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Been a Dark Angel fan for a long time and have steadily grew a sizeable amount of Space Marines since I got back into the hobby a few years ago. My first batch of Dark Angels were painted rather badly and I never really liked them. So with a new year I plan on re-doing all of my Dark Angels that I currently have to get a field able army out of them by the tears end.


So onto what I have:


Command Squad

5 Man Dev Squad

5 Man Dev Squad

Tac Squad

Tac Squad

Tac Squad

Scouts (about 9 or so)

3 Dreadnoughts

11 Terminators

10 Space Hulk Terminators

Librarian in Terminator Armour (Space Hulk)

Terminator Captain

Ravenwing (about 2 or 3 bikes, mainly to experiment final Ravenwing Scheme)


I also have a warhound titan I'll be working on as well.


So far I have managed to complete 4 of the Terminators. Sorry for pics, my phone isn't the greatest camera and I don't have access to a digicam...yet






I have also began work on the Liberian



With the Deathwing, how ever, I found the way in which I did the armour on this lot too a long time to complete and I would lose interest fast. With that in mind I tried something new focusing on using washes to achieve great effects and with a minimal amount of colours/blending needed.


Both ways I like, and I would like your input as to which you prefer (new way on left)




New style is a lot darker/gritter than the old way and, I believe, gives the model a more "in the field" look. As opposed to straight out of the factory.


Anyway, comments and crit are always appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok. Been busy painting more termies (thank you new update!)


And have managed to fully complete 2 of the termies I'm testing out my new deathwing recipe on.


Here is my favourite miniature completed so far.




Comparision between old recipe and new one. The new one actually takes about the same amount of layers/time to do the armour as I'm now thining my paint a hell of a lot more (you can probably tell that in this pic)






So what do you guys think?


I've got one more model completed besides that one and will take a group shot of everything so far in day or two (borrowed mrs camera!)

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I am really liking your painting style! The new model is still a hair too brown IMO, maybe carry the highlights one step further. I can definately tell youve thinned your paints more though, something I have just recently started doing myself :P Keep up the nice work.
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