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Dabbling with Blood Angels


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I'm sure people have seen me floating around B&C before - mainly in relation to Black Templars. I have for a long time been attempting to find another army to play in their stead. They are and were a fun army to play but honestly the heavy reliance upon Land Raider Crusaders becomes a bit tiresome. I would like to expand and change.


I have dabbled with Space Wolves, Salamanders, Codex Chapters and nothing really caught my eye like Blood Angels. The only reason I didn't try them is for fear of painting red - which I have for a long time found difficult. With a small amount for courage I m willing to give it a whirl and see what I can do.


Now my real question is in regards to how I should get thing's rolling. I have a little cash on the go and I want to bash out a 750 point list which I can purchase, assemble and paint in the coming month/months. So basically what I was going to ask is what items people would suggest I purchase at first.


I'll get:


Codex - obviously






Money is no specific problem but don't want to go too nuts.

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1 Librarian (You'll need a jump pack for him as well)


6 Boxes of Death Company (use as Assault Squad).


2 Blisters of Meltaguns.


Basically set up as a DoA army with a Libby for HQ, and 3 full Assault Squads with meltaguns. It should be close to 750.


This can form the core of any BA army you choose to do in the future, from mech to full DoA. Just remember to magnetize those jump packs.

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Wait for the Battle Force. But since you mentioned your love of Crusaders, what makes BA better than BT in that regard is we can deep-strike ours!!!!! So, I'd imagine you'd want to try that. Keep it simple: LRC filled with 10 DC & Reclusiarch, plus maybe a DC Dread with Drop-Pod. Pod has to drop Turn 1 and survive until the DC can come in. Just one way to do it. It mostly depends on your strategy.
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what advice we give you depends on solely on personal preference atm as i see no notion in your post on what kind of list your looking for :wub:


id second Sanguinarian to wait for the battleforce to come out. in Febuary we got 2 boxes are coming out for sure and tehre are rumors we will also get a battleforce.


basicly the blood angels can do what codex marines can do and then some (minus some things because we lack certain units like land speeder storms and such...but most things we can do as well :lol: ) but it pays to have a certain focus to your force. some players facor having an jump pack mounted assault forcce (which we can do very well) have an armoured company (which we again, do very well. we can even have assault marines minus jumppacks in cheap fast razorbacks zooming towards our opponents ^_^ ) or we can do an basicly vanilla army with FnP almost all-round and with some specialist units all-round. (basicly what i do :P)


blood angels can be played in several viable ways. tell us what specific playstyle you want to go and we should be able to give you some solid advice ;)


alternativly if you dont want to wait for a new battleforce to come out why not buy the standard one? if you want you can buy a squad of DC marines and/or sanguinary guards and mix those in with the rest of the battleforce. you should be able to fork out a healthy amount of assault marines and tactical marines that way :) you get a rhino and a scout squad that you could use as a cheap objective holder if your so inclined ^_^

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Wait for the battle force but...


I wouldn't buy 6 DC packs, as suggested above. I would buy 2 and then make up the numbers with assault or tactical marines depending on your preference. they are both troops choices for us. You just divide up the contents of the DC boxes to give all your troops a BA look. There are plenty of spare bits in the DC boxes, including jump packs to covert HQ models like the Librarian. A Sanguniary priest, our sort of apothecaries, would give a different flavour to your force. An Apothecary model will do, with a DC back pack.

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Good comment about the battleforce. Even with the standard Marine battleforce, add in 1 box of DC, 1 box of Sanguinary Guard and Astorath comes to just over £100 from GW. With the Sang Guard you could convert 2 into Sang Priests, one into a Librarian, one into a Chaplain and you could also make a better looking Dante model with the bits in this box. The DC Box gives you an extra 5 JP's so you could have either 2x 5man or 1x 10 man assault squad using the combat and assault squad from the battleforce. You then have enough for a 10 man Tac Squad and a 5 man DC to ride in the Rhino with the Chaplain plus the scout squad. Astorath can go with one assault squad while the libby can go with the other and have a priest in each squad.

Hopefully the list will explain it better;



Astorath 220


Libby, JP 125



Chaplain, Infernus pistol 115


2x Sanguinary Priests, JP's 130



Tac Squad(10), ML, PG, PF 195


Assault Squad(5) JP's, Melta, PF 135 ... Libby & Sang Priest joins


Assault Squad(5) JP's, Flamer, PW 120 ... Astorath & Sang Priest joins


Scout Squad (5), Bolter, Hvy Bolter 85


Death Company(5), PF, PW 140 ... Chaplain joins

Rhino 50


1175 Pts


Or with the Sang Guard box make 3 Priests (1 each for the Tac and assault squads), 1 Chaplain and 1 Dante. Depends on how much you need the Librarian really.

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@Brother Chris: 6 did sound a little bit excessive to me as well. I may well get 2/3 and mix that with 3/4 assault boxes.


@Demoulius: I actually quite like all three options haha. But to be more helpful. I like assault marines but am not the best at using them well - usually too defensive with them when I play. I love the rhino's due to the increased movement so that might be the choice that best suits me really. One or the other would be great.

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I'm liking Ebsolom's thinking. One addition, though: you can make Astorath out of the Sanguinary Guard box just as well as Dante. Winged Jump pack and big axe plus a red/black paint job. Make dabbling even cheaper.


Price is no issue but this is a good idea. My main issue would actually have been that the Astorath figure wasn't to my tastes. I think I will do this plan! ;)

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I'm liking Ebsolom's thinking. One addition, though: you can make Astorath out of the Sanguinary Guard box just as well as Dante. Winged Jump pack and big axe plus a red/black paint job. Make dabbling even cheaper.

I did this as well. Not a big fan of the Astorath figure, so I made my own out of Sanguinary Guard parts.

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The deed is done - I ended up buying:


Codex: BA

2 x Death Company

1 x Sanguinary Guard

1 x Space Marine Battleforce

1 x Skull White Paint

1 x Sanguinary Priest


I think that is all :)


In regards to the Sanguinary Priest - I like the on-foot model and could use for Tac squad. Meaning I can make 2x Sanguinary Priests, 1 x Astorath, 1 x Chaplain and 1 x Librarian with the Sanguinary Guard box :)

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Good luck :)... Remember to show us all the WIP shots ;)



Cheers I will try and actually do a proper thread for them. i tend to get neglectful!


Nice one Slyfox! Welcome to the Blood Angels :)


Thanks - will probably hang around the forum lots now :)

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youll fit right at home here then ;)


Finding the time to do all the modelling - spraying - painting - picture taking - uploading them etc = almost impossible. Something always comes up that then means I put it on hold - after that I tend not to do my blog properly.

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