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Dark Angel chant?


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Ok hey all I like fluff and when I play on table top, before rolling say "FOR EMPEROR!" or "RAWR!" if play nids, but what would a Dark Angel Scream going into battle. Looked up and web said "Repent. For tomorrow you die." but that doesn't roll tongue well going against a non-human race like eldar nids. Like Ultramarines have "We march for Maccragge!" or whatever what do you think Dark Angels say?


Space pups "For Russ!" and Imperial Fists "FOR DORN!"

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FOR THE LION! I'd imagine. I agree though, the official battlecry of "Repent, for tomorrow you die!" is ok, but not as cool as the likes of "Into the fires of battle, unto the anvil of waaaaaaaar!"


That said, the DA's are savage.

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'Never forgive, never forget!' is something I found somewhere, and I think it is a cool warcry. Would have to be a Deathwing thing only, though, since the normal marines wouldn't even know what it is that the Deathwing will never forget.


And yeah.. 'For tomorrow you die!' makes no sense at all, because that means the enemy will survive today's battle.

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I found this old post - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=163313


I do not think the poem within actually says the battlecry though.


It seems less of a battlecry, and more like something an Int. Chaplain would say to a prisoner as the posted started to elude to.


I've also seen this as secondary: "A moment of Laxity Spawns a Lifetime of Heresy."

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Yeah, I've never understood the "for tomorrow you die" bit... It's almost James Bond like in that by then, the other guy would've just left. What's next "Repent, for one day you're gonna die... of old age!!!" Rahhh... :)
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I always liked the "No retreat, no surrender!" phrase. Seemed to fit with the stubborn nature of the chapter, and it was also and old special rule for Azrael. From the heresy we have "For the Lion, for Luther, for Caliban!" Which is nice, but Luther turned traitor and Caliban blew up in the procces. That leaves us with the "For the Lion!" :devil:
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Problem with battlecries is that they sound a bit glib no matter how good the original intention. I agree the "Repent. For tomorrow you die" is odd as has already been pointed out, but doubly odd as most battle-brothers won't know who's supposed to be repenting nor why.


Better off just yelling "get the :o:" before charging in. Succinct, to the point and 'warriorly' and not needing a manual to explain its meaning :blink::


DA Commanders' pre-battle rallying cry: "Until the Sword is Reforged!"

DA battle-brothers' unified chorused reply: "Huh? Yeh, get the :cuss:"


would be fine for me :huh:


Seriously, other top contenders:

"For the Lion"

"For Caliban"

"For *" (*insert Unforgiven hero's name in here)


Personally I'm not too keen on the Emperor-based battlecries as they smack too much of the Emperor Cult and the DA though absurdly loyal, aren't in that bracket I don't think.





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Yeah, I've never understood the "for tomorrow you die" bit... It's almost James Bond like in that by then, the other guy would've just left. What's next "Repent, for one day you're gonna die... of old age!!!" Rahhh... :)


I believe this is more in Reference to the Fallen...( and more of an Interogator Chaplain's saying)


Since it is not the goal of the DA to kill them, but to redeem them, even if it kills them...

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Being the dark brooding type i dont really see the DA as requiring a pep rally before battle like some of the 'less sophisticated' chapters ;)


that being said 'cleanse the impure' is simple but effective :)


Good point... I'd almost see them going into battle completely silent, the silence itself could be sinister and awe inspiring enough.

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Well I don't see them as thonsand sons quiet where they don't speak, but I feel they do speak when needed, like 'LEFT FLANK!" or stuff like that "Brothers with me!" or something idk. lol But I wish they got Stubbon back again I miss that from old codex, would rather use that then the newish one.
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Born in darkness, a dream given life,

Holy warriors to bring forth the light.

Armed with zeal, armoured with faith,

Gods of battle at the fore of the fight.

Swords of the Emperor, shields of mankind,

destined for war, fated for death.

Protectors of the weak, slayers of evil,

we fight til we draw our last dying breath

There is no retreat, there is no surrender,

our hate of the foe drives us eternally on

While aliens live, while heresy festers,

there can be no peace until the last war is won.

Strengthen your heart, harden your soul,

launch yourself gladly into death's hungry maw.

There is no time for peace, no respite, no forgiveness,

there is only war.




What is it that gives us purpose?


What is it that gives the war purpose?

To vanquish the foes of the Emperor

What is the foe of the Emperor?

The heretic, the alien and the mutant.

What is it to be an enemy of the Emperor?

It is to be damned.

What is it to be the instrument of the Emperor's damnation?

We, the Space Marines, the Angels of death.

What is it to be a Space Marine?

It is to be pure, to be strong, to show no pity, nor mercy, nor remorse.

What is it to be pure?

to never know fear, to never waver in the fight.

What is it to be strong?

To fight on when others flee;to stand and die in the knowledge that death brings ultimate reward.

What is the ultimate reward?

To serve the Emperor

Who do we serve?

We serve the Emperor, and the Lion, and through them we serve mankind.

What is it to be Dark Angels?

It is to be first, the hounoured, the sons of the Lion.

What is our quest?

To purge our shame through the death of those who turned on the Lion.

What is our victory?

To remake that which was broken, to earn the trust of the Emperor once more.

What is the fate of the Fallen we hunt?

Retribution and death!


Be pure in mind, body and spirit. As the water flows over you, let your hate flow through you. As the lost water is spilt, let us spill the blood of our foes. As the water dries, let us harden our hearts to fear. We are the Dark Angels, the chosen of the emperor, the holy knights of calibahn. The blood of the Lion flows through our veins. His strength beats in our hearts. His spirit resides within us.

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My own unforgiven chapter, the Dark Knights of Caliban goes like:

Sarge, master, chaplain, wathever: For the Emperor and the Lion!

Battle brothers reply: Victory or death!

Seemed close enough to the no retreat nature of the DA as stated in the 3rd ed codex iirc, that they would rather fight to the bitter end than give one inch of ground to the enemy (the 3.5 stubborn rule, glorious Emperor how i miss that rule ^_^ . And the ravenwing jink).

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