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Chaos Space Marines Codex in 2011?


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Hi all,


Found this segment of info while browsing this thread (Heresy-Online).


* Chaos Codex?

- Chaos Codex, 2011, sometime in the third quarter.


As said, please take it with a bucket-load of salt (read the rest of the article if you want to know why...) Opinions please!



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As much as I want it to be true, I cannot help but feel that they might, just might; screw it up even worse than they already have.


We'll see. One can still hope, if one is inclined to be positive.

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I've read other rumours (Warseer) making the Chaos Codex out to be released in 2013 as part of one of the first for a new edition. With the pace that armies are being revisited (ie not very fast at all) that doesn't seem too far off the mark considering there are several books "ahead" in the line.


So I'd take it with mucho salt. But if it does come out in 2011 I will eat my steak with a happy munchy face no matter how salty it tastes :HQ:.

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I cannot help but feel that they might, just might; screw it up even worse than they already have.

Why so? Gut feeling or d'you have some solid stuff which influences your feeling?



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This has been floating around for a while, IIRC. There's no way in the universe it's anything but utter fabrication. The talk about Matt Ward alone should let you know they're pulling your leg.
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I cannot help but feel that they might, just might; screw it up even worse than they already have.

Why so? Gut feeling or d'you have some solid stuff which influences your feeling?



Just a gut feeling. :HQ:


Edit: and the progression over past codices versus 3rd, 4th and 5th ed. (not-chaos for 5th of course, as it is technically still a 4th ed./testbed codex - but other codices in 5th).

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I don't think it is possible to "screw it up" more at least not from a variance point of view. Anything they do with the next Codex is bound to add more in the way of options rather than detract from what we have now as the current Codex very much feels like a bare minimum book for what you can allow yourself to do to a Chaos Codex.


I have nothing but faith in a new Codex, it can't be any more boring than it currently is. Whilst balancing is something that might get screwed up one way or the other I have great confidence in the next Codex containing new unit options as well as more interesting options for the ones that are already there. Whilst I don't think we will see a return to special rules for Legions I would hazard a guess that there could be something akin to the Space Wolf sagas that allows a bit of small but characterful customisation.


And what with the current Space Marines Codex containing 144 pages might we not see a Chaos Codex that is equally impressive. I would have no problem filling another 40 pages.

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Edit: and the progression over past codices versus 3rd, 4th and 5th ed. (not-chaos for 5th of course, as it is technically still a 4th ed./testbed codex - but other codices in 5th).

But what has displeased you in the recent codices? I agree some aren't great fluff and/or rules-wise, but they aren't terrible.

Rik Riorik: I really do admire and follow your optimism :)



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A D-B has played his hand with regards to this "rumour" being false in that he identified that G.S. Coto is not employed the way the rumour claims and is a downright lie.


In the Space Wolf forum there is plenty of posts in there which support this view. It's likely BS.

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A D-B has played his hand with regards to this "rumour" being false in that he identified that G.S. Coto is not employed the way the rumour claims and is a downright lie.


In the Space Wolf forum there is plenty of posts in there which support this view. It's likely BS.

Cheers for the input Capt. Idaho :) I saw that thread (still reading it).



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Edit: and the progression over past codices versus 3rd, 4th and 5th ed. (not-chaos for 5th of course, as it is technically still a 4th ed./testbed codex - but other codices in 5th).

But what has displeased you in the recent codices? I agree some aren't great fluff and/or rules-wise, but they aren't terrible.

I don't want to rehash the old C:CSM arguments but suffice to say that I find the way they failed to capture the Legions and C:CSM in general to be a pile of crap and absolute waste of potential. If a giant turd was colourless and non-smelly at the same time as still being utterly revolting to the senses, it wouldn't be that dissimilar to the soulless thing that is our current Codex.


As for the rest of them, apart from the (potentially) ridiculously overpowered C:IG (meaning, if you use alpha strike builds - and many do here), I quite like the 5th ed. codices, even though some of them do have completely useless/inefficient units like C: Tyranids (e.g. Pyrovores, Carnifexes, Mawlocs, and no assault grenades on anything but said Carnifexes), oh and I do regret the simplification of C:Eldar. But overall, the true 5th ed. codices aren't that bad.



So yeah, just a gut feeling.

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to be honest nihm, i reckon the fluff side of the chaos dex was poorly done but i liked what they did with defilers, plaguemarines, khorne berzerkers, thousand sons and i love the fact that basic CSM got bolter, BP and CCW.


I hope they bring back marks of chaos (icon idea is silly!), make noise marines a bit better, limit oblits and DP to 0-1, and of course



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I'm with you on PM's and Zerkers 100%, NM's and TSons are junk units though. Why anyone would field them outside of trying to stay fluffy, is beyond me.


Being able to use both a BP and a Chainsword + Bolter doesn't really capture feel of the experienced, hate-fuelled, warp-blessed superhuman maniacs we all love very well. In my humble opinion.

Defilers, Defilers are too damn big to be fielded in anything but pairs.


Be careful what you wish for..


But seconded. :pinch:



My 2 Kraks

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I think perhaps the biggest thing is that background and history seems less important across the hobby as a whole; which is even more important when you have such a storied set of individuals as the Triator Legions.


I agree with the Legion rules though; there are so many different styles of forces available but players seem penalised for choosing C:CSM.


EDIT: Would Codex: Chaos be more acceptable? A larger book, with sections for Daemons, Traitor Legions, turned Chapters, Traitor Guard.


Admittedly, this might drive up the price but would it be worth it? 'cause I'd like to see and read through that :pinch: Especially if it would see a 2011 release *as if*.

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only it will never happen , you will never again get a codex like the 2ed chaos dex . GW left stuff like IG variant armies to FW.

Doesnt look like chaos is on for 2011 , new model range not ready , no new dex in testing [not even in idea phase] .


+ the new dex is going to be build around the dex we have now not the 3.5 legion rules one . It is very easy to make the one we have now suck more . What sold good with gav dex ? zerkers/pms/oblits/DPs you nerf those and make the rest more "fluffy" and you get something nids . a "balanced" codex.

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Alot of the stuff in the link in the OP seems like fantasy wishfull thinking.


The Emperor dying?


Alpharion and Omegon killing Guilliman while still being loyal to the Emperor?


Khan being alive?


Eliphas replacing Abbadon as the big baddy and ultimate leader of Chaos?


The Imperium falling appart and then reclaiming it's other worlds?


The Ultramarines being completely shafted and getting their own codex and turning from by-the-letter glory boys to cutthroat dirty fighters?


I have a hard time seeing that happen.



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I don't know about all that. It looks like a transcript of a /tg/ thread, and 4chan in general is a highly suspect place to get solid information. /tg/ is the only other place I've heard about Chaos Marines codex this year, along with the only place I hear people complaining about "plot progression", and they couldn't or wouldn't provide another source when questioned about it. This has been taken with the largest amount of salt possible.


As for the aforementioned plot progression, I really, really don't want them to do anything like that. There's 10,000 years and an entire galaxy for them to write alternative material for, and I'm really stuck on the "just as the lights are going out" brink of destruction setting. That and I despise what happened to the Battletech universe. It will forever be 3025 in my heart, and I would hate to see the 40k universe go through the painful contortions that the Battletech universe did.

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A word-for-word text wall of a conversation that happened "several weeks ago"? Not buying it.


/tg/ is the only other place I've heard about Chaos Marines codex this year, along with the only place I hear people complaining about "plot progression", and they couldn't or wouldn't provide another source when questioned about it.

All the more reason to assume that it was fabricated by them.


As for the aforementioned plot progression, I really, really don't want them to do anything like that. There's 10,000 years and an entire galaxy for them to write alternative material for, and I'm really stuck on the "just as the lights are going out" brink of destruction setting. That and I despise what happened to the Battletech universe. It will forever be 3025 in my heart, and I would hate to see the 40k universe go through the painful contortions that the Battletech universe did.

Don't worry about that:

"The Background exists as a context for the games that people play. Despite the occasional event, the background was never intended as an ongoing narrative that would be constantly updated. The back story presents questions, enigmas, problems, and conflicts. Gamers explore and solve these issues by playing games and developing armies. In short, the background provides the beginning, but the players provide the end.


What is Cypher up to? Well, he's up to whatever you need him to be up to for your games and campaigns. What does the cult mechanicus have to do with the dragon? Whatever you want that relationship to be.


The background should be like Schrödinger's Cat - Nothing is defined until the players look into the box by playing games and determining the outcome for themselves. Backgrounds should be full of possibilities to be exploited and expanded by players, not answers that limit the potential of the game and its setting."

- US WD320

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Oh man, I do not believe these rumours so badly it hurts.


Granted some of them look interesting and all, they just aren't happening 2011? Not on my life. I'd love to see some of these things come true, but in the same way I hope to win the lottery.

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I don't think it is possible to "screw it up" more


My dad always says "make something idiot proof, and along comes a bigger idiot"!


So, how could they screw it up even more...?


Abaddon popped to Terra with and owl and a :) cat in a pea green spaceship to say "sorry" to the High Lords of Terra and offers to fix all that went wrong and for all of the traitor legions to return to the Imperial fold. The High Lords are unsure so Abaddon decides that they will happily serve a forfiet of the Inquisitons choosing. All Inquisitors and Grey Knights decide on an away day on one of Jupiters moons, where they drink copious amounts of coffee with biscuits by day while going for sambuka and jaeger bombs all night and come back to the High Lords with the idea that all former CSMs give up their helmets and are made to serve the imperium with mascot-head sized and style helmets fitted with rebreather technology. All new models of former-CSMs are basically loyalist SMs with oversized animal heads, except squad sergents, who wear alice bands with bunny ears or the like. This allows for harmony in the Imperium for another 10,000 years...


As you may be able to tell, in my fathers eyes, I am probably the bigger idiot... and a raging disappointment!

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I honestly think Daemonhunters, SOB, Black Templars, and Dark Angels will all be done before Chaos (and possibly redone again!) since GW loves to put Chaos on the backburner and always make them weaker to the loyalist equivalent even though Chaos should logically be stronger being marines made stronger by their daemonic devotion, but if by some daemonic miracle we do get a new codex in 2011 (fingers crossed but highly doubtful) I want Phil Kelly to do it, he had such an interesting take on the Dark Eldar I would love to see what he could do with Chaos.
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