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Alpha Legion ... Questions about the Novels and the Games.


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They infiltrated and destroyed a Space Marine Chapter from within (I forget the name), and then there was the Hunt for Voldorius; Voldorius being an Alpha Legion Daemon Prince who acted very much against type for an Alpha (and the book was written quite atrociously throughout, for that matter).

I'm reading Hunt for Voldorius right now, and the aspect of the Alpha Legion using copious amounts of slaves/cultists instead of actual marines is right on the mark in my opinion. That said, Voldorius and the marines themselves seem to be to the contrary of the rest of the fluff. No stealth tactics involved from what I've seen yet, just brutality and intimidation, and at least one of the marines seems to worship the Dark Gods in some way. I'd rather not say anything else for those that haven't read it, but the AL could certainly be portrayed better.


Unless of course, the AL changed tactics between the Heresy and now, and I just haven't noticed...

Or maybe they just want us to think that?? :(


I would say it depends on the Warband. All of them will have their own way of doing things but I still like to think most of the Alpha Legion are still part of a bigger plan even if it isn't the one from the start of the HH.

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But the main question is, more fluff related then game related then anything. What do the Alpha Legion do now? Are they still shadows, lurking around, striking, manipulating where ever?


Like, since the Heresy, what are the "Bad" things the Legion has been credited?


They're most certainly in the shadows :(


The majority of 40K tales regarding the Alpha Legion encompass their ability to subvert populations in secret, then set these forces on the Imperium at a pre-determined point, either to affect other Imperial combats elsewhere by interupting the supply chain, or by distracting Imperial forces away from a different point in space to where their true attention lies.


But all post-heresey works have them firmly in the 'Chaos camp' - there's no mention of their motives at the end of Legion at all (One of the reasons why Legion was so eye opening to both old and new fans of the AL)


There's no real explanation as to what happened between the end of Legion and the (40k) present, which is what allows AL player to basically pick and choose what they want their AL to represent. Have they fallen from (their own) grace, or is there a greater plan afoot? - no one knows the true answer, and I guess within their overall theme, I think no one will...


For an almost comprehensive list of all Alpha Legion mentions with official fluff, please look here.

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