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New BT player


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Hello guys...


I´m new both to this forum and to Warhammer 40K... I just wanted to show my work and to get some feedback on what to improve, as this forum ahs been very usefull in choosing army, and gettin some clue on how to paint figures (I used to do 1/35 german WWII tanks)


This guy is one of the latest (third squad I´m making) - on this one i tried hawk turquoise highlights on black, and i really like it more than grey.








And also my BT venerable dread...




And Emperors champion in golden Artificer...



I´m looking forward for a criticism and what to improve.

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Some nice Templars, especially considering that you're new to the hobby. :)


The one thing that's bothering me is your lack of cohesive bases. It's something that is often times overlooked and it can really help bring your force together on the table top.

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Really good start man. I'm glad you're going for the blue highlights on the black; adds so much more colour to the models without making them two-tone (much as I love 2Tone!). One thing I might suggest is to mix some blue and black and very lightly glaze some of the upper sections, those facing toward light sources, just to tie the highlights with the flat armour. Even the GW Asurmen Blue watered down would do the job and you can always wash over again with Badad Black if concerned about too much blue.


Other than that, keep at it! Brush practice is the only way to get finer highlights and in time (and sticking at doing what you're doing) you'll improve vastly, quickly and you're clearly doing a grand job already. I still struggle to do eyes and thin lines so I'm desperately forcing myself to do them just so I get the practice in.



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Some new blood based as rest of army. Excuse the poor drybrushing on one of those, and those POS crosses... I just can ´t figure out how to apply the decals on curved shoulders. they just don´t adhere.



Slightly modded initiate (arm with bolter was formerly a plasma pistol + the grenade)





Standard initiate going on with bayonet




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Brother, I just started painting black templars too. I think I am going to steal your blue power-anything idea. Very solid models my friend. After your 20th tact marine, you'll be sailing easy. The only thing I would recommend is, make the eyes smaller than you THINK they are. When you do them, they will look small to you, LEAVE it like that. when your done you will notice they are almost perfect. Just force yourself to make them smaller than what you usually do.
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  • 1 year later...

and also there was some update on my BT army ...


Emperors champion:






and one marine:






Both done using zenithal lightning technique so black, white spray over that and then few washes of black to get the right... worn black look.

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