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Baal Predator


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Hi everyone, it's been a while since I've posted anything constructive so tonight I thought I'd post up some shots of one of my Chrimbo pressies the GF got me. A Baal Predator. I'd been droning on about how I needed to get my painting thing on and so for christmas I was bought this, a Rhino and a Drop Pod. So anyway haven't painted for a couple of months due to real life getting in the way and this is my entry back into it. It's only TT quality at the moment but I'm pretty happy with it. All I need now is an Ork player to burn!!






I'll keep on tidying it up. I can see the back needs a bit of TLC and a wash of Black and Devlan on the tracks. Will post more when I make progress.


Cheers for looking



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Ha ha, it just so happens that I like to share. It's mechrite red base, followed with a 50/50 wetbrush of Mech Red/Blood Red then a further stippling of blood red. I use Blazing orange on the hard lines worked up to Firey Orange which I'm sad to see they've discontinued.





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Cheers mate. I got loads of photies. Used to have a thread of my entire army but thats probably disappeared to the very recesses of these hallowed halls. But heres 2 of my HQs and some assorted other photos.











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dude, your BA are beautimous! it makes me sad to look at them though, cause i have been workin on trying to finish my marines by next weekend and was really happy with the way they were turnin out, then i get on here and look at everyone else's and now mine look like poopidoo ^_^
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dude, your BA are beautimous! it makes me sad to look at them though, cause i have been workin on trying to finish my marines by next weekend and was really happy with the way they were turnin out, then i get on here and look at everyone else's and now mine look like poopidoo ^_^


I get that feeling as well :L!... But I'm not for caring since we have hobbits that contribute models like These to the hobby and give me something to aspire to ;)

Great work!


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Cheers everyone. They're an ever expanding project, so I'll always be adding more. I'm just completing a 10-man dev squad, not so much for games but so I can get closer to realising a full Battle Company. This place has always been a great inspiration for me so I like to share with you guys what you've inspired me to do. Also this guy I posted in the Hall of Honor but may as well post him here for posterity.




He's for my Razorback DC. I got Lemartes for Chrimbo but I already have him, so after a little chopping he's now a chaplain. The basing isn't finished and I've since added a little freehand onto the shoulder pad but otherwise that's him.


Gotta say I'm glad to be painting again, forgot how much I missed it till the GF encouraged me back into it.


Ebsolom @ you may have seen them on Ammobunker I think, I'm on there as Astartes_Loken


Vagabond @ It's been a while since I painted him but I only used Foundation Paints and Skull White plus the new Washes. I started of with Calthan Brown worked up through Iyanden Darksun to Deneb Stone and finally added skull white to the final highlights. Then used Leviathan Purple and Devlan Mud for the washes.


Cheers dudes.

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i love what you have done with ol' lemmywinks, that is one of the best models GW has ever released, IMHO. Looks great man, i like the arm positioning in order to differentiate it from the actual model. Oh Yeah and the paint looks good too :)
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