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Chaos Space Marines Codex in 2011?


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Necrons, Grey Knights and SoB are the only out dated Codex books from more than 1 edition ago. I can honestly see SoB getting a release immediately before the 6 edition release, but believe GW won't want to take 4 risks with their Codex books in a row (DE, GK, Necrons and SoB) since their business results were poor recently. They need a major release to bring in quick revenue. Could mean Chaos Marines but I doubt it since we haven't heard a peep of a rumour from GW about them for years...



This makes sense, but part of me thinks and hopes that with so many chaos players just lurking in the background the release of a good chaos codex that included some new units and brought back the flavour would see bulk sales

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Necrons, Grey Knights and SoB are the only out dated Codex books from more than 1 edition ago. I can honestly see SoB getting a release immediately before the 6 edition release, but believe GW won't want to take 4 risks with their Codex books in a row (DE, GK, Necrons and SoB) since their business results were poor recently. They need a major release to bring in quick revenue. Could mean Chaos Marines but I doubt it since we haven't heard a peep of a rumour from GW about them for years...



This makes sense, but part of me thinks and hopes that with so many chaos players just lurking in the background the release of a good chaos codex that included some new units and brought back the flavour would see bulk sales


No one more than me will be happier than me if I'm wrong about this one! (maybe refuse?)

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is there any way somone could email all the " the chaos codex is :P" threads to GW to get them to pay attention? would they care?.


i dont understand how they could think a little comment in a white dwarf or somone from GW jumping onto this thread and saying " hey guys, we know you want a new dex, its not getting done right now but we may do one in ___years" could hurt them?


doesnt it make sense to look after your your customer base?. keep them happy?.

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is there any way somone could email all the " the chaos codex is :cuss" threads to GW to get them to pay attention? would they care?.


i dont understand how they could think a little comment in a white dwarf or somone from GW jumping onto this thread and saying " hey guys, we know you want a new dex, its not getting done right now but we may do one in ___years" could hurt them?


doesnt it make sense to look after your your customer base?. keep them happy?.


Well, we got the design strategy changed. That's enough of a sign that they noticed that people didn't like the new direction. They realise people aren't happy.

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As much as i would like a new csm codex so i can play a fluffy world eater army without having to use the blood angel dex. The chaos models still look cool and they are still the coolest army fluff wise, there for they will always sell enough that gw want bother fixing the codex for awhile. theres half a dozen other armys that need a new codex before csm so we want be seeing on for atleast 2-3 years imo.
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I would say that a pure World Eaters build would be one of the best, most fluffy ones currently available to the Legions in the current CSM Codex. C:CSM pretty much has everything you would need in there to play a straight World Eaters army (note I say 'pretty much'). Give them enough transports to get them to their victims, and plenty of victims to kill in CC (Blood for the Blood God), and it works out fairly well. It's straightforward, and not really sexy, but it's fun and it works.


Emperor's Children, on the other hand, need a heapin' helpin' of some new Codex love.


... Maybe I should re-phrase that...?

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I would say that a pure World Eaters build would be one of the best, most fluffy ones currently available to the Legions in the current CSM Codex. C:CSM pretty much has everything you would need in there to play a straight World Eaters army (note I say 'pretty much'). Give them enough transports to get them to their victims, and plenty of victims to kill in CC (Blood for the Blood God), and it works out fairly well. It's straightforward, and not really sexy, but it's fun and it works.


Emperor's Children, on the other hand, need a heapin' helpin' of some new Codex love.


... Maybe I should re-phrase that...?

i would agree with E.C being under powered in the currant dex but sadly you can play a much fluffier compteitive W.E army with the B.A dex then the currant csm one. for instance in the csm you can only really play zerkers which are more expensive and not as good as death co and death co have a huge armoury were as zerkers seem to have lost all there power weapon melta weapons ect . the world eater are meant to be a pure assault army but have lost all there jump packs aswell in the csm dex. with blood angels, if you play a death co army you have a 50/50 chance of getting termys with furious charge and fearless.


i can literally swap from thr csm dex to the B.A dex and have a far better army without doing anything else .


zerkers are over priced, theres no playable fast attack options in the csm dex, the land raiders are rubbish without the machine spirit and either you take raiders or rhinos and were as with B.A you can take storm ravens( meaning you can use dreds for something other then fire magnets) drop pods, fast rhinos and razor backs 3 types of raiders or deep strike them with jump packs and only scatter 6 inchs, with the chaos dex you can only take rhinos or raiders. theres no real melta option, your elite troops(termys) are the worst in the game especially since the new faq for BT and DA.


your 10000 year old commander is likely to kill himself and has a worse armoury and will losses most of the time to his loyalist counterparts.


theres no elite slots worth taking


you only have zerkers in troops and are limited in there war gear, were as with the BA dex you can give death co jump pack or use assault troops van guard ect


the fast attack is worthless in the chaos dex.


for heavy support the land raider is your only real option and isnt as good as the loyalist one

oblits are ok but not really fluffy in a world eater army the vindicater will kill your own zerkers most of the time and are slower then the B.A ones defiler are to big and under armoured so bet blown of the board turn one or two. havocs are ok but not really very fluffy.

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all of those points have nothing to do with fluff really and everything to do with having a more competitive army to play.


W.E. and Death Guard armies can be perfectly replicated by our own codex but other legions aren't as well off.

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all of those points have nothing to do with fluff really and everything to do with having a more competitive army to play.


W.E. and Death Guard armies can be perfectly replicated by our own codex but other legions aren't as well off.

yes to a point, but mad rage fuelled marines with fnp (a rule made for world eater) fit the fluff better then the currant zekers. bezerkers are supposed to be the best assault troops in the empire pre herasy who have been Lobotomized's and tainted by khorne, i feel death company represents them better then zerks as a squad of death co will wipe out a squad of zerkers. What im saying really is the blood angel dex or more specifically a death company army can represent the world eater better then the csm dex and actuelly be playable.

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And yet have no way what so ever of winning 2 thirds of the Time and all your saying is I can jump onto the Codex hopping with my Zerkers just because DC are sort of the same But so much worse and then have all these things Chaos has NEVER had... But sure a fluffy Khorne list.
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W.E. and Death Guard armies can be perfectly replicated by our own codex but other legions aren't as well off.


The current codex does not support a viable WE list if you 1) Want to win against people who know how to play and 2) Want something more interesting to play than berserkers in rhinoes.


What's a fluffy WE list going to look like right now?


HQ - Princes, or crappy lords

Elite - Overpriced possessed, gimpy dreadnoughts, chosen or terminators who lack the special rules to represent WE, and just have the half-asssed icon mechanics..

Troops - Berserkers, or Icon marines which are bad with khorne

Fast - Raptors with icon khorne, which are inferior to everyone else's jump infantry, and are worse than just more berskerers in rhinoes

Heavy - Defilers and vindicators are alright, predators are meh, land raiders are fail compared to everyone else's, oblits which aren't all that fluffy in a cult legion force.


So, if we discount the gimpy choices, and the options that don't really represent WE properly (icon units) we end up with...


HQ - Daemon prince

Troops - Berserkers

Heavy - Defilers and vindicators, or oblits is you are going to be lame.


Hold up a second guys, I think I've seen this list before! All that's left to do is counts-as a lash prince as a khorne prince with a barbed whip or some other crap like that, and we've re-created EVERY OTHER CSM LIST.


And, for the record, this army is not fun to play. It's 1 dimensional, boring, and easily countered. It's not fun in competitive play because it's weak, and it's not fun in friendly play because it's 1 dimensional.


If you think playing 'fluffy' World Eaters in the current codex would be fun, I challenge you to go do it, then come back and tell me it was worthwhile. If you haven't spent time playing fluffy WE, don't come on here and tell us people who've tried it in the current codex that it's fun and works just fine. And, if you have played it and thought it was good, then i challenge you to go play a bunch as any army from a newer codex then come back and tell us you'd prefer your WE.


The people talking down the new codex aren't just whining. Most of them are experienced players with multiple armies who know a lot about this game. I've tried playing pretty much everything under the current codex. I also have blood angels and Dark Eldar. And then I have my friend's armies that I play as well because they store them at my place, which means I also play Black Templars, Dark Angels, and Tau. I have six races worth of perspective. The failings of the Chaos Codex are brutally clear, even when put up against these older races.

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W.E. and Death Guard armies can be perfectly replicated by our own codex but other legions aren't as well off.



HQ - Daemon prince

Troops - Berserkers

Heavy - Defilers and vindicators, or oblits is you are going to be lame.



You missed the epic LRRush list :P


HQ - Khârn

Troops - Berserkers

Heavy - Land Raider

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And yet have no way what so ever of winning 2 thirds of the Time and all your saying is I can jump onto the Codex hopping with my Zerkers just because DC are sort of the same But so much worse and then have all these things Chaos has NEVER had... But sure a fluffy Khorne list.

tabling your oponent is a legitimate way of winning a game. you can also deny your oponent objectives, claiming objectives are just one way of winning a game. dc are basically what zerkers were in the 3.5 codex give or take. chaos has always had power weapons and there own version of the machine spirit. in the chaos dex i have to pay for a skull champion and then buy a powerfist and thats really all i can do, that is just one example of how broken the csm dex is. pre hereasy the world eaters had more or less everything jump packs drop pods land speeders ect so i dont really know how playing W.E under the blood angel codex is less fluffy then using the black legion codex i mean chaos codex. if anything it is more so.

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i've nothing against people using another dex to represent for competitive reasons but don't bang on about it being fluffy, especially when you mention using razorbacks, jump packs and the likes.


and drudge, no need to be so aggressive i know fine well the short comings of the chaos codex, but my own personal view is by continuing to buy chaos models to build armies while using another dex to respresent them won't bring a new chaos version round sooner, rather just add to delay. i've played chaos almost exclusively since 2nd edition and have always "made do" with whatever codex was current, i find this one so painfully boring so i moved to the space marine dex in protest.


but again that's only my personal opinion and not one i wish to force upon anyone else, but lets call a spade a spade eh? :)

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i've nothing against people using another dex to represent for competitive reasons but don't bang on about it being fluffy, especially when you mention using razorbacks, jump packs and the likes.


It can be about fluff and power... for example if I was making fluffy world eaters list using the BA dex... jump packs are fine (Hell I'm pretty sure I've seen artwork of world eaters with jump packs) but razorbacks would be breaking the 'fluff'.


So I wouldn't be playing a BA army with WE colours I would be playing my own restricted WE list chosen from the options in the BA list if you see what I'm getting at :)

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W.E. and Death Guard armies can be perfectly replicated by our own codex but other legions aren't as well off.



HQ - Daemon prince

Troops - Berserkers

Heavy - Defilers and vindicators, or oblits is you are going to be lame.



You missed the epic LRRush list :D


HQ - Khârn

Troops - Berserkers

Heavy - Land Raider

I've been playing that for awhile. Kinda sucks when you basically lose on turn one or two to tank spam.

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'Havocs' + 'World Eaters' = fluffy?
It used to be, a long time ago.


Last year I did a story submission to the Black Library that focused on one of the few remaining squads of The Legion's Teeth. I've always wondered if the reason it didn't get a response was because it doesn't fit the new vision of the fluff.

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If you're lucky GW might do an overhaul FAQ thing or a PDF like they've done with the loyalist Marines who got abused...


Possessed are an easy fix if they even bothered:


36 points a model



Power Weapons

Feel No Pain

Furious Charge




All the current options and


Dun Dun Dun Wings for +10 points.



Look mommy the best assault unit in the list... as one would infer they were meant to be... Vanguard meet Legion of the Damned meet Death Company! :devil:


I wouldn't expect a physical new codex for years and the 6th edition.

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Mmm those possessed sound delicious!
Never thought I'd see someone say this, but there it is. :)


At first glance those stats vs. cost make them appear to be undercosted, but, raise the price to 46 pts, cap the unit at 0-1 with 5-6 models, and I do believe it would be balanced - and cool as hell.

Imagine those gorgeous kits actually being fielded as full models and not only used in conversions!

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Mmm those possessed sound delicious!
Never thought I'd see someone say this, but there it is. :)


At first glance those stats vs. cost make them appear to be undercosted, but, raise the price to 46 pts, cap the unit at 0-1 with 5-6 models, and I do believe it would be balanced - and cool as hell.

Imagine those gorgeous kits actually being fielded as full models and not only used in conversions!


I dust mine off and use them every now and again still, the new sprue is just too gribbly and freaky to not show them off.

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