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Furioso Dread


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It may just be my bad luck with dice but I can never seem to get more than 4 - 5 kills with blood talons before some powerfist comes and rolls a 6, is there any way off getting a re-roll hits with it??


Against most things the dread shouldnt really be getting that low but not terribly higher then that.


(4 Attacks yes?)

4/1 35/54 = 70/27 (~2 wnds)

70/27 2/3 35/36 = 1225/729 (~1.7 wnds)

1225/729 2/3 35/36 = 42875/39366 (~1.1 wnds)


This is where your chances start to peak out. Either you hit with that one attack and in all likely hood kil or your down. So you have about a 2/3 chance of going to 5-6wnds, and so on. (4/9ths etc)


Let me play around with an excel sheet macro to prove it.

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