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Chaos Space Marines Codex in 2011?


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I honestly think Daemonhunters, SOB, Black Templars, and Dark Angels will all be done before Chaos (and possibly redone again!) since GW loves to put Chaos on the backburner and always make them weaker to the loyalist equivalent even though Chaos should logically be stronger being marines made stronger by their daemonic devotion, but if by some daemonic miracle we do get a new codex in 2011 (fingers crossed but highly doubtful) I want Phil Kelly to do it, he had such an interesting take on the Dark Eldar I would love to see what he could do with Chaos.


Not quite true. The 3rd edition Codex books saw a Chaos Codex re-released within a year of it's first release. Essentially there were two Codex books within a single edition.


This is because the developers back then realised that Chaos needed a bit of attention due to the drab nature of the first release. They created a Codex that put the Chaos Marines back on top as the nemesis of the Imperium. If you had played that Codex book you would have realised that Chaos Marines have traditionally had been much more powerful than their Loyalist counter parts.


It's only the 4th edition Codex book that sucks in comparison to the Space Marines Codex but even then it is still fairly competetive, if a little drab.

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Of course we could get a book on the quickie. Its just that there are no rumblings what so ever to that effect. Which is why I doubt it. With the amount of books in need of release for Fantasy and 40k it just doesn't feel like a Chaos book is on the cards. Especially as there are some Codii that are really worse off, the Necron Codex has got to be one of the most uninteresting armies to play with that small amount of actual choices on how to make an army for example.
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Of course we could get a book on the quickie. Its just that there are no rumblings what so ever to that effect. Which is why I doubt it. With the amount of books in need of release for Fantasy and 40k it just doesn't feel like a Chaos book is on the cards. Especially as there are some Codii that are really worse off, the Necron Codex has got to be one of the most uninteresting armies to play with that small amount of actual choices on how to make an army for example.

Necrons in mid year. We get ours for winter.

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Of course we could get a book on the quickie. Its just that there are no rumblings what so ever to that effect. Which is why I doubt it. With the amount of books in need of release for Fantasy and 40k it just doesn't feel like a Chaos book is on the cards. Especially as there are some Codii that are really worse off, the Necron Codex has got to be one of the most uninteresting armies to play with that small amount of actual choices on how to make an army for example.

Necrons in mid year. We get ours for winter.


Yeah what's your source? I sure hope so though. :lol:

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No one mentionned that every Power Armored army got a new codex FAQ ?


Those new FAQ answers some rule's question, but they also update older wargear : DA & BT smoke, stormshield, Cyclone and Typhon ML. BT terminator's armor give Relentness.


No one mentionned that we didn't get ours.


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No one mentionned that every Power Armored army got a new codex FAQ ?


Those new FAQ answers some rule's question, but they also update older wargear : DA & BT smoke, stormshield, Cyclone and Typhon ML. BT terminator's armor give Relentness.


No one mentionned that we didn't get ours.



I like to be optimistic in these cirucmstances. Since DA and BT are so far off getting a new Codex being updated Games Workshop saw the need to bring their Codex books in line with the other Space Marine Codex releases. The implication of Chaos Marines being left out means perhaps they are working on something sooner for them?


Of course it probably just has something to do with the fact Chaos Marines don't have the out dated rules for the same weapons the other armies have, so really there was nothing to FAQ.

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Of course it probably just has something to do with the fact Chaos Marines don't have the out dated rules for the same weapons the other armies have

have you seen what happens when we roll a 1 on the possessed table ?


Apart from that having nothing to do with weapons being outdated?


You are always going on about how Possessed don't fit into a competetive build, so why does it matter GW didn't FAQ Possessed?

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Of course it probably just has something to do with the fact Chaos Marines don't have the out dated rules for the same weapons the other armies have

have you seen what happens when we roll a 1 on the possessed table ?


Apart from that having nothing to do with weapons being outdated?


You are always going on about how Possessed don't fit into a competetive build, so why does it matter GW didn't FAQ Possessed?

Maybe it stems from the hope that GW might actually owe up to the fact that Possessed are a crap unit, which could easily be made less crappy with a single line in the FAQ.
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Of course it probably just has something to do with the fact Chaos Marines don't have the out dated rules for the same weapons the other armies have

have you seen what happens when we roll a 1 on the possessed table ?


Apart from that having nothing to do with weapons being outdated?


You are always going on about how Possessed don't fit into a competetive build, so why does it matter GW didn't FAQ Possessed?

Maybe it stems from the hope that GW might actually owe up to the fact that Possessed are a crap unit, which could easily be made less crappy with a single line in the FAQ.


Oh I get that, but I think it is unreasonable to expect changes in a FAQ that the equivilent of new Codex releases. Let's be honest, Chaos needs a major overhaul and any changes to Possessed should be subtantial, so we can't expect Possessed to be singled out for change.


(well that is how GW should operate but they don't for some reason)


These FAQs are for the flag ship armies of the game (Space Marines) and easiest to fix (you fix one old Codex you fix them all with the same change) so I don't think we can expect magic just yet.


But I'm optimistic that Chaos will get something special within a year. And yes I know that means a long wait still, but it's a start...

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I wouldnt be so optimistic.

Marines and DE were updated because Marines are the GWs flagship and DE are most recent release.


I think that other armies will get FAQ in time, but I wouldnt expect some changes in our wargear as what GW did to BT and DA was simply putting some pieces of wargear in line with recent marine dexes.

So we can await some questions answered and some slight updates of our wargear eg. relentless on terminator armour (what would make them more shooty and combi plasma more interesting). I wouldnt expect big changes.


And for Chaos codex: My tip is second half of 2012. There are GK, Necrons and Tau to be released (among fantasy releases) and we heard rumors of them coming at least year ago, so if Chaos dex would be really coming this winter we would have at least one solid rumor, but except this, there is nothing.

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Oh I get that, but I think it is unreasonable to expect changes in a FAQ that the equivilent of new Codex releases

ehh why ? the DA and BT faq just gave birth to more then 2 builds . I have no idea why GW finds it fair to think that people will be happy with the fact that upgrading loyalist armies is cool[specialy as each new edition they get a dex anyway or at least can counts as with sm ] , but changing the wording they alone screwed up durning desing [nid stuff , chaos stuff like dozers or possessed ] is not .

These FAQs are for the flag ship armies of the game (Space Marines) and easiest to fix (you fix one old Codex you fix them all with the same change) so I don't think we can expect magic just yet.

because it is so hard to write "yes we know we worded doom and shadow the same way , but shadow will work on stuff in transports] right ? + the "but maybe in a year you get a new dex and it will be fixed" doesnt work on me . the new dex will be build around the ideas of the gav dex and no one can tell me that it will be better , worse considering what GW did with nids and de making them "balanced" it may as well suck more [in gaming terms that is]. And then what , wait another 3 years ?

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Hey you're preaching to the choir man. I don't get why GW can't release much more of their material online but that's not the way they are. Arguing with me about that won't change their business practice!


So we should either leave the game in disillusionment or accept that GW don't work that way and not moan so much about things.


Of course, letter writing to GW HQ is a good way to get your point across.

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Didnt GW say something that all Black Codexes would be replaced in this year. Greyknights are first up, that would leave Necrons and Witchhunters.

I'm pretty sure GW did officially confirm at some point that their current plan is to get all the 3rd edition codices replaced before they touch anything that came out in 4th, which all things considered I really can't fault them for that even if it does leave Chaos out of the update loop for longer than would be ideal. I wouldn't be surprised if once that's done GW moves on to the one or two 4th edition codices that aren't done in the current style; hopefully once that's done Chaos will be next on the list.

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7 Codexes or so between us and the logical next date. Worst case scenario, if every single other codex except Dark Eldar, IG, Wolves and Orks gets redone before us, we should expect about 9 codex releases before us. At about (worst case scenario) 2 releases a year, this'll give us our new codex in 5 years (including a new edition, most likely). Therefore, WORST case scenario, 2016 is the year. ;) It can only get better from there on, boys!
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7 Codexes or so between us and the logical next date. Worst case scenario, if every single other codex except Dark Eldar, IG, Wolves and Orks gets redone before us, we should expect about 9 codex releases before us. At about (worst case scenario) 2 releases a year, this'll give us our new codex in 5 years (including a new edition, most likely). Therefore, WORST case scenario, 2016 is the year. :) It can only get better from there on, boys!


The thought of how possible this is depresses me greatly.

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7 Codexes or so between us and the logical next date. Worst case scenario, if every single other codex except Dark Eldar, IG, Wolves and Orks gets redone before us, we should expect about 9 codex releases before us. At about (worst case scenario) 2 releases a year, this'll give us our new codex in 5 years (including a new edition, most likely). Therefore, WORST case scenario, 2016 is the year. :lol: It can only get better from there on, boys!


Your scenario is too worst to have any value. 2016 is far too unrealistic : nine years to publish a major codex like chaos SM is simply too much.

For example why would they produce a new SM codex before ?

Assuming 3 codices per year is more realistic than 2.


Now if we look at the codices older than our C:CSM there are : all the grey knight stuff, necrons, tau, eldar, black templars, dark angels. That's 6 codices, that would bring our chaos codex to the beginning of 2013. We can assume that the two SM variants have a lower priority, bringing us to summer 2012 : 4.5 to 5 years for a codex is a more common value.


In that time I guess GW will design things to update chaos to the new gameplay of 40K : special characters, plastic kits (dreadnoughts, raptors, obliterators, cult marines), flyers.


In the meanwhile just find opponents that accept twistings and rule experimentation : yes you can field that dreadclaw ^_^

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For example why would they produce a new SM codex before ?


If they decide to go to 6th edition before they make a new chaos dex there would be a good chance that space marines would be released before chaos.


I believe that would be a horrifically accurate event.


I feel in my bones we will see a new edition by next year, I really do. I can imagine Chaos Marines being just before it or just after it. Likely just after since Necrons will probably have a new Codex about 3 months before a new edition. So in my eyes we will see a new Codex for Marines before we see one for Chaos Marines.


Now I'm being pessimistic but if I'm wrong at least we have good news!

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For example why would they produce a new SM codex before ?


If they decide to go to 6th edition before they make a new chaos dex there would be a good chance that space marines would be released before chaos.


I believe that would be a horrifically accurate event.


I feel in my bones we will see a new edition by next year, I really do. I can imagine Chaos Marines being just before it or just after it. Likely just after since Necrons will probably have a new Codex about 3 months before a new edition. So in my eyes we will see a new Codex for Marines before we see one for Chaos Marines.


Now I'm being pessimistic but if I'm wrong at least we have good news!

I'm pretty sure GW won't do a new edition until they've at least updated all the horribly out-of-date codices and the couple of major codices that always get a new version every edition. It definitely won't be immediately after Necrons, since Necrons are all but certainly coming out after Grey Knights, and other codices like Sisters of Battle are already confirmed as being in development.

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Necrons, Grey Knights and SoB are the only out dated Codex books from more than 1 edition ago. I can honestly see SoB getting a release immediately before the 6 edition release, but believe GW won't want to take 4 risks with their Codex books in a row (DE, GK, Necrons and SoB) since their business results were poor recently. They need a major release to bring in quick revenue. Could mean Chaos Marines but I doubt it since we haven't heard a peep of a rumour from GW about them for years...
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