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The Silver Templars


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Very nice, but is there any reason that the blood angels are the ones summoning the chapters? I cant imagine any one chapter having the authority to sommon all the others

They were the first to lose their primarch's body, and as the other founding legions are losing them, they are calling together council with the other Chapters to discuss what should be done; is it Chaos sorcery, or is it divine will of the Emperor, etc. They are going to decide whether or not this is the end, and if they should prepare for such.


And it's not a matter of authority, its just a matter of all of them need to decide what has to be done...the Blood Angels just took the initiative.

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Rather enjoying it so far, suspense can be a good tool yes but beware of over-using it. One critique; What is the matter? For I know you would not disturb me lest their was an issue of great importance regarding the safety of our Chapter, our people, and our world." That reads rather badly for me and is kind of like "Hey Tu'Shan I know you're here to tell me something important.."


Personally I;d have He'Stan asking what is troubling Tu'Shan..

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Rather enjoying it so far, suspense can be a good tool yes but beware of over-using it. One critique; What is the matter? For I know you would not disturb me lest their was an issue of great importance regarding the safety of our Chapter, our people, and our world." That reads rather badly for me and is kind of like "Hey Tu'Shan I know you're here to tell me something important.."


Personally I;d have He'Stan asking what is troubling Tu'Shan..

Agreed. Fixed it.




Dante walked into the enormous auditorium, and looked around. The building was huge, with easily enough space to house one million Imperial citizens... or, in this case, representatives from over a thousand Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes. Dante suppressed a shudder at the thought. For the first time in the history of the Imperium, every Chapter would convene, here, on Sanctus Prime, and discuss the fate of the galactic empire they had sworn to protect.


The walls of the building were cracked, the long, winding tapestries that had once decorated the place torn and shredded. There were no seats, but that issue would soon be resolved by the mass-lifter servitors carry thousands of adamantium benches stripped from broken, out-of-service Land raiders and Rhino APC's. Dante's footsteps echoed as he crossed the auditorium, gazing up into the rafters. The beams were broken, splintered by a war that had long since passed. Dante would have to talk to Techmarine Wynst about supporting the roof area.


The Lord Commander of the Blood Angels strode out of the auditorium and into the blazing sunlight. He looked around him. Battlements were being set up, bastions raised and camps prepared for the coming of his brethren. All around him, Blood Angels, their torsos stripped bare, were working alongside servitors, Techmarines, and Chapter serfs alike to fortify and ready the surrounding area. dante knew they weren't needed to help, but every Blood Angel did, for they felt it as a form of penance for losing their beloved primarch's body.


Dante heard a roaring sound, and every soul at the site turned their eyes skyward. Dante's enhanced vision picked the Thunderhawk out of the sky. The gunship swooped across the campsite, and turned swiftly to land at the designated area. The gunship was blue, its hulking mass marred by battle scars received in hundreds of actions against Mankind's worst enemies. A stylized "U" decorated its flanks, and honors were inscribed the length of it hull in vivid gold. As the engines powered down, the landing ramp slammed to the ground, creating a small dust-cloud.


From the dust emerged a figure in hulking Tactical Dreadnought armor. The armor was covered in decorations earned through centuries of warfare, and gleamed in the sunlight. A glowing dot of red appeared, parallel to the man's other eye. His face was scarred, showing his valor, and his eye burned with a passion unmatched. His twin power fists hung at his sides, swaying forwards and backwards in time with his steps. Behind him came more figures; five soldiers in the livery of honor guard, and five more bearing the insignia of Captains. Dante recognized three instantly; Captain Agemann of the First, Captain Sicarius of the Second, and Captain Ventris of the Fourth.


Behind Dante, a small squad of Sanguinary Guard formed up, weapons held at attention. Dante strode forwards to meet the oncoming figures. The soldiers in blue stopped, waiting for the Blood Angels to come to them. As the dust settled, Dante was within two feet of Marneus Calgar, a true god of war, and his five battle captains and honor guard, all of whom he relied heavily on for council. Dante slammed his fist across his breastplate in a warrior's salute, which was matched by the Ultramarine coterie.


Greetings, brothers. Welcome to Sanctus Prime," Dante yelled over the dying whine of the engines. He squinted through the dust, specks of sand flying into his eyes. The figures emerged from the gloom, and in what seemed like an instant, they were in front of them. Marneus Calgar, resplendent in is extremely ornate Terminator armor, surrounded by his Honor Guard and coterie of captains, strode forwards and slammed his fist to his chest.

"Dante," Calgar nodded respectfully towards the Blood Angel commander, his hand dropping. "Are we the first to arrive?"

"Yes. The White Scars and Raven Guard are expected within the hour, followed by the Marauders, Rampagers, Storm Lords, the Wolves, and the Dark Angels before dusk. The Iron Hands will arrive tomorrow straight from Mars, and the rest will shortly follow," Dante droned, ticking off his fingers as he named the Chapters that would be arriving today. Calgar nodded, regarding his captains and honor guard, He was eager to dismiss the all, and talk with Dante in private of their lost primarchs, commander to commander. But the venerable Chapter Master knew his loyal honor guard would not leave his side until their death, or his. He turned instead to his captains.


"All of you, dismissed. Mingle with your brethren, and rest," Calgar ordered his captains. He turned sharply to Brother Herod, and nodded. Herod understood, and set off towards the furthest landing area. Soon, most of the Chapter would be deployed planetside, and assist the Blood Angels in securing the enormous campsite. Calgar turned away from the rapidly fading figures of Herod and his captains, and looked back at Dante.


"Come. We must talk," Calgar muttered in a low voice. Dante nodded his agreement, and together the two warriors set off towards the main domed building, followed at a respectable distance by their honor guard.

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  • 1 month later...


Calgar's fist slammed down on the table. The table, made of wood, snapped like a twig under the immense strength and weight of his power fist. Splinters flew through the air and hit Dante, but he ignored them. Calgar paced angrily back and forth, before striding back to the center of the room and staring into Dante's face.

"How...HOW....Can this BE!??" Calgar roared , his remaining eye betraying his grief whilst his body showed only anger and defiance in the face of so horrible a tragedy.

"Brother, I know not of what horrible powers have whisked away our beloved primarchs," Dante whispered in an soothing voice. Talking in such a manner was awkward for the Blood Angel; he was a Space Marine, a fearless warrior of the Emperor, and a Chapter Master no less, the most elite of the elite. He had never had to comfort any of his Marines in his entire tenure as a commanding officer, and had never been comforted by any above him. War was how Space Marines fought with grief; avenge the dead, avenge the injured. That is how Space Marines have always been, and always will be.


But now, there was no war to fight.


Calgar glared angrily at Dante for several more seconds, then turned away, a single tear of sorrow falling from his remaining eye. The Ultramarine strode to the door, and pushed it opened, letting in the intense sunlight .

"Brother," Dante called, "though this may be a confusing time for all of us, we must stand together. We are Astartes. United against a common foe, none can stand before us. Never let sorrow cloud your judgement, Calgar."


The Chapter Master turned, the servos of his Terminator armour whining. "I will not be found wanting when the time comes, Dante. I will not fail my Chapter." He turned swiftly and was lost into the glare of the sun. Dante sighed, and pulled a data slate from a pouch on his thigh. He scrolled through it, his eyes flashing and absorbing the information. Just as he closed the slate, a roar of engines betrayed a Thunderhawk making a landing approach. Dante smiled.


"Dorn's sons. Right on time, as usual."


Author's Note: Sorry 'bout the long time between updates, I've been busy with sports and schooling.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...



Dante stood at the center of the auditorium, seated around a large circular table along with Marneus Calgar, Lord Azrael of the Dark Angels, Vladimir Pugh of the Imperial Fists, Jubal Khan of the White Scars, Logan Grimnar of the Space Wolves, Kardan Stronos of the Iron Hands, Lord Tu'shan of the Salamanders, and, on behalf of his Chapter, Kayvaan Shrike sat at the table, surrounded by his hand-picked Talon. Each Chapter Master stood surrounded by their Honour Guard, their weapons sheathed and their articulate armour glinting in the light.


In the thousands of seats in the auditorium, representatives from each Chapter were seated in different divisions, preferring to be seated behind one of the original nine Chapters that they claimed their gene-seed from. But there were two exceptions. Supreme Grand Master Kaldor Draigo sat amongst the nine first-founding Chapters, surrounded by the four Grand Masters of the Chapter, and two Brother-Captains. Also seated at the table, beside the Ultramarine contingent, were Captains Hriad and Andriar of the Silver Templars.


The Silver Templars claim their gene-seed from the Ultramarines. However, the Chapter is unconventional in the fact that the training contingent sent to create the new Chapter was not all Ultramarine; there were Marines sent from all of the Nine, in the hopes that, with all of the different views represented, they would become the ultimate Chapter in their ideals and strategy. They bear the humour of the Wolves, the rigid following of the Codex Astartes, and a skilled matched by only the Salamanders and the Iron Hands in the forges. They keep many secrets in their Chapters, a trait inherited from the Dark Angels, and they keep very close ties to the Blood Angels, though they share no common traits. The Silver Templars are also quite adept at the lightning strike by motorized transportation that the White Scars utilize so very well, and they have a stealth ability matched only by the Raven Guard, and can lay siege to an enemy with equal capability to the Imperial Fists. In every aspect, they are almost a perfect Chapter, sharing something with all of the Nine. The Chapter's war cry is more proof of this; they do not venerate Guilliman alone. They venerate all of the primarchs, and willing fight at the side of any of the Nine as if they were their gene-parents.


Andriar looked around him, amazed at the sheer amount of Astartes in one building. He felt no doubt that, should an attack befall this area, the heroes here would be able to defeat any attack.


Then, Mephiston and Tigurius stepped into the center of the circle created by the Nine. Silence fell all across the auditorium as two of the most powerful psykers in the Imperium stepped into the light. All eyes turned to them, waiting to hear their verdict. Tigurius stepped forward, his hellfire hood blazing as it tried to keep his psychic power in check.

"Brothers,"Tigurius began, "we live and fight in grim times. The bodies of the primarchs are gone, but by no foul warp power."


A murmur fell across the auditorium, many left in a state of perplexion. High Marshall Helbrecht stood, Chaplain Grimaldusrising with him.


"What other explaination is there, psyker?" Helbrecht spat, his hatred of psykers written across his face. His eyes blazed with fury, his helm placed on the table in front of him, showing his desire to speak and be heard by the other Astartes in the building. Chaplain Grimaldus stood silent behind him, his skull helm staring at the two powerful Librarians, evidently sizing them up should they fall to the predations of the Enemy.


From the darkness stepped Chief Librarian Vel'cona of the Salamnders. His eyes were closed, and his psychic hood blazed with power. He opened his eyes, eyes that burned with the fury of Nocturne's volcanic wastelands and psychic power. His looked directly at Helbrecht, and walked to stand beside Tigurius and Mephiston, his armoured feet crunching the tiny pebbles that littered the floor to dust..

"There is only one power in our known universe that can cause what has happened," he began, never taking his stare from Helbrecht until the High Marshal of the Black Templars sat down again. "And that power is the Emperor, beloved by all."


Tigurius and Mephiston nodded their assent.

"The Emperor himself is gaining power; I can feel it," Mephiston said. "Soon, he will walk amongst us once more." As Mephiston uttered these words, a deadly silence fell across the whole auditorium. Astartes hundreds of years old looked on in shock, unable to make their mouths move in response to this revelation.


Calgar was the first to recover. He stood, and looked over the assembled Chapters.

"Make your brothers ready for war," Calgar announced. "Soon, we will fight once again at the Emperor's side!" He punched his power fists into the air, their gauntlets sparking with welled-up energy. Cheers echoed all over the auditorium, and the planet itself shook.


In the Throne Room on Terra, a strange golden light flashed around the Emperor. Still immobile on the Golden Throne, the Emperor radiated psychic light that could blind a mortal being. Custodes and Grey Knights alike turned to watch the spectacle unfolding in their midst. Some fell to their knees, awestruck by the lights and by what could be happening. The light enveloped the Emperor, blocking His guards' view of him. Bolts of lightning leapt out from the maelstrom of light, washing over the Custodes armour, but no harm was done to the loyal guards of the Emperor. A Custodes leader, the equivalent of a sergeant, leapt forward, his Guardian Spear blazing.

"These are foul warp energies, the same that claimed the primarchs!" the Custode called out to his brethren. "They will not take our lord!"


The Custode charged up the marble steps nimbly, weaving past Grey Knights and fellow Custodes alike. He reached the top of the steps, and raised his spear. As his spear came down, an loud clash rang throughout the Throne Room. A Brother-Captain of the Grey Knights stood before him, his Terminator armour bulky and huge before the Custode. behind the Grey Knight, seven more Terminators stood, their Nemesis weapons drawn.

"This is not warp energy, brother," yelled the captain, his voice sounding mechanical as it blared from his external vox speakers. "My brothers and I would know if this was an act of daemonancy." The Custode stopped and nodded, turning away from the Terminators, defeat evident in his body language. The Terminators dispersed walking down the marble steps, the clangs of their boots hitting the steps muted by the howling wind. They stopped and turned, looking at the spectacle. The Custode turned as well, but instead of watching, he leapt forward, pushing past the Terminators to try to get to the Emperor. The captain held out his hammer, and blocked the Custode. The two wrestled with each other, the Custode trying to push past the shaft of the hammer, the Grey Knight trying to hold the Custode back.


Yet, just as suddenly as it had come, the light was gone, and the Emperor still sat immobile and cadaverous on his Throne. But what kept the gathered Grey Knights and Custodes on their knees were the nine beings that surrounded him.


Resplendent in artificed power armour, it's golden colour reflecting light into the eyes of the warriors, stood Sanguinius, surrounded by Rogal Dorn, Roboute Guilliman, Leman Russ, Lion El'Jonson, Corax, Vulkan, Jaghatai Khan, and Ferrus Manus, who all stood in a semicircle around Sanguinius and the Golden Throne. Their weapons were in hand, though Ferrus Manus and Corax looked most imposing of all, wielding a massive hammer and a pair of master-crafted lightning claws respectively.


The nine primarchs walked down the steps to the closest Grey Knight, who was on his knees in front of the magnificient splendor of Sanguinius, his Nemesis hammer, still held out at his side to block the Custode sergeant, who had dropped to his knees as well, prostrating himself on the marble steps.

"Stand, please," Sanguinius told the Grey Knight, "there is no need to kneel before me. What is your name?" The Grey Knight stood stunned before the magnificent splendor of the primarch, before replying, " B-Brother-Captain Fergosian, my l-lord."

"Tell me, captain," Sanguinius asked, "Where is my legion?"

"My-my lord?" the Grey Knight said, not understanding the question posed to him.


Guilliman stepped forward, putting a hand on Sanguinius' shoulder.

"Brother, the legions are no more; what were once our legions are now smaller divisions called Chapters that are a thousand strong; they are like the companies of old," Guilliman replied.

Sanguinius nodded in understanding, before turning his gaze back to the assembled warriors before him.

"Soldiers of the Emperor," he began, "We have retuned by the will of our fathere, who has tasked us with something of great importance." The primarch paused, letting his words sink in to the minds of the Custodes and Grey Knights.

"We will begin a new era in the Imperium. We will begin the Second Great Crusade!"The assembled warriors roared their assent, and began chanting the primarchs names, punching the air and stomping their feet.


As Fergus joined in to the joyous celebration, he swore he saw the Emperor's ruined mouth smile.

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You sure made the Big E powerful bringing his dead sons to life.


I'm not the first, and certainly won't be the last, to make the Emperor out to be that powerful. But hey, at least he didn't bring himself back with them.


Thats later ^_^ Thanks for the comment though.


Comments and critiques welcome from all!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...



Sanguinius felt at home once again.


The Thunderhawk blazed through the vacuum of space, it's engines firing huge gouts of flame as it propelled itself towards the enormous red battle-barge that filled the front windows of the gunship. The restraints pressed against Sanguinius' golden power armour, holding him in his seat. As he looked around him, he saw the emotionless helms of the Adeptus Custodes looking at him. It was obvious to the Blood Angels primarch that they were still in shock at his return, and he felt that he had to try to calm them, as he had once excelled at doing during the Great Crusade.

"Brothers, show your faces," Sanguinius said, his voice easily penetrating the roar of the gunship's engines.


The Custodes obeyed immediately, their gorgets hissing at the seals were breached, and the helms lifted from their heads. Each Custode had scars on his face, earned in fierce training exercises. Their skin was the colour of olives, like the Emperor, and their eyes spoke of their valorous deeds; they had a cold, hard glint to them, with a burning fire at the center. Sanguinius smiled, seeing their faces; it reminded him so much of what he had once fought for. Sanguinius clutched his chest, feeling the wounds Horus had inflicted upon him.


Horus, Sanguinius thought, my own brother. Why? He had asked himself that question for many years as he had drifted through the nothingness that was death. He had come to grips with the fact that his most beloved brother had fallen to the predations of Chaos, but it still hurt to remeber the comradeship, the love that Horus and Sanguinius had once held for one another. But that was gone now, just like the dream of a united galaxy under the Imperium, or the brotherhood of the primarchs. It was all gone.


A buzz rose from the vox mounted on the wall of the Thunderhawk. Sanguinius released the straps and walked to it, his boots clanging as they made contact with the adamantium floor of the gunship. Sanguinius hit the button, and Ferrus Manus' voice blared through.


Brother, we approach our destination," the Iron Hands primarch said. It was an effort for the Medusan primarch to keep the glee out of his voice. The though of being reunited with his men was amazing, and each primarch looked forward to it.


"Understood, brother. Pass along the word, will you? I am sure Leman will want to hear the news."

"Aye, I shall," Ferrus replied, before shutting off the vox. Sanguinius turned and climbed the ladder out of the passenger bay to reach the cockpit. He stood behind the seats of the pilot and copilot, each one turning their heads momentarily to catch a glimpse of the demi-god who had joined them before returning to their work.


Sanguinius looked into the blackness of space and saw the other eight Thunderhawks, each covered in the colours and insignia of the primarch who rode inside. They approached the planet where hundreds of battle-barges hung in orbit over a world.


"This must be the place," muttered Sanguinius.

"Aye lord, it is," the pilot verified. Sanguinius smiled. The Thunderhawks blazed towards the world, the primarchs inside eager to be reunited with their sons once more.

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whistle.... Now this next part i can imagine being incredibly difficult for you to pen. You can do it.

:D :D Thanks for the support!


Everyone else besides astartes reading this, please comment! Reader comments are what drives me to write more and write better.

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Deep in the warp, the Emperor stood on a rock, surrounded by a boiling sea of corruption. The Emperor glowed with power, his golden armour shining as though it was fresh from the forges of Mars, his master-crafted sword blazing with fire. His olive-coloured skin was only visible on his face. The fatal wound caused by his treacherous son Horus was gone, as though it had never been there.


This was not the real Emperor, not his flesh and blood. This was a portion of his will formed into a shape those who were coming would recongnize. His heart leapt at the thought of who he would soon summon to him, but his fell at the thought of what they had become. He would wait until he knew that they were ready, until he knew he was ready.

He was waiting, waiting for the ones he once called sons.


Waiting for the ones he knew he could save.


Shadows descended across the sea of corruption. Whispers flitted about the Emperor, telling him of the wonder and power that came with service to the Fell Gods. The Lord of Mankind psychically flicked the whispers of treachery away, barely using any effort. The radiant light around him grew, slowly lighting the rock, making visible all it's cracks and chips. The light spread until the whole of the rock was suffused with the Emperor's holy light.


Now He was ready.


He steeled his heart as he watched two figures approach, moving across the sea top. One was enormous, with blazing red hair and a cyclopean eye, while the other slithered like a serpent beside the cyclops. The two reached the rock, and were bathed in the holy light. Magnus the Red, Daemon Prince of Tzeentch, and Fulgrim, Daemon Prince of Slaanesh, squirmed in the blazing glow, the pureness of the Emperor's psychic powers anathema to their twisted beings.


Magnus stood before his father, his body contorted and enormous by gifts from his sorcerous god Tzeentch, his hands large claws and enormous wings on his back, like a bat. Fulgrim, possessed by a daemon since the time of the Horus Heresy, bore a snake's body with multiple arms sprouting out from it, each carrying a cursed blade. They both stared at the Emperor, loathing in their eyes. The three stood silent for several minutes, though time in the warp is never as it is in real space, so minutes to them could have been hours or days for the countless Imperial citizens who's lives rested on this moment.


It was Magnus who spoke first.


"Why have you come here?" asked the Thousand Sons primarch. "You are dead. Horus slew you."

"Aye, yes he did, my mortal body," the Emperor said, his voice hard with caution in the face of two of the most feared beings in the universe. "But my immortal soul lives on, unbroken and uncorrupted." The Emperor looked at what where His former sons, sons that had scoured the galaxy in His name, bringing Imperial truth to every corner of the universe and suffering not the xenos to live. He searched His soul, and found the compassion he still held for these two fallen sons, and He hardened his mind for the inevitable battle.


"You both know why I am here," the Emperor said simply. Magnus' teeth glinted, sorcerous runes carved into them as he grinned ferally.

"Aye," he said, "you believe you can save us. But you cannot. The powers of the warp are beyond your understanding, father. You will never feel the surge of power that the Lords of Chaos can give you. Only we deserve that." Magnus' face contorted more, his anger evident in his expression.

"You betrayed me! I tried to help you, but you would not listen to me! You sent Leman and his bloody dogs after me," Magnus screamed, the veins in his neck bulging as the pumped corrupted blood through his body.


"Magnus, it is you who does not understand," the Emperor said. "For all your knowledge and powers, did you not know what your psychic message would do? The Astronomican collapsed, and thousands died. I saw it as heresy; I realize my mistake now. I am sorry." Magnus was taken back by these words. For a moment, he stood silent, his face frozen in anger , one claw poised above his head, the other at his side, clenching and unclenching rapidly. He had never heard his father apologize for anything before.Even in his twisted state, magnus' mind registered this, and this is what made him freeze.


Just as he began to overcome the shock, two figures emerged behind the Emperor, floating on the sea. As the came closer, Magnus could start to see their features with his powerful eyesight. Konrad Curze, the Night Haunter, walked beside Alpharius, Master of the Alpha Legion. Both primarchs were uncorrupted, their faces and souls purer than ever before. They stepped onto the rock, their armoured boots cracking chips off of the edges as the ir enormous weight came to bear. They strode to flank their father, hands of the pommels of identical blades belted at their hips.


"Magnus, brother, come now," Alpharius said lightly," we know how you feel. Night Haunter and myself felt the same as you; betrayed, abandoned by a father whose quest for godhood saw us, his sons, lead the Great Crusade on our own. But it is more than that. We sqaw his love for us, even after our defiance and betrayal. Our betrayal, Magnus, not his. Horus used us, he twisted our souls to serve his own means, and we were weak enough to fall to his lies."


Magnus glared at Alpharius.

"You were a servant of the Dark Gods. How do you come to stand by this false god, this corpse-Emperor now?" he asked.

"Our father is a merciful father, Magnus, don't you see that? He still loves us. Konrad and I, we saw the error in our ways, and He resurrected us from the fiery pits of death, of hell. And now we bear weapons, forged by his own hands, as a sign of His trust in us," Alpharius yelled. "Listen, magnus, understand me! We were brothers once, and we can be once more! Just return to the light, magnus. Please! I beg you!"


Magnus shook his head.

"No, we cannot be brothers anymore. I am a servant of Tzeentch, and I do not apologize or recognize no god but the Lord of Change!" Magnus screamed, his voice reaching a pitch beyond mortal hearing. And with that, Magnus turned his immense psychic powers on Alpharius, a lightning bolt leaping out of the sky to smite the primarch. But the lightning hit and merely washed over Alpharius, his face in a grimace of emotional pain.


Beside him, his father stood, one hand outstretched, a psychic shield covering him, Curze, and Alpharius.

"No," Magnus spat, and launched a torrent of psychic jabs at the Emperor. The Emperor grabbed Alpharius' shoulder pad and yanked him across him, throwing him at Curze's feet as he fought back with his own powers.


As the Emperor and Magnus duelled, the two primarchs turned their attention to Fulgrim. The daemon was slithering towards them, it's blades slashing deadly arcs through the air as it yearned to close with them to enjoy the spilling of blood and the pleasure of pain, either it's own or theirs.


Alpharius drew his blade and lunged.

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dude i deploy in a week and wont know how often i can connect to the internet. I want to read this story all the way through.

I hear you. I'm gonna go into a writing frenzy, so be warned, the stuff won't be very good (though it never is =P)

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