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Chaos Space Marines Codex in 2011?


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Mmm those possessed sound delicious!
Never thought I'd see someone say this, but there it is. :)


At first glance those stats vs. cost make them appear to be undercosted, but, raise the price to 46 pts, cap the unit at 0-1 with 5-6 models, and I do believe it would be balanced - and cool as hell.

Imagine those gorgeous kits actually being fielded as full models and not only used in conversions!


Yeah 36 is undercosted but don't tell anyone...


I feel like this is the obvious solution: instead of rolling for a random "meh" power just give the the whole table. The funny thing is that from the fluff a possessed marine would have those sorts of abilities. Personally I've always felt possessed should be a 1-3 IC type thing as an elite slot. Basically a baby daemon prince. 45 is fine for that especially if they have weapons and wargear available. Then they're basically a lone wolf sort of unit.


I feel like CSM squads should work like Wolfguard or Swordbrethren or what have you and be totally customizable within limits. Three heavy/special weapons for troops, four for chosen, five for havocs and the as many combiweapons and cc upgrades as one's heart desires not counting champions gear.

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Mmm those possessed sound delicious!
Never thought I'd see someone say this, but there it is. :)


At first glance those stats vs. cost make them appear to be undercosted, but, raise the price to 46 pts, cap the unit at 0-1 with 5-6 models, and I do believe it would be balanced - and cool as hell.

Imagine those gorgeous kits actually being fielded as full models and not only used in conversions!


I dust mine off and use them every now and again still, the new sprue is just too gribbly and freaky to not show them off.

I run mine all the time. They're a points sink, but I love to have them on the table, even if they've never pulled their points out for me. They look awesome. If I have my Word Bearers on the table, I feel obligated to include them.


Anything to help the beleaguered Possessed....

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If you're lucky GW might do an overhaul FAQ thing or a PDF like they've done with the loyalist Marines who got abused...


Possessed are an easy fix if they even bothered:


36 points a model



Power Weapons

Feel No Pain

Furious Charge




All the current options and


Dun Dun Dun Wings for +10 points.



Look mommy the best assault unit in the list... as one would infer they were meant to be... Vanguard meet Legion of the Damned meet Death Company! ;)


I wouldn't expect a physical new codex for years and the 6th edition.

Like it.

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