSIWYG, party hats, dreadnought CCWs, decorative armor enhancements, running boards, cover/scenery decor, skis, light vehicle tracks, possibly most importantly vehicle crew weapons.
Convert some heavy bolters to fire chainswords instead of their usual ammo?


I did see some artwork depicting a rocket launcher that fires Chainsword rockets. Cyclone missile Launchers with Chainswords would also be an option (plus you can fit more than one in them ^^)

EDIT: Found it. I have no idea where it's from, it's NOT MINE


Convert some heavy bolters to fire chainswords instead of their usual ammo?


I did see some artwork depicting a rocket launcher that fires Chainsword rockets. Cyclone missile Launchers with Chainswords would also be an option (plus you can fit more than one in them ^^)

EDIT: Found it. I have no idea where it's from, it's NOT MINE


haha that made me laugh my ass off

You could always use them as toothpicks? :cuss

So I've got quite a few extra chainswords sitting in my bits box and I'd like to hit up the community for ideas about what to do with them. Looking for conversion ideas not "sell em on ebay"


I've seen them turned into chain-axes. Just replace the blade on a power axe with a similar length of chainsword cut from the end. You will need to model up the lower end a bit to conceal the cutoff.

Do you play Ravenwing or Deathwing or just regular Dark Angels?


Ravenwing: Take a hint from the Dark Elder Reavers and make getting plowed by your Landspeeders and bikes a really bad idea for anybody with infantry.


Deathwing: Extra-long chainfists(I did this with one of my HQ models, he looks awesome, if a bit Chaos-y). And as mentioned, meatgrinder Dreadnought weapons.


Regular Dark Angels: The aforementioned shiva-esque close combat servitor was pretty awesome. Perhaps a company champion who likes to get kung-fu nuts on the Fallen with a chainsword in each hand and bionic arms(as many as you can fit) with more chainswords attached. Actually, I kinda want to try that now...Also, you can put them together to make eviscerators that count as lightning claws or power fists.


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